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Everything posted by JayFromDC

  1. That's just giving an excuse to probably protect Bledsoe, listen we aren't the only team that has lost and NFL Hall of Famer at QB due to Retirement, look at the Vikings they lost Randall and Replaced him with Culpepper, the 49ers lost Young and replaced him with Garcia, Jacksonville lost Brunell (not to retirement though) replaced him with Leftwich so Im not really understanding your point right now
  2. Brandon that's not really a strong point because with the exception of this year, hasn't Miami been winning without Marino??? hasn't Denver been winning without Elway?? hasn't Houston/Tennesse been winning without Moon?? I mean really I could go on, but hopefully you get the point
  3. Put Drew Back in LMAO
  4. I been explaining it but you Drew Apologists won't listen so what's the point??
  5. Does Andy Reid have emotion?? Hell no that aint it
  6. This is a cop out post my man
  7. it doesn't matter what you say or think, if he keeps this up, he'll be in the damn Pro Bowl
  8. I agree with everything you said instead of the comments about Deion, the guy hasn't even played the whole year nevertheless he has 3 interceptions(1 for Touchdown) and an assist on a punt return for a TD in the Redskins game while only playing a 3rd of the defensive snaps, and is what 40 years old and has been out of football for 3 years
  9. No way in hell we should get rid of Moulds
  10. I agree, it's not about fixing a 1-5 team, it's about moving forward with the understanding that we have a washed up QB and it's a chance to rebuild for the future, that's why you traded you no.1
  11. Don't pay the Drew Apologist no mine my man, they have to paint a picture like he's not the reason for our whoes but we all know the deal, I mean they have defended him all this long, they have to continue, I mean I don't know how you can call yourself a Bills fan if you support Drew at this point I just don't know what's wrong with these people, if we go 1-15 it will be everybody else fault but Drew's, Hell we ran Gregg Williams and his staff out of here and WE ARE EVEN WORSE, so what the hell is it then???
  12. I agree wit you Promo, but I still love my Bills forever
  13. You Bledose fans are UNREAL, when will you stop giving excuses, what the hell else will it take for you to see???
  14. I agree Bills guy but you know the Drew Fans will give some type of excuse
  15. LMAO, that was great MDH
  16. What did I tell you??? whatever he does good one week he will completely erase the stevestojan the next week, HE'S DONE, what other evidence do you guys want of that, its time to load the McGahee, Losman, Evans plan whenver JP get's healthy
  17. So I'm a Ravens fan now because I recognize how great their defense is??? You guys now Drew aint going to do stevestojan against them that's why nobody hasn't said anything yet
  18. CD who cares about spelling dog, this is a message board, not english 101, but people knew what I was trying to say LMAO
  19. hahahah give credit where credit is due, you guys sound so damn pathetic it's laughable, THE DOLPHINS WERE 0-5 PEOPLE, that has what Drew has been doing his whole career except for 1 season, beating all the lame teams and looking spectacular and choking and looking terrible against the good ones, and I don't want to hear anything about the how good the dolphins D is, if you think that Defense is better than the Ravens, YOU DON'T WATCH FOOTBALL, the Ravens offense is just as terrible as the Dolphins and they have won this year
  20. La if you really think I sit at home and root against my team, YOUR STUPID, facts are just facts, yes he did have a good game, but that's not my point, how can you really have any joy over beating a 0-5 team??? how can you have any joy with a guy who is washed up and has never really won and occasionally show's flashes of his younger days like today, my whole point was what will he do next week?? but noone seems to want to answer that, but I know Ray Lewis will
  21. MAd ARE YOU DRINKING??? you still didn't tell me Drew's Career win percentage or his record would be fine to me, because Im just wondering how can a loser all his career with the exception of 1 year take us to where we need to go, can you please provide me with that info, it would be greatly appreciated
  22. Terrell Suggs must be at home salivating at the mouth for next week
  23. Mad you made that sound so good, but you and I know that's bull stevestojan, Do you know Drew Bledsoes career Win percentage?? and How is that team that traded him doing these days???
  24. He threw solid spirals in the wind LMAO, are we at that point really hahahhaha man you guys, HEy LA what were the Dolphins record???
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