The lumber royalties came from an oil and gas holding in GWs portfolio that also happens to own a timber company. GW is right on target with his comback. So yea, was right, that Kerry was right, and completely misleading at the same time. It was a lame comment that set GW up to lay down the hammer of superior personability. Kerry made a wonderful straight man last night...
That so many of you find it a disgrace, and not humorous, only shows the depths of your personal hatred for the man. It also shows that you are either 1) willing to ignore true humor for political motive, or 2) you do not actually have a sense of humor. Because this is the real truth:
"Need some wood?" will go down as one of the funniest comebacks in presidential debate history. It will also prove to be one of the very reasons Americans will re-elect GW in November. Barring any catastrophic world or political events, this election is over. Dems will have 4 more years to practice their hate...