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Everything posted by alg

  1. Good, fair post. Seems like everyone wants to demonize him, but the guy had flair. More draft day drama then just about any GM Buffalo has ever had. I will miss his trades, his working of the board. Marv will bore us to death. Lets hope he can do as well as, say, Butler who was no friend to trading.
  2. A Nate trade would almost certainly have to take place before the draft as a sign and trade. To do otherwise would cause the Bills to lose their Franchise Tag for the duration of Clement's contract. .
  3. Actually, Hawk makes more sense for them. There are many who think he is the top defensive player on the board, and possibly the best player in the draft.
  4. Ahhh...it feels good to REALLY hate the Dulfins again. They were starting become just another team. Thanks Nick. You 'da man!
  5. Agreed. You do not pass on perhaps the best player in the draft at #8 for a need pick. Besides, we may really need him. Alas, we're just dreaming....
  6. What player should Buffalo draft to esure that they are not competitive for the next 5 years?
  7. Well put, and thanks for saving me the trouble. To those of you whining about Ralph, or accusing him of whining, just remember this: his efforts are directly related to keeping the NFL playing field equal. It is not about him making more or less money relative to yesterday. It is about him being able to spend for players and coaches on equal footing with the big market teams. You know, the guys who sell tickets to practice, and game day tics for 2x what Ralph can charge. In Bills terms, for you slow learners, that mean......drum role please......KEEPING THE BILLS IN BUFFALO! If you are still unclear, no problem, we can explain it to you again when the Bills move to lala land.
  8. My sentiments exactly. I was a huge lifelong Mets fan and I didn't even watch the WS they played in last. Greed has left MLB dead to me, and if the Bills move, the NFL will not even be an afterthought in my world. Its happening even now. Yes, I am with SDS on his points, but the demise has been in progress for awhile. To wit: Consider that it takes about $200 on average to take a family of 4 to a game. In Buffalo that means hard working people are putting out big cash to see a game that keeps jacking up the rates so that owners and and players can make even more outrageous money. And we listen as players dare talk about "feeding their family." Disgusting. Why is it that such things must trend upward? I see why players wanted a bigger piece of the pie, but why o why must that pie grow like something out of The Blob? Why is it the prices are beginning to compete with a Broadway show? History teaches us that such greed eventually blows itself up. It is only a matter of time before these knuckleheads kill the golden egg laying goose.
  9. Yea really, like he doesn't think a white boy could stomp the sh-- out of him in a serious way...
  10. Thanks. I was going to reply, but you channeled my very words.
  11. Perhaps. Then again, it will also be the ruin of it. Reading what Ralph had to say really p%ssed me off. With guys like Snyder, Jones and Craft railroading in a new (big market) commish, the NFL will be one step away from the fate of MLB. I can't tell you much about those guys, I don't watch anymore. Haven't in 15 years. Since money makes the world go round, I suggest the NFL follow MLBs lead and bring back steriods. We can watch while all the player and team records fall. We may even get lucky and see a bunch of guys die on the field. That would be REAL entertainment. Screw the antiquated idea of rooting for your home team. Team loyalty. Player loyalty. That stuff is for pussies. We want ROLLERBALL!
  12. No, you are wrong. Moulds would not have shown up at mini camp or any other team activity. He would dangle in the wind until Buffalo cuts him before the season starts - assuming he does not renegotiate. While the whole world knew (thanks Marv) that Buffalo would not carry his current salary, that does not mean that Buffalo couldn't take their own sweet time in addressing his fate.
  13. Gee, your list sure cheered me up... Bone-headed trade. We should not have been in a hurry to close a bad deal. Everyone here saying WE HAVE TO TAKE THE DEAL know nothing about making a deal. As soon as Marv stops returning phone calls Moulds' value goes up. If it is indeed a 5th, Marv got worked plain and simple. More then likely a 5th gets someone on the practice squad for a 1 year career. Ye, I am bitter...
  14. Because he is one of the best linebackers to come out if the draft in quite some time? Would that do it for you? Plus what Tipster said... At number 8 I do NOT want to pick a guy because he plays a position we have a need at. That does not make him good. I wish people would realize this. You do not take a top guy at a position when a STAR is looking at you in another one. I will not say what or who that is. That is Marv and staff's job. Unless you guys are pro talent evaluaters I would just as soon put an end to the "we have to pick a - fill in the position - " nonsence.
  15. This 4th round pick thingy has reached the point of obsurdity. Someone, probably Moulds' agent, floated the idea of a 4th rounder. Now everyone is discussing it as if it is fact. Same thing as with the Losman trade. Here's an idea. Maybe Buffalo wants a 3rd or 2nd for him. In the absence of hard information, this is as valid as the idea of the Bills and Texans 'struggling' over a 4/5. Personally, if it was a question of the 4th rounder, I think this deal would have already been done. I don't know, and neither do these clowns who pose as insiders.
