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Everything posted by alg

  1. Right on Mr T. TD has been a highly entertaining GM, who has kept us on the edge of our seats with his bold moves. And most important, many of them have panned out. The group of players you listed are part of a long list of guys he has wisely drafted or paid (or not paid.) The man knows his stuff. That he has made some mistakes is only human, and not the fodder for endless whining. The vitriolic chest pounding that is (now) TBD can really were a guy down...
  2. Harrison was the guy I wanted back then, but was picked just before Moulds. You can argue about production w/ QB diferences, but there is no denying Marvin is the kind of guy you want on your team.
  3. I thought about that RT. With Anderson practicing and getting short yardage/goal line carries at a minimum, and an opponent (SDC) that is tuff against the run, it just seems like too much of a risk.
  4. Thanks. Coming from another Buffalo homer makes it a little easier.
  5. Start 1 RB, 2 WR and 1 Flex in a 14 team IDP dynasty league. PPR for all. I have serious O power, but too many choices. Thoughts? RBs: Caddy Williams C Benson T Bell / Anderson L Jordan WRs: T Holt L Evans Mi Clayton L Fitzgerald B Stockley Right now Im leaning to this: L Jordan Holt Fitz Evans Tough to sit Clayton and Caddy, but against Buffalo's DT? Im even having a hard time deciding between L Evans and Stockley with BS's home game against Jax. Any input?
  6. No argument from me. Personal tast is altogether a different issue. I just just get worked up a little when people dismiss them for being "pop" or "like everyone else." They are guilty, not nesasarily of bad tast, but of not paying attention.
  7. What he said. Coldplay is not simple pop music. It is highly dramatic, and with excellent musicianship and songwriting. True, you're not likely to find yourself banging heads in a mosh pit while you listen too it, but that only commends it even more. Those that claim it is like everything else, or that it's for the lollipop crowd simply have an underdeveloped appreciation for fine music. And before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am a musician who constantly laments the regressive and primitive state of contemporary music. I also listen to mostly "alternative" and will not be found scanning the bubble gum stations.
  8. Funny, I move from Texas (#6) to Colorado (#50) and am compeled to lose 20 pounds in 3 months. Must be something in the air.
  9. Amen brother.
  10. I do. We have to look at them, after all. Eye pollution should be everyone's concern....
  11. 1) Why did you move out of Buffalo? 1976 - for school and adventure. 2) Where did you go? Washington DC, Los Angeles, Boulder CO, Seattle, Boulder CO, Houston, Boulder CO. See a pattern there? 3) How does your new home compare to Buffalo? Always more work at better pay. 4) If the econonmy and job market were stable would you move back? Maybe. 5) What suggestions do you have to improve the quality of life here? Lynch all the polititions past and present, and lower the sales and property taxes bigtime.
  12. I loved the remake, but that does not mean the original was inferior. It is to this day a classic in the genra.
  13. Wow. Right-on on both. Can't believe someone would mirror my tast that completely. I actually like the Cure's version much more then the original. For the movies I would add Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
  14. Excellent point. I think you nailed it.
  15. It has already been mentioned that JP would be the top QB in this draft (and drafted between 1 and 5) which suggests the Bils made out very well. He also got a full year of study in the pro system. All in all, another brilliant TD move. As to the value of points, you failed to make one HUGE adjustment with your calculations. This years first was traded last year, meaning it is discounted to approx 2nd round value. You would not use the 850, but more like 470 used on last years 2nd. Dallas ended up with more points, but if you consider JPs relative value this year, and the fact that we got the 1st in an extremely deep and valuable draft, I would say that we made out like bandits. On paper of course - we need to see how all these guys play first.
  16. No argument from me. Screw 'em all. Remember the Mac/Sosa HR derby a few years back? I had arrived at a place of distain for MLB prior to that, but even I found that race entertaining. What does that look like now? MLB can drown in their own vomit for all I care....
  17. And to think the Bigs are going to let him break the HR record. Push everything under the rug so that America will continue to support a deteriorating league, and a corrupt drug-enhanced statistical inflation. These bozo's knew what was going on, but did nothing because the people paid to see these "great" players hit the ball out of the park in record numbers. A pox on MLB. I was a diehard Mets fan once apon a time, but FA and drugs have made of it something akin to the NHL. Actually thats not fair. The NHL only suffers from greed.
  18. No way man. I am a player and have seen just about every major group in the last 25 years, and Bo has more command of his voice and a stage presence that rivals or surpasses the pros. I garauntee you that, if you buy CDs on a regular basis, that Bo can out-sing half of them. The guy is for real.
  19. Hahaha. Excellent point!
  20. Hickock was the focus before he was killed, not Al. I was shocked, but the show has been terrific regardless.
  21. In the interest of full disclosure, I was a fervent Flute hater, but you must also make such distinctions for your sources: AJ Smith basicly built his career on the Flutie signing. It is what gave him notoriety, and was eventually a large part of what got him the the SD GM job. AJ has a dog in this hunt, wereas I have simply been able to forget.....unlike some here....
  22. Naw, it all started when the Browns hired Butch Davis and gave him control over the draft. Think about it. Brown, Warren, Couch? 3 VERY high picks, 3 VERY big busts. It is amazing Davis was employeed as long as he was. If TD had drafted that badly he would have quit out of fear of all the death threats.
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