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Everything posted by alg

  1. Moore made some good points going after corporate looters, but he is out of his element in trying to understand corporate profit motives. He loses it when his POV is shown to be nothing more then an idea that companies exist for no other reason then to give their money to employees. He fails to comprehend the idea that future jobs rely on future profits. Overall, I would critic Moore's entry on the scene as a positive - increasing a certain awareness. And then he went a blew it by jumping into the political areana with a series of half-truths eventuating in lies. His reasoning goes as follows (saw Bowling not F911): GWs family knew OBLs family. They are both involved in Saudi oil. Therefore they must be friends and, ultimately, part of the world conspiracy of US oil companies to take over the world. Moore started off having something to offer. Then he began to pander to the far left wing of politics - the group who's conspiracy theories, paranoia and general hatred of the right have the ability to actually imitate the brain capacity of pre-huminoid life forms on earth.
  2. The lumber royalties came from an oil and gas holding in GWs portfolio that also happens to own a timber company. GW is right on target with his comback. So yea, Factcheck.com was right, that Kerry was right, and completely misleading at the same time. It was a lame comment that set GW up to lay down the hammer of superior personability. Kerry made a wonderful straight man last night... That so many of you find it a disgrace, and not humorous, only shows the depths of your personal hatred for the man. It also shows that you are either 1) willing to ignore true humor for political motive, or 2) you do not actually have a sense of humor. Because this is the real truth: "Need some wood?" will go down as one of the funniest comebacks in presidential debate history. It will also prove to be one of the very reasons Americans will re-elect GW in November. Barring any catastrophic world or political events, this election is over. Dems will have 4 more years to practice their hate...
  3. I think the point Marv is making is that way too many people are simply thoughless followers who are devoid of a clear sense of self, and have to borrow from rediculous fashion/pop culture for a way to fit in. Indirectly he is also say that you are NOT your hat...
  4. I believe M Clayton could turn out to be huge this year, and more then likely was on waivers after your draft.
  5. No. Bus is not going to get 3 TDs every weekend. Would you be excited about his 5 rushes for 1 yard? Dunn is injury prone, so Ducketts value will shoot up the charts when the inevitable takes place.
  6. Outside of Tomlinson your team seams made up of 4-5th rounders. Who did you take in rounds 2-3? You should have had a guy like Davis or Barlow as RB2, or a top WR like Holt, C Johnson or maybe Ward. At worst a top QB like Manning. Your starting WRs seem serviceable but, sorry to say, I think you may fall to the middle of the pack.
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