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Everything posted by Buffalo_Stampede

  1. This clip I saw yesterday was a lot worse than anything that happened on the field. It’s the number 1 reason I am fully on the fire Sean McDermott band wagon. This is embarrassing.
  2. I just don’t know who is benefiting from rigging the game. Why would the owners agree to it? Why would they want the Eagles to win? The one thing about officiating I never understood is fans and media accept the calls that aren’t made a lot more than the calls that are made. Letting them play always wins over more flags. So why not just let them play? I would love to know the entire process of grading officials and what punishment they receive from the NFL. I believe there’s internal grading that happens every game. But this is also secret. It seems like a lot of calls are very weak and could go either way. I understand protecting officials but I think it makes it worse. If somehow they could stop making those weak calls. Marv Levy always had the best line. “Over-officious jerk!”
  3. This is McDermott’s team. I’ve always maintained that. McDermott has the same power as Andy Reid. That’s been reported.
  4. But then they made the biggest call of the game favor the Bills with the roughing call in OT that should’ve gave us the win.
  5. I’ve always said the officials should have to face the media like everyone else and explain why certain calls are made. I don’t think anything can improve officiating. It’s a very difficult job and they will get it wrong at times. I think the key is to make certain penalties less impactful on the outcome of the game. Defensive fouls are way too impactful. Why just a couple people? Refs are protected for this exact reason. They get death threats. Fans think they were paid off if they make a bad call. One thing I’ve always wondered is why no one has created a PFF like site for officiating. Maybe I should, lol. It would get a lot of clicks.
  6. That roughing the passer call should’ve ended the game in our favor. It was a brutally bad call also.
  7. You need more than owners and officials. What is the point of fixing a game? What money? Who is getting the money in your opinion? People want a conspiracy badly.
  8. The players are the ones that blew it. We don’t have DBs that can play aggressive. They are good only in a soft zone.
  9. The problem with fixing anything is keeping people quiet. You’d need thousands of people to stay quiet. It’s not happening. Thats why I don’t believe it’s possible. Heck, look what happened to Michigan. When too many people know about something it’ll always get out.
  10. Do you ever watch high school football or lower level college football? The craziest calls and plays happen in high school football. Just like players make mistakes in live action games so do refs. I do believe there are refs that have cheated the game and made money on their calls. But I don’t believe it’s widespread.
  11. You can’t do it. Too many people involved. But you can have 1-2 bad apples and they can do enough damage. But no, I don’t believe the NFL is fixed. Officiating isnt getting worse, it’s always been bad. We just have more rules and more cameras now. Rules complicate an already difficult job. Cameras show every mistake they make in 4k ultra slow motion.
  12. We needed those timeouts he took. Thats why he’s a dumb coach. I don’t like having dumb head coach.
  13. I typically do the 3 count and I didn’t get to the 3 count. No catch.
  14. Why does Diggs check himself out of the game so often?
  15. If McDermott goes you’re not getting who you want. It’ll be Belichick.
  16. I think the defense is over coached in crunched time and they tighten up.
  17. McTimeout strikes again.
  18. Last time I felt this bad about the Bills was entering the playoff game vs Cincinnati.
  19. I don’t think the Bills are a good football team right now.
  20. First time in a long time that I felt the Bills have no chance to win a regular season game.
  21. Targets isn’t the problem moving forward it’s personnel groupings. It’ll be interesting to see what happens moving forward. Someone will have to play less when Knox returns. Davis, Shakir, Kincaid, or Knox.
  22. No I didn’t. I don’t even think the Bills know how they will use Knox when he returns. The right answer is less Gabe Davis but what we’ll get is less Kincaid and Shakir.
  23. At 35 Josh will move better than Stafford did at 25.
  24. We have no leverage for a multi year deal so unless everyone is offering 1 year deals then we’re not competing to sign him.
  25. He had a good game vs Jets. I felt like there were plays in previous games he was swallowed up or slow to react. But vs the Jets he definitely had quicker reactions and made plays. PFF has liked Dodson in every game. I feel like the Jets was by far his best game. Hopefully he can build on that.
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