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Everything posted by macaroni

  1. According to your "stats" it looks like Eli started the 1st game, was benched, and wasn't given the keys to the team until the 11th game. I would propose basically the same thing for the Bills ....... sit JP, and if we aren't in the "thick of the division race" with Holcomb at week 11 the put the kid back in. Maybe getting a "taste" of the compitition at the NFL level ....... and having a bit of time to let it "sink in" without having to run for his life week after week will do him some good.
  2. I agree ....... at this point our season is NOT over (especially given the injury status of the Pats and Jets) and JP is clearly not getting it done ...... gaining exeriance is nice and all ....... but I'd just as soon not flush the year down the crapper just to give JP "experiance". The keys to the team should be given to Holcomb ...... if (or when) the season is realistically "out of hand" we could then turn the team back to JP.
  3. Sad but true .... Brooks Bollinger ..... the Jets THIRD STRING QB, who most likely hasen't seen any significant practice snaps before last week, against the Ravens yesterday posted numbers of; 14 compleations on 28 attempts for 149 yards ... 0TDs, 0INTs Our QB of the future ..... the anointed one ... posted; 7 compleations on 15 attempts for 75 yards .... 0TDs, 1INT IMHO ...... those are pretty comparible stats, but the one thing that stands out in my little mind is the number of attempts ..... we're bitching that the Bills coaching staff is "pass happy" ....... could the reverse be true ....... that they are not letting JP throw enough?????????
  4. Because if you can't pass ..... and the opponent KNOWS you can't pass, you end up going 3rd down and a foot, and then 4th down and a foot, then turn the ball over on downs. We've got to be able to pass at least once in a while.
  5. Package our 1st round draft pick and Losman to the Chargers for Rivers and their 3rd round draft pick. Trade Clements to somebody for a 2nd round pick. Pick the five best O-linemen with our two 2nd and three 3rd round draft choices.
  6. six field goals and a safety gets you the money ...
  7. I'm not saying they are doing it intentionaly, I just think the coaching staff is trying to bring him along using "baby steps" ...... IMHO ...... throw him into the fire ..... let him chuck the ball every now and then
  8. BUT .... but ..... but ..... we have McNally ........ he can turn these sows ears into silk purses
  9. First off .... JP was not playing against a top 5 QB ..... he was playing against a defense that two weeks ago their starting CBs weren't even on the team .... our defense played against Vick. And as far as comparing JP to Green night last night ...... Green went 23 for 44 for 221 yards, with 1 TD and 0 Ints and JP went 10 for 23 for a grand total of 75 yards, 0 TDs and 1 Int. which set of stats do you think look better????? If Green can't hit the broad side of a barn .......... what can't JP hit?
  10. As a matter of fact I am a true fan ........ I just think some of these quotes are funny ........ and even a real "true fan" like yourself has to admit JP is stinking out the place so bad lately that if you can't laugh you gotta cry ...... and a football game just isn't important enough to make ME cry.
  11. This is my fave "the Bills suck" quote from pig skin addiction; JP Losman is doing an awesome Kyle Orton impersonation or is it the other way around? You could melt those 2 into one QB and still not even reach Gary Hogeboom levels (isn't Survivor a great show). Willis McGahee finally hooked his owners up as he rumbled for 140 yards and a score but that wasn't enough to overcome the Losman effect (75 yards passing). Alex Trebec: This dillweed couldn't hit his own ass with a football, stares at defenses like he's trying to read scrambled Latin, and will ultimately be a decent high school gym teacher in a couple of years. Snake: What is JP Losman. Show me the money Alex!
  12. Didn't you know JP's real first name was Larry ??????????? What kind of Bills fan are you
  13. Could the brain trust at One Bills Drive be hampering JP by trying to bring him along slowly???? It seems to me that JPs career at Tulane (and I'm no expert here) was more of a gun slinger type of style. The playbook we're having him run with the Bills seems to consist of pitter pat little 5 yard pass routes. If I were the opponents DC I would be content in the knowledge that all I had to defend was from the line of scrimmage to five or ten yards back to effectivly stall the Bills offense. To my way of thinking if we opened up the playbook and made the defenders defend 20 or 30yards worth of the field, JP (and Willis for that matter) may start to realize more success. JP doesn't necessarily need to complete every "bomb" ..... but he DOES have to make the opponents worry about completing a few. I don't mean to say we need to go to a "CHUCK AND DUCK" style offense ..... just send the recievers long every once in a while.
