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Everything posted by macaroni

  1. 42.7% of the time … worth the risk I guess.
  2. IMHO, I think it's a combination of both. The Bills have made a concerted effort to upgrade the defense while leaving the offensive side of the team as is (hopefully only until next off season). We went into the offseason with an OK line (not good, but OK) however with Wood and Incognito leaving our OK line was downgraded to a urine poor line. Add to that Castillo, who's coaching technique seems to be … "you fat guys on this side of the ball, try and somehow get in the way of those fat guys on the other side of the ball" and you have a recipe for disaster … which is exactly what we have for an O-line. As a side note; Daboll is not without blame, he should know our O line is substandard, he should know a rookie QB needs a beat or two longer to process what is going on, so his game plan should be exclusively quick hitting plays. screens … bubble … screens … quick slants. If a play takes longer than 2 or 3 seconds to develop it's just not going to happen behind this line.
  3. What I would do is cut Peterman, he has had his chance and for some reason just can't carry over his Practice/preseason performance to game day. Go all in with Allen, he is our future no denying it, so might as well have the philosophy that today is the first day of the rest of our life. With the slot that Peterman's release gives us sign a "graybeard" QB that can "mentor" Allen. As much as I USED to like Peterman (and agreed with bringing in A.J.) that QB room left a lot to be desired as far as nurturing the maturation of a rookie QB. The QB room would have been fine if either Nate or A.J. proved a competent QB and gave Josh the luxury of sitting on the bench soaking in the knowledge … but as it stands I shudder at the prospect of Josh trotting off the field after a bad series and having to rely on Peterman for advice as to what he should have done or what he should be looking at. My candidate for our QB "graybeard" would be Derek Anderson …. not because I think he may be good, but because he's been around the block, and I'd be much more comfortable with him substituting for a game or two if (heaven forbid) Allen gets dinged up a bit. Secondly, I'd STOP trying to upgrade our personnel on defense … tell Frazier that we've spent all season upgrading talent on his side of the ball, either figure out how to stop the run and field a pass defense that could stop a DII college, or we will find a coordinator who can. Thirdly, scour the waiver wire … hell scour the local bars … maybe even the homeless shelters … to find upgrades for our O-line. If the Bills brain trust REALLY believes we have ANY talent on our O-line than they need to fire the O-line coach. I'd almost bet dollars to doughnuts that the extent of Castillo's coaching skills are to tell his linemen … "you're big fat guys, try and get in somebody's way out there".
  4. The thing I can't stand (or understand) is that over the last four or five years the Ravens are a .500 football team, the Bills are one game under a .500 football team, but the national media gushes platitudes about the great team/organization the Ravens are but tend to look at the Bills as the red headed stepchild of the NFL.
  5. Thanks Mead …. mark me down for a general parking …… Whoooooooo Hoooooooo
  6. My son & I are flying up from Florida for the home opener, problem is that the last time I attended a home game was the year the stadium was built. While I've read many posts about the shenanigans and goings on at Hammer's lot, I have absolutely no idea where it is or how to get there. If someone could message me with either a map or a "GPS-able" address I would love to reserve a General spot for Macaroni & son.
  7. My son & I were discussing Daboll's "preseason offense" just last night. The curious thing to me was it looked like he opened up with game #1 switching up the personnel groupings, and using a ton of pre snap movement, and game pace variations. Games 2,3 &4 were pretty much a vanilla man on man slugfest. The Defense pretty much was also straight up vanilla no stunts, no twists, and minimal blitz packages throughout preseason. I almost feel that after the first game McDermott went to Daboll and said … "knock off playing preseason like they were game situations, what I want to see are man on man stress situations to see who has the grit to play on this team. We will perfect the fancy schamcy dancy crap during our practice time."
  8. IMHO ….. I don't consider the drought as over. We haven't played our way into the playoffs, we needed help. HOWEVER, the clock has been reset, we Bills fans no longer have to suffer the "experts" pointing out that it's been 17 years since we've appeared in a playoff game.
  9. You just have to quote Tyrod's stats from last year ... 263 completions … on par with McCown, Brissett, Cutler, Kizer 2799 yards … on par with Cutler 14 TDs … on par with Brissett, Mariota, Siemian Longest completed pass was 47 yards … on par with Siemian We lost games in which we could only score 3, 16, 10, 3, and 3 points. In those games the opponent scored 9, 20, 47, 23, and 10 points … IMHO even a half posteriored QB could have pulled out two or maybe three games. By all accounts TT was a good guy, no one will ever say TT wasn't a hard worker, TT was an exciting player to watch … but it was because of his running ability NOT his QBing ability. Once the oppositions defense game plan was to force Taylor to be a QB and not a RB he was pretty much ineffective
  11. Ahhhhhhhh .... I have my own hypothesis on how the whole thing started. Keep in mind that I have no idea what Kaepernick was thinking, or what was truly in his heart at the time ... but the whole "I'm protesting social injustice" thing just doesn't ring true to me. I know it's contrary to the media reports ... and I SHOULD take a mans word ... but. If you'll remember Kap's "protest" originally started with him not joining the team during the national anthem and choosing to sit quietly on the bench by himself. In my mind that is contrary behavior by a man who's entire life was spent as a teammate, and contrary to a man trying to get a message out to the media. You will also remember the original instance of the "protest" was the week Kap was benched ... the only reason it got media exposure was to see how he was handling his benching. I propose Kap's actions weren't as much as a social injustice protest as it was the team don't love me ... I don't love the team, I'm gonna eat some worms. When asked by the media WHY he sat on the bench during the team gathering for the anthem, fully expecting Kap to lash out at the team, Kap took the high road figuring if I said I'm pouting about being benched wouldn't sound so good, so he grasped at the headlines of the day (the police shooting unarmed/innocent black men) the media broadcast that and the protest "got legs". Once again I could be completely wrong ... but I would have thought if the social injustice angle was REALLY a thing pre original protest, Kap would have discussed it (and his intention to protest) in the locker room prior to that game . Additionally, because the social injustice was and is real, he would have had at least SOME support of his teammates, and there would have been more than just him protesting. Just my hypothesis ... could be completely wrong, could be right. But in the end the PROPER message was sent by the players.
