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Everything posted by alg

  1. I have worked with the founders of FactNet, an anti-cult organization that had the majority of efforts spent in exposing the truth about Scientology (TCOS.) As some of you may know, TCOS is an organization that charges members for "classes" to de-program them from certain influences. There is a pyramid of "conciousness" that members climb, ever gaining a greater and great level of "clear thinking." When you study their ideology you will soon discover that they are very much the science fiction brain child of Hubburt who once claimed that he could "invent" a religion. He was right. I have read the top secret, extra supperdupper top level, top secret Hubbard documents that members repudidely pay (after all classes and work are included) - if memory serves me - $400,000 semolians. Let me assure you, they have nothing in common with Christianity. They have nothing in common with any "real" religion on the face of the earth. I will go so far as to say that they should be considered an "abhomination" to Christianity, Mohamidism or ANY religion that believes in God. What they did in Buffalo is nothing compared to what they did to all of us - they sued and intimidated even the IRS to such a point that they gave TCOS tax-exempt status. If they can do that to the IRS, you do not want to mess with these people. Their philosophy is one of rooting out any contention, and using the courts to bleed and exhaust any opposition. I would not even now use my name in writing this post. In the time I worked in these matters , and with the encouragement of the others, I strictly remained annonymous. They find people and do bad things to them. My friend ultimately won an award of apprx $6-7,000,000 from TCOS for their decades-long effort to harrass him, and even to kill him. There are many well intentioned individuals - seekers - who wind up in this group. They prey on the vulnerable. They use a full court press to endoctrinate members of the Hollywood elite to use as a showcase, wining and dining them on fancy yhats and what not. But be not fooled. This is an evil organization at its core. Just do a little research on Hubburt and you will discover his association with the forces of darkness - real live, honest-to-god Satanists and practicioners of black magic like Aleister Crowley who wrote "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." I am ashamed and horrified that such a thing took place in my home town. But for now, I will busy myself in my control panel to make sure that there is no link to my real name and address.
  2. This assertion sounds rather unlikely to me. Actually, it sounds ridiculous. If the Bills had issues with JPs stature and throwing ability, like the supposed expert says, he would not have been the object of our desire. Say what you will about TD, he is not a flaming idiot, nor is Modrak and M&M for that matter. Yes, JPs injury may have set him back in his throwing motion, but to label him a "bust" in everything but name is boarderline outragious. It sounds like your NFL "insider" has his own agenda - the most likely being that he was of the same mind as all the other "lemmings" out there who wrote JP off because he was a "head-case" and not the fiery competitor the Bills brass believe him to be. In any event, such insights as yours and Buftex's are greatly appreciated. It is all too infrequent these days to find actual football info on here.
  3. This is fascinating. It really means that we need to give old Scotty a break. He was a great (and clutch) kicker for the Bills until wide-right.
  4. I read The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy 3-4 times in my 20s. I even owned, read and studied the history and language of the Elves in that time, though I cannot remember the name of the book. Over the last 4 years my wife and I have purchased the extended version of the previous year's movie and watched it, and all previous versions dutifly. In all my life I have never seen a movie live up to the promise of a work of fine literature. Movie makers have ruined everything from Dickens to Tolstoy. Until now. Jackson created a masterpiece - and one I never thought I would see done in my lifetime. I was almost as depressed when it was concluded as I was when finishing the books - out of the sarrow of saying "goodbye." While this work is truly wonderful, it should be remembered that to "do justice" is not to actually exceed the original (written) work. Tolkien's world of wonder may not be outdone in a thousand years. The movies are also not without their issues, many pointed out here. To me, however, the greatest blunder is the one of ommision: Jackson should have made The Hobbit first. Just as it should be read first by anyone contemplating the undertaking. We all have our unique likes and dislikes, but to those individuals who found the books or movies "boring" I say WTF? To each their own....
  5. Yeah, you would have to consider Harrison 1.b in that equation.
  6. I am in agreement with you in that his career should be viewed in hindsight. As to the before and after stats, you should also consider that coaches grow as well. As to Kosar, he was at the end of his career, and who knows if the OL was as well coached then as now. I used to hear every year how they needed to improve their line, but Brady stands unscathed the majority of time. My disagreement is not with people who say Brady is a "great" (or good) QB, it is with those who wish to annoint him and lay palm leaves down for him as he walks by...
  7. I would like your poll better if it said "above average." Brady is a good QB, not an average one.
  8. I think you have articulated nicely the frustration many of us here feel today. Apparently a guy can't be a great player without somehow being the all-time best.
  9. Brady deserves a great deal of credit for his and the Pats success. But as the name of this thread implies, it is to those who over-work his tool that grate on many of us.
  10. Manning IS the system. Chump. Really, why do people have to call someone names to make a point. Does it have to do with a lack of gray matter?