  14. I don't mean to say that Drew didn't suck ..... I'm not astute enough to make that decision, so I must leave it up to the coaches. The point I was trying to make was that if the line-TEs-WRs were NOT the problem with Drew ...... then they cannot be the problem with JP. Now JP has an extra burden of lack of experiance, but the fact remains this team has problems. McNally can not polish a turd and make good linemen out of the dregs of the NFL, Moulds very well may be on the downside of his career, our TEs may have hands of stone, our playcalling may belong in a coloring book rather than a playbook ......... I don't know what is to blame ....... I just know we have problems ......... and I don't think they are ALL Drew or JP's fault.
  15. I say let him play ....... not because JP has shown me anything yet, just because he needs a CHANCE to show me something .................. but until he does ....... he sucks.
  16. I guess the point is ..... all of us who said those things to defend Drew were proved wrong by the One Bills drive brain trust when they dumped Bledsoe and handed the job to JP. They are the experts ...... just because us half baked fans think the fault was with the O-line/TE/WRs (or some combination there in).... what the heck do we know ..... Drew is a statue .... Drew hesitates too much ...... JP will right this ship in nothing flat ..... the team is better without Drew. So now if I believe that Drew sucked, just because Drew sucked ..... then it seems to follow that JP sucks, just because he sucks. But I must admit ....... I don't fully believe that Drew sucks as much as he gets credit for on this board .... and therefore there MAY be hope for JP yet ...... however One Bills Drive needs to recognize that we have serious holes in our offense ......... with an inexperianced QB only being a contributing factor.
  17. Survive 4 consecutive Super Bowl losses ?????? Personnally, I choose to celebrate 4 consecutive AFC championships ......... being a fan from the 60's also, I've "survived" the miserable 70's ..... I've survived a decade worth of straight losses to the Dolphins ...... the SB losses may have hurt at the moment .......... but damn ..... those were some fun years to be a Bills fan.
  18. Bills ....... 10 Texans ... 6
  19. 1st play ...... play action fake Willis up the middle, while J.P. rolls to the right looking for an open reciever (with an option to run it if no one is open). 2nd play ...... hand off to Wills running right, who in turn hands off to Evans on a reverse. 3rd play ...... J.P. dumps off to the TE.
  20. That was my first thought knee jerk reaction when I saw the cut lists ...... but isn't Douglas pretty old and pretty much considered washed up?
  21. hey ...... hey .... HEY ........ there will be NO level headed logic allowed on this board ........... take this post back ........... RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!
  22. just my $.02 ...... after being hit by hurricanes three times last year, the one organization that sticks out in my mind (and heart) is the Salvation Army. While I DON'T mean to say the Red Cross and the United Way are not worthy of your donations, the Salvation Army was first on the scene, and the last to leave when the disasters struck. They provided real immediate needs such as food water, shower facilities, ice, etc etc etc. They pulled semi tractor trailers set up as mini-disaster relief facilities right into the hardest hit neighborhoods. I must admit prior to last year I thought The S.A. was strictly a religious organization and was not familiar with what they did. These last couple of days all of the press has centered on donating to the Red Cross and United Way ........ but we need to keep the Salvation Army in our thoughts also ....... for me (and this is strictly a personal choice) my donations are going to the Salvation Army.
  23. The Indy - Cincy result just MAY have been because not ONE Indy offensive starter even played a down last night ...... and only two Indy Defensive starters even got in the game. OTOH ..... the Bills starters pretty much played the first half last night against a combination of a piss poor teams first and second stringers. While I will agree that any stats gleened from the preseason "season" can pretty much be thrown out the window as far as projecting how any given team will do during the regular season ........ you also must admit ..... piss poor "on field - real time" performance should give an indication of the general talent level of the players on the field at the time. And I for one would have thought our first string O & D should have mopped up the field with the Detroit team first and second stringers.
  24. If his ego is that fragile ..... I'd just as soon start looking for a real QB now. Now I want JP to be sucessful as much as every Bills fan does. But if the excuse we have to use for not benching him if he is stinking out the joint is "we might hurt his feelings" ............ well maybe the kid just isn't tough enough to play ball.
  25. Another good stat is 3 games and no injuries. In my opinion the most important thing for the future of JP and the Bills, is playing time. JP is pretty rough around the edges, and the only way he will get better is playing time, and more playing time.
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