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Everything posted by JayFromDC

  1. James that isn't a bad idea, but what if the team happens to move? which I think is going to happen
  2. Thats a part of the frustration sage, we have to be the first team in history to give up 49 UNANSWERED after being up 21 WTF? How much of this can you handle, I can't walk into Ralphs Office and suggest anything as fans we are powerless and have no control over the direction our team goes in, Im just not willing to support it anymore because I don't have a clue what they are doing
  3. Sage I feel you, after they gave Fitz that money, I was very dissapointed and during that 7 game losing streak, that was the first time i found myself just not caring anymore
  4. It wont be a next team, I could never love a team the way I loved the Bills, that would be a bandwagon jumper, I know I just cant do this anymore, I just don't see a light at the end of the tunnel LOL numark I feel ya homey, I used to feel the sameway, as a kid I used to tell my mom I wanted her to marry thurman thomas, I thought it would never come to this point but he has my friend
  5. Doesn't have anything to do with no heart my friend, its about being realistic. Why continue to support something you cant have any real input in, a owner that's almost a century years old, a family that probably doesn't want to run the team after he's gone, a general manager that should be starring on SNL, the longest drought in the NFL without being in the playoffs, a team that gave Ryan fitzpatrick 60 damn mil, should I continue?? I'm just smart enought to get out early
  6. steve stoj whatup, its been a while we used to go at it lol LMAO!
  7. Numark I been telling myself that since the last time we been to the playoffs, which was the year i graduated from damn high shcool, and look at how we lost that one lol
  8. You guys are hilarious, I'll miss yall OWf I been a fan for 23 years, you just joined the damn forum
  9. Resignation as a bills fan. Its been fun, you gave me many thrills over the years well really the 90's. I just cant do it no more, Im moving on bills fan 1989-2012
  10. The bills lost today because we are the bills
  11. When Matt Moore carves your defense up, your d coordinator should be seriously in jeopardy
  12. Who cares about what he says
  13. Is this the scarcasim thread?
  14. How do you give a guy 60 million bucks, 24 mil guaranteed when he has never even been to the playoffs let alone win a playoff game for you. Couldn't we had atleast let him play the season out? should have never done that
  15. Aaron May Have Been has definetly been a disaster!!
  16. I guess now I sympathize with the 45 year old woman that is washed up and has 3 kids and her husband is cheating on her and you ask her, why wont you leave the son of a B word, she says I still love him
  17. Just because they are available, that doesn't mean old Ralph is going to hire one of them
  18. I actually think Trent Edwards is a good QB, somewhere along the lines, he lost his confidence and has never been the same since being destroyed by Adrian Wilson. Of course a better offensive coaching staff would have probably been able to reel him back in, which we have failed to do amongst many other things it seems these days.
  19. I'm not hating but how did this post not get deleted
  20. 0-3 in the division, what's your point?
  21. I actually never understood why we got rid of him, he was a terror at wake forest
  22. won a game since we gave Dick Jauron his contract extension. Who extends a coach's contract who has never been to the playoffs and it was only week 7 I believe. The Giants didn't give coughlin his extension until he won the superbowl, we just don't get it as a organization
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