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Everything posted by macaroni

  1. I'm sorry ........ but a win against a 1-4 team will NOT define our season .... a loss OTOH may. This is a game we should win .... all of the west coast, visiting team, rabid raider fans, a "must game" for them, they are due BS is just that ..... a load of cow dung. Good teams win the games that they are supposed to win, if we are in fact a good team we win this game.
  2. no, no, no .... not at all. The point I'm trying to make is that the win against the Pat's (in the overall scheme of things) is the more important win. If we want to control the division we need to win within the division. I want to win both games (as we all do) but if I HAD to choose one to lose .... I'd rather lose to the Faiders than the Pats. My reasoning is that if we go undefeated within the division, it goes a long way towards winning the division. Where as a game outside of the division is just another game. I do agree with you in that I'd just LOVE to go undefeated ..... but IMHO, that is just too unrealistic to hope for ....... so I go into every season expecting to lose four or five games ..... I do not agree with you that the players and coaches feel that every game has the same "weight factor" ...... we directly compete with the Pats, Jets, and Dolphins ...... every time we beat one of them we get a win, and they get a loss (and vice-a-versa)..... against any other team we could also both win or both lose which would in effect be a push.
  3. I'm not overlooking the faiders ...... I just think that this is a game we SHOULD win (if we are legitimate playoff contenders) but even if we lose the Raiders game, it really isn't a "stake through our heart". The Pats game on the other hand is a must win if we intend to "take control" of the divison race. I'd LOVE to win both ...... but if I've got to chose only one ..... I'll pick the Pats game ..... of course winning both would be really REALLY sweet, lose both and we may as well pack up the tents on this season.
  4. Maybe he was compairing him to Jeff Garcia who's feet don't actually touch the ground ................... not that there is anything wrong with that ....
  5. In this day of free agency I refuse to get emotionally involved with any specific player. I'm a Bills fan ...... I just want to win ..... I'm not either Kelly or JP's butt monkey. I don't care who is under center, I don't care who is leading the team, I just want to win, and I don't care how or how big.
  6. The big difference is that the 49ers STARTED the season with their vet QB, he wasn't getting results, so they made the change to the rookie to give him experiance. With the Bills, they started the rookie feeling that he could play conservative, not make stupid mistakes, keep us in games, and the defense and special teams could end up winning for us ('ala the steelers last year). BUT ...... the defense isn't nearly as good as we anticipated, and expecting your special teams to win games singlehanded is pretty weak, add that to a QB who seeminly can't hit the side of a barn and we too must make a change in the other direction. I'm not saying JP will not eventually be the future ..... but I think we can all agree is is NOT the present ...... and like it or not ...... the coaches future rides on their win loss record NOW. To us fans there may be no difference between an 8-8 record starting Holcomb and a 4-12 record while getting experiance for JP, but trust me ...... there IS a big difference between 8-8 and 4-12 to the coaches point of view ..... and they don't (or at least shouldn't) care who is the starter as long as they win.
  7. The Pats got rid of him because they KNEW they had Brady to take his place .... We got rid of him because the brain trust at One Bills drive are either too lazy, or too stupid to give him a supporting cast like Dallas has.
  8. I would recommend tieing an old tire onto a tree branch and practicing throwing footballs through it ......... maybe he can sharpen up his accuracy
  9. I for one do NOT realize that the Bills do not have a team to make a strong run at the playoffs ..... I may just be a goofy fan, but the way I see it, first place in the division is currently within our reach. If Losmann continued to play as he has for the last three games (and nothing indicates a lightbulb will suddenly go off to correct his problems) all hope would have been lost. Holcomb just may ..... MAY ... save our season ..... then again he may not, but as a fan, I refuse to give up on the season until I have to and to my way of thinking I don't HAVE TO give up for atleast another two or three losses.
  10. I really don't recall where I "stole" my siggy prior to the first game from, but IMHO it's seems pretty prophetic.
  11. I guess I see what you are saying ...... but still ..... why couldn't Peters play right next to Gandy ...... kind of a LT(a), LT(b), G, C, RG, RT sort of alignment. I know that Peters (for official terminology) would be considered a TE ..... but internal to the Bills he could be considered LT(a) and go to what ever darn meeting he wanted to. The point I was trying to make was ........ our TEs aren't much of a pass catching threat anyway ........ let's put in another lineman (Peters) and call him a TE.
  12. Why isn't Peters our starting TE? I may be missing something here, but it doesn't seem that we have a steller TE playing ahead of him to keep him out of the lineup. I know he is being groomed (or so it seems) to play LT ...... but ..... couldn't he be groomed while he is playing a vurtual sixth lineman and butting helmets with somebody. It's not like any of our starting TEs are a major pass catching threat ..... I would think we could probably give up the sending a TE on a pass route and use that sixth lineman ....... I think everybody agrees we can't play this game using only five.