  16. Your leaps in logic and information interpretation are truly astounding. Give it up dude. Just as we do not know what is going on in the locker room, neither do you or all the other JP haters. You simply assume, for your own purposes, that the bad stuff must be true. When making a biased "assumption" be sure to not subject the reader to a "factual" conclusion. At least give us the benefit of a form of self-policing intellectual honesty. Some of the things that really stands out for me in this JP "discussions" are: 1. JP MOVED to Buffalo, and remained here most of the last off season (except vacation.) I think he even moved his mom here. As a native Buffalonian I must say this earns him big props right off. The dude actually LIKES Buffalo. Lets not ruin it for him if we don't have to, eh? 2. Unlike Moulds and a number of other players, JP has initiated NO BAD PRESS! He is never quoted as being disgruntled. He never calls out his teammates in public. He in every way "appears to be" the kind of TEAM FIRST guy that a real Bills fan can appreciate. 3. Given that #1 and #2 are FACTS - and the COMPLETE absence of refuting information - I find it nothing short of amazing for guys to be going around bad mouthing him. Combine that with his whopping half a season play, and I find most of these rants moronic at best, and downright mean-spirited at worst.
  17. And here I didn't think the posts in TSW could get any dumber.... Are you people for real? Hell, the rumors on JPs attitude and, now, getting traded are probably coming from your endless, and maniacal rantings. Get a grip.
  18. If it is just the question of the likelihood of Moulds getting cut, then yes, he holds the cards. Buffalo is already on record as saying they want him to take a pay cut. But you all seem to be forgetting something. The Bills do not have to go into the season with him on the roster to gain leverage. The longer they wait, the less likely it will be that Moulds will get a decent contract. If he pushes too hard, the bills can cut him in July or August after all the cap money has dried up. Game set match. As long as Marv isn't a pushover Buffalo regains the upper hand and forces a trade that returns reasonable value. The only way Moulds could screw us now is if he is willing to cut off his nose to spite his face, so to speak...
  19. WTF? I was not being sarcastic. That is, of course, if I am being accurate with the English translation of your writing. PS. As an aside, I am not a spelling Nazi, nor do I go around correcting people's grammar and whatnot. But please. Please! To write without the use of CAPITAL letters, proper punctuation, and the increasingly common absence of paragraphs is essentially saying to your reader: "This thing I'm writing about, and you the reader, really aren't very important, so f$%$%k off, I have better things to do." This criticism is based on the assumption that the writer actually knows better. If not, please finish school before voicing your opinions, and show more respect to your elders.
  20. As a Bills fan I absolutely LOVE this turn of events. Let me count the ways.... 1. Miami now minus (in this draft) a very valuable 2nd round pick. 2. Cpep will probably not be fully recovered by next season. 3. Cpep will find out that, without Birk calling the coverages, he really is as bad as he played last year. 4. Without Moss taking the jump balls, well..... 5. Many turnover ops for the Bills D. And everyone else's.. 6. Will be sucking up a HUGE amount of cap. 7. By the time Saban figures out he has been had it will be too late. Cpep WILL be a coach killer. All in all, I could not be happier. Cpep will be the albatross around Miami's proverbial neck for years. Bu bye Fish....
  21. Why does this topic keep coming up? What has happened that anyone - ANYONE - can suggest that a virtual rookie QB is a bust? One that actually had some REAL MOMENTS on the field? The one guy in a dismal season I, along with many others, was actually looking forward to watching, but who got benched so the coaches could save their job? You guys are sitting around inventing sh-- in your heads about what Marv thinks of JP. Why JP? Why don't we sit around and wonder if Marv really really likes Moulds? Is Eric saying to himself "Do you really love me, Marv?" And yet here you monkeys sit, pud in hand, thinking Marv really doesn't love JP, and that we should trade him for a box of tape. Get a life people. Let the grownups do their work.
  22. Hurry up everyone. The line at the cyanide stand is getting too long, and supplies simply cannot keep up with the huge demand. Have one on me....
  23. As I recall he did fine without Moss. The real problem was not having Birk at center. Saw an interesting article awhile back. It seemed that Birk would actually read the defense for Cpep when they approached the line. Don't know if this was true, but the writer knew alot more about football then I did. All in all, I think Cpep was a product of good teamates - Moss and Birk. I think he will be exposed without similar ones. Hell, since when did a young probowl QB get traded for a box of tape.
  24. With all those aging, over the hill or never has been guys we'd end up starting over next season. Plug a couple holes, sure, but I think your plan would just extend our mediocrity.
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