  11. How about the one where Manning threw 3 TDs in the last few minutes of the game to win it? I think that qualifies as a perfect example, though I will have to rely on someone else's memory as to the details.
  12. Bingo! There are plenty of guys in the NFL that can succeed in NE's quality system: McNabb Manning C-pep Green Pennington (maybe just like Brady) Farve Garcia McNair Carr If Brady and all these guys were coming out in a new draft tomorrow, Brady would go ahead of Green. The rest would be picked higher. Please people, just get over this friggin cult-of-personality love fest thingy. Especially over a dang Patriot.
  13. Ok, I'll give you inconsistant. "Sucks" is a relative term, of course.
  14. Your argument means nothing. Bledsoe sucks. No one is saying that Brady is a lousy QB. There are probably 7-10 QBs in the NFL right now that could have similar success in that system.
  15. These types of arguments are usually a complete wast of time, but I am determined to have some fun with it. On that note, let us look at the hypothetical 10 team PGFL (The Pearly Gates Football League) where scouts determine talant based on past (last 40 years) NFL performance and how players will perform in the system. There is only one system, mind you, and all the teams have the same coach. Style leans towards an interesting balance between "finess" and "smash-mouth." Who do the scouts grab to lead their teams and in what order? Remember, they are all about inate talent. They already have the best coaching staff in the Universe. The 1st rounders: 1. Unitas 2. Elway 3. Namath 4. Kelly 5. Marino 6. Bradshaw 7. Young 8. Manning 9. Farve 10. Staubach Honorable Mention: Montana Starr Aikman Lamonica Dawson Stabler Tarkington Fouts Anyway, you get my point. Note that Young went ahead of Montana. Why? Because, all things being equal, he was simply the more gifted QB. Kwibble about the order, I don't care. My point is that, in a league with an even playing field, the guys like Montana and Brady drop because they don't have the physical tools of the guys ahead of them. What, Brady not even with an honroable mention? Note that Bob Griece's not on here either. Another system guy. Rings and records are relative - football is a (big) team sport.
  16. Top Ten is a stretch. He REALLY IS a system QB gang. To some degree all players are. Give the guy credit for hard work and improvement, but please, its the system. You don't think Belichek would be winning SBs with Manning? With Manning they would simply do next day delivery and cancel the game. Flame away, but in my mind Montana is the same animal. Is it a coincidence that he is HOF, and that Steve Young will be voted in this year? No coincidence. Heh, give these guys credit for sure, but lets stop the B.O.A.T. cr@p if you don't mind.
  17. Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks. That's rock power my friends.
  18. [Rant ON] People, people, people. I cannot understand all this talk about Henry only being worth a 3rd, a 4th, or in this case, even a lousy 5th. The guys espousing this belief obviously know nothing about making a deal. You see, if so-and-so-GM only thinks Henry is worth a 5th, he probably doesn't even call Tom because he doesn't want to p$ss him off. As for the GMs wanting to poach Henry for a 3rd or 4th? Well you all, there is this other little factor that comes into play when making a deal: To make a deal you have to offer the other guy something he wants! It is not just a matter of perceived value of the acquiring team, it is also about what that player means to the team trading him. To even suggest that Henry has such little value is to assume that TD is capable of simply cutting him for cap or locker room issues - because those picks do not reflect very high expectations. To suggest this is to also tell me and other Bills fans that you would rather have a backup punt returner or LB then a 1,300-1,500 yard proven rusher backing up or competing with McGahee. And lastly, you are telling the rest of us that Henry sucks! Nonsense! Such assertions, repeated ad-nausea on this board, are becoming ludicrous. If the rest of the league says Henry is a 5th rounder? A good GM (which TD is) says "Thanks anyway, but we'll just keep him around for a little insurance" or "call me back when you want to get serious." Bottom line, if other teams want to steal him, we keep him. WE DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE A DEAL. So stop talking about this like you have any clue. Tom wouldn't ask for a 2nd if he couldn't get a 2nd, or if he would be satisfied with less. Period. [/Rant Off]
  19. I had a dish on the Foothills in Boulder, CO. We routinely got 100-110 MPH winds. Never did we have problems with the dish for that reason. Rainy/foggy/snowy conditions did cause a blackout or three over the course of a couple years, however. Still, I miss my dish!
  20. I agree man. Lets give Travis some respect. And those that would offer top compensation.
  21. No brainer. Stover is a top kicker, period. Man, signing him would be a coop on the magnitude of our signing of Christie from Tampa so many years ago.
  22. Thats just plain evil man...
  23. Yep, ME and '98 are terrible. Check the stuff already listed, especially defrag, but you may also want to check virtual memory and set it at about 500 meg - double the RAM - assuming, of course, that the pc has decent disk space.
  24. Amen to that. Man those are great unis. The only way we change to the current ones is to satisfy the greed of the marketing dept...
  25. Younger?
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