  13. Wouldn't that just be a topper for our season
  14. NO ...... but it will correct one ........ and that's a start
  16. The problem with that game plan was it wasn't working ....... just like any "game plan" if it doesn't work the coaching staff better make adjustments before it's too late or the game is lost. For what it's worth ....... I stand behind the Bills ....... I may not agree with what they are doing at any given time ....... I for sure don't understand the reasonings for some of the moves ...... but that's the what they get paid the big buck to do and understand. I'm just a fan ....... I just want to cheer our victories ........ and bemoan our losses.
  17. My problem is that I HAVEN'T made up my mind ...... as a matter of fact I refuse to. I want the Bills players to make it up. I really can't see "falling in love" with a player before he has done anything ...... the team annoints JP as the "future" ...... fine ...... gimme something to cheer about ......... JPs not cutting it and they want to bring in Holcomb ....... fine .... gimme something to cheer about. In this day and age of free angency I find it hard to really pull for an individual player anyway. Bottom line is I want to cheer for my team, I back who ever has the "hot hand". Do I think that JP COULD be the future of the franchise ...... sure .... but I'm not willing to flush a season or two down the toilet for him to get experiance. How will he get experiance one may ask ........ to be perfectly honest ...... I don't give a damn, that is the coaching staffs problem. Do I think that Holcomb COULD save the season ....... sure ...... but I'm not willing to say he WILL save the season. All I know is we are 1-3 so far, the rest of the division is still within reach, and our starting QB wasn't giving any indication that he could keep us in the hunt. We have 53 men on the roster ..... at last report they were all professional football players, if one of the men on the field is not cutting the mustard it's time to let someone else earn their money.
  18. My favorite citique of Sundays game ..... Snake's Take: This game is forkin' ridiculous. I get the report that Joe Horn isn't going to play today so I quickly run to change my pick to Buffalo. With no Joe Horn, there is no way New Orleans is going to do anything right? How quickly I forgot JP Losman couldn't score on a fat chick with a bucket of chicken. Just-Pitiful Losman is without a doubt the worst NFL QB this year and that's saying something with Kyle Orton and Brooks Bollinger in action. Buffalo's season is quickly swirling the crapper and as long as they keep Just-Pitiful in there, it should only take a couple more weeks to put the nail in the coffin. Matt Leinart anyone? Deuce McAllister rumbled for 130 yards today and Aaron Brooks managed to not look like a total bumbling boob as he didn't have a single interception or fumble. Shocking. Donte Stallworth filled in nicely for Horn as he hauled in 8 catches for a buck twenty-nine. Both of these teams gargle fuzz-sack but at least the Aints can get some kind of offense going.
  19. IMHO ..... if JP even starts next week it's too late for Holcomb. I'm not saying that I WANT JP to fail ..... what I'm saying is that he's just not cutting it NOW. I don't know if Holcomb can do better .... or will do worse, but before the season gets out of hand we need to give him a chance ...... a REAL chance, meaning taking the snaps with the first string in practice this week, and starting the game Sunday. In my opinion once we amass six losses the season becomes meaningless as far as playoff possibilities etc (I know we may not be mathmatically eliminated when we reach six losses .... but that is where I'd draw my line) so once we "earn our sixth loss, then we can hand the keys back to JP and play for "experiance".
  20. But .... but ... but ... how can this team be worse than last years ..... Jennings was an under achieving oft injured backup quality LT. Phat Pat was an over hyped, over paid, out of shape, part time player. And of course there is always the "addition by subtraction" team improvement the team made by dumping Drew. The O-line has obviously been made into a group of silk purses by McNally working his magic on a group of sows ears. I'm amazed we're not undefeated at this point.
  21. Can't be the line ............. we've got McNally .... he's a god .... if he thinks our guys are OK who are we to doubt him??????
  22. I proposed yesterday we package JP plus our first, for Rivers and their third. A high 1st round draft choice scares me ....... we might draft a right tackle with intending to convert him to a left tackle after he gains some experiance ........ been there ..... done that
  23. IMHO ....... Game 1 ......... Texans suck ..... they really REALLY suck Games 2 & 3 ....... The Bucks and Falcons do not suck Game 4 ...... while the Saints mainly suck, every once in a while they play well. Combine playing semi-well, with a loud "home" crowd, and you get ... not suck so bad.
  24. I agree 100% with your point of if they are going to make the change, they need to make it now or never. I am nether a JP or Holcomb fanatic, it doesn't make a rats ass to me on a personal level who is behind center ....... I just want the guy who gives us the best chance to win in there while winning or losing can make a difference. As far as playing games to give some "new kid" experiance ..... I say let him get experiance either in "mop up duty" or when the playoffs are resonably out of reach.
  25. But Orton has a better compleation percentage, more yards per attempt, and more total yards.
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