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Everything posted by JayFromDC

  1. Come on now 90%, that's reaching
  2. Risin would you agree that lack of awareness in the pocket and indecision would have taken away from your O-lines performance.
  3. IF our line is so bad, why did we have the AFC's leading rusher coming into this game?
  4. My man Max I wasn't trying to make anybody sound like a complete idiot, but you have a percentage of fans who try to analyze things like they are Jaws or somebody and have never played before, something's I believe you would have to have played the game to be able to understand
  5. WOOWW!!! JP better than BIG BEN and equal to Eli Manning, Come on MAn
  6. I don't think our O-Line is that bad though, I mean if you actually played football you would understand that just as the O-Line makes the QB looks good the same thing works in reverse (remembering Reuben Brown blowing a gasket when Drew kept holding the ball one game) I mean what I see is a guy who lacks pocket awareness and is very indecisive in the pocket and is causing some of these sacks I believe.
  7. Bottom Line, look at every other QB in his Class, Eli Manning, Big Ben and Phillilp Rivers, look at what they all are doing, he can't play man, why do we have a hard time facing reality, we went thru this same thing with Deadsoe
  8. I thought Mike Mularkey called a horrible game today
  9. The fact is our season is already done after three games, we have a rookie QB who can't throw an out route and our defense has been exposed and with TKO probably more than likely being out for the season, were finished
  10. Shane Matthews band LMAO
  11. I'd rather be 0-3 with Losman than to watch a statue play Quarterback
  12. THe biggest loss of the off Season has been PAT WILLIAMS, all this talk about Drew Bledose, did Drew Bledsoe play on the D-line??
  13. Goooooooooooooneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! damn how much are you guys going to talk about him he's a Cowboy now, and we can't bring him back and I sure as hell wouldn't want to, who cares how he looks now he will fold second half of the season when the pressure is on like he always does, get over him, he's WON NOTHING in his career
  14. Boo Hoo, I hear all these damn Drew Bledsoe fans crying, FACE IT, HE'S DONE HERE, so if you don't like it you might as well not be a Bills fan because JP LOSMAN IS NOW OUR QB, like it or not, oh and I don't care about him being a damn class citizen, I want to win football games, so Drew good luck and like Pam use to say on Maritin Peeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaacccccccccccceeeeeeeeeee
  15. ahhahahaha Not Really but hell at least Brunell can evade the pass rush
  16. LMAO he would have went 0.5-20.5 hahhahahhah
  17. Have Arizona next week, time to start saying that Bledose still has it, I told you it was the O-line, TD is a great GM, etc., etc., oh boy I can't wait for next week
  18. No but it could have been Warner, Collins, Brunell, Blake, A.Wright, Hell I would have even tried to have made a trade for Kitna
  19. Does anybody remember Reuben Brown's Tyrade last year???
  20. UUGGGHH did you forget about Drew Henson??
  21. Why is it that When Doug Flutie played then, we made it to the playoffs and he rarely got sacked?? but WHen RJ and Drew has played our O-line sucks??? I don't understand this
  22. Agree Guest get registerd lol, but people don't understand that the QB makes the O-line look good just like vice versa, people keep saying that our O-line sucks, well hell we have the best O-line coach in the Bus don't we?? this magical O-line that all these Drew apologists want, we'll never have and doesn't really exist in the modern NFL
  23. What I was trying to say and I'm not sure what he meant for sure is that we can't use Kelly's retirement as an excuse for our lack of winning since his era concluded other franchises with Hall of Fame QB's have drafted well and have rebounded, maybe I misunderstood him
  24. Yeah I can agree with that I mean he had a better Debut than OJ and Thurman last week with his 111 on 26, you can't overlook those types of statistics
  25. hahahaha LMAO that was good Bench
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