  12. On those points we agree ... However the NFL very well could be PART of the solution ... I can't think of a better example, other than maybe the military, where the common goals of the "team" can not be achieved without the full unselfish cooperation of everybody on that team, regardless of race, creed, or color. The teams need to work in the communities (holding themselves up as shining examples) combating racism on both sides of the color line ... and yes I believe there is just as much racism from the black community towards the white as there is from the white towards the black. I do believe the Bills have started a community outreach program funded jointly by the owners and players, and I would hazard a guess that other teams do the same ... unfortunately that doesn't warrant the same air time as the "protest problem". I also agree that the fans don't tune in to a ball game to solve social injustice (at least I know I don't), but millions upon millions of fans DO tune in. The fact that the players have such a widespread audience comprised of a cross section of our population gives them a perfect forum to get their message out about social injustice. To understand MY point, you must understand that I feel the protest was never meant to SOLVE social injustice ... it was meant to get the problem talked about ... bring it to the forefront ... maybe spur some actions toward solving the social injustice problem. Where we lost our way is that the media took the easy way out and created a furor over a couple of players kneeling during the anthem, instead of taking on the difficult questions as to why this social injustice can still take place in this country, and how can we as a society solve the problem.
  13. Ya see BBO ... that's where you and I differ ... I see it as an attempt to stifle the message, not solve the problem.
  14. And exactly what problem DID they solve??? BBO, you have been duped by the media into thinking that the protests are the problem ... I propose the problem is NOT the protests, it's what prompted the protests in the first place. One of the "dad sayings" that my kids have grown up with is ... "the problem is never really the problem ... however, how you respond to the problem could be a problem." The players wanted to send a message ... we as a society can receive that message and either strive to change the situation that caused that message to be sent, or disregard the situation because we think the cause isn't worth our trouble. The way I see it we (players/teams/league/fans) should be striving to correct the social injustice ... NOT trying to solve the "protest problem"
  15. There are a number of ways the anthem protest "problem" could be solved ... The easiest is to discontinue the playing of the anthem prior to the game. The song isn't in any way integral to the game, and if we were brutally honest with ourselves, its purpose pre-protest was pretty much as a signal for fans to run to the concession stand for a beer before the action starts. or Another relatively easy way is for the media to stop talking about the anthem protest, stop broadcasting the sidelines during the anthem, stop beating this dead horse of an "issue". The protests are old news, I believe it has served it's purpose in rising awareness, and now we are to the phase of what are the players/teams/league/and fans willing to do to correct the social injustice that caused the initial protests. or Not as easy would be for every time a radio talk show mentions "anthem protest" turn it off ... mention in every call, every tweet, every social media interaction we fans have with the media, that we the fans have "received the message" and refuse to be whipped into an indignant frenzy over a group of individuals exercising their right of free speech. IMHO ... the whole anthem protest thing has pretty much lost focus. It has devolved into a protest against President Trump interfering with the NFL, into a the team/league can't tell me how to act or think, a hey look at me .... I'm correcting social injustice by kneeling during a song. The only reason it's still "a thing" is that it is continually being hyped by the media.
  16. Name three .... I raise the BS flag on this one. Dez is everything this team has gotten rid of. The brain trust at OBD don't want a prima donna of that scale within 100 miles of the Bills locker room.
  18. I live in Central Florida and have watched this kid play quite a bit. He is a baller and would make our team better by being on it. He would immediately be a special teams ace, and I could see him playing some sort of "in the box" safety for special packages. Believe it or not, his ball skills are not horribly worse than some of the "thumper" type of safeties/CBs even though he has one hand. Sad fact is NFL front offices are pretty much "old school" and if a player doesn't fit a prototypical blueprint, they won't give him much consideration.
  19. Leading up to the draft I hated the thought of drafting Allen ... truth be told I slotted him AFTER Roudolph and even Lauletta ...... My worst nightmare was trading up in round one with Rosen/Mayfield/Darnold still undrafted, and picking Allen. After we announced our pick (after I stopped crying) I've decided he now wears a Bills uni ... he's a likeable kid ... I trust the process ... The brain trust at One Bills drive chose him and not Rosen (and they know scouting way better than I) ... Bottom line is he's my guy, I'm all in ... may the best QB win this completion and lead us to the playoffs. GO BILLS
  20. we need a QB ..... if we can't find a trade partner for the QB we want, then getting Rudolph is a no brainer. I've always thought he was a viable "plan B" @ pick 22 .... but the more I think about how many QB needy teams are out there, I guess Rudolph at pick 12 shouldn't be out of the question.
  21. I'd draft him in the 4/5th round ..... I just don't think he'd ever win a Super Bowl. just sayin'
  22. All I have to say is desperation is a poor evaluator of talent
  23. I want a QB that doesn't already have built in excuses
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