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Everything posted by macaroni

  1. I'm kind of interested ....... why do you think the Pat*s go down if Cassell goes down ..... I mean really ..... he's their second string QB ...... before he took over the reigns of the Pat*s the last game he started was in High School. It almost looked like at the end of preseason they discovered they had an opening in the backup QB spot on their roster so they filled it with the first person who had QB experiance in their past that walked through the door. If ever we thought the Pat*s would flounder it should have been when Brady went down. I don't know who their third string QB is ..... hell I don't even know if they HAVE a third string QB ..... but they certianly have as much if not more NFL QBing experiance than Cassell had before he stepped behind center.
  2. IMHO it is a combination of things; Combine The opposing teams have figured out our only running play is to hand the ball to "the beast" who runs full speed into the back of one of his guards (who has been pushed three yards off of the LOS) with the opposing team can most times pressure, and some times sack, the QB by rushing only one player confident in the fact our O-line will trip each other clearing a direct path to our QB. with When the opposition is on offense .... and faced with a 3rd and 9yards, our defense will drop back from coverage 15 yards to prevent "the big play". with in an attempt to avoid amassing the dreaded roughing the passer penalties/fines, our "pressure package" amounts to running around their QB and making loud noises while waving our arms. Add them all up and what do you get????? (hint We are watching them every Sunday afternoon)
  3. Of course it was thrown short ....... didn't you see it? If it was properly thrown it would have been out of reach of the defender, and Hardy would have had to jump to get it. That being said, Hardy did not get physical with the munchkin defending him ..... he did not come back to the ball ..... he did not come over the top and "prybar" the ball out of the defenders hands. Admittedly I'm a fan of Edwards, but he's the QB, he threw the ball, so I lay the blame for that INT on his shoulders ...... but good recievers help their QBs out of a jam on poorly thrown balls, and Hardy could have a number of different ways but didn't. On another note ..... just because we've isolated a single play at the end of the game that amounts to a hail mary play, and assigned blame, it is NOT to say either player is bad Trent threw a jump ball short ........ bad passes happen all the time. Hardy didn't come back for it or prevent the INT .... he's a rookie ..... he'll learn the tricks of the trade
  4. Dang ....... I didn't know dick J. posted on the board
  5. Yep ...... I think the accepted average is about year three a WR normally comes into his own and you know what you've got. As a side note, I was living in the bay area Jerry Rice's rookie season, he stunk it up so bad at first he was seriously thinking of quiting. When he called his father to say he didn't think he could cut it his father said something to the effect of quit your whining, do what the coaches tell you, and if you're not good enough they'll cut you, if they see promise they'll let you hang around. (I seem to recollect he did in fact "hang around" a while and did have a little success in this league). I too am not impressed with Hardy at this point ...... but I'm not the guy he needs to impress, if the coaches see some promise maybe they'll let him stick around too.
  6. IMHO ...... A team becomes "real" when they CRUSH the weak teams and beat the good teams on their schedule consistantly. Until you can look at the schedule during preseason and say "I'm sure of this win ..... that win ..... and that win ..... we have to be on our toes for this win and that win. As long as we have to say ...... I'm glad Brady is out this year so we stand a chance to win the division .... I'm glad player "A" is injured so we don't have to face him this week, we are a mid-level team aspiring to greatness. When we are "real" we won't give a rats a$$ who is lining up against us we know in our hearts that we stand a darn good chance to win the game, any game, no mater who is on the roster. I don't mean to say we have to go undefeated ....... but a loss should be a surprise. That being said ...... I agree with the previous posters who say ..... this team is good and getting better with each snap of the ball, sit back and enjoy the start of something wonderful and quit worrying what the "experts" think about us. Face it, we are in a secondary market as far as the NFL is concerned ..... the fans will realize the Bills are "for real" looooooooong before the rest of the nation does.
  7. I understand where you come from ...... now take the drubbing we have been suffering at the hands of the Pat*s and suffer through it for an entire decade ..... no matter what you do ..... no matter how bad they get ..... no matter how good we get .... we lose ...... twice every year ...... year in and year out ..... no matter what ..... for ten long years. Now just how bad would you hate the Pat*s???
  8. For us "old timers" it's not as much as a rivalry as a deep rooted hate, granted it has been an on again off again rivalry, but only when the teams are at a comparable talent level. When one team sucks and the other is doing well you really can't be rivals in the truest form. In the last thirty odd years the Bills and that other team have certianly passed the "suckatude crown" back and forth a few times, but the wounds suffered as a young lad during the 0-fer 70's have not healed .... they will not heal ..... I hate the dolphins ...... I hate their uniforms ...... I hate their coaches ........ I hate their front office ..... I hate their owner ....... I hate their mascot ...... I hate orange and aqua ..... I hate the city of Miami ..... their cheerleaders ..... well I don't hate them as much, but I still hate them a little bit
  9. Me too ....... cheap points are why our special teams are so valuable. A lesson taught by Marv and taken to heart by the Bills ever since.
  10. Wow .... thanks for the stats. No "knock" on Lynch, I like he's one of us, but I've always THOUGHT Jackson ran better as far as the "big" gainers. I thought Lynch was better than great to get the needed 1 - 3 yard smash, but Jackson excelled on the flashier bigger yardage runs. I'm not one to check stats much so that was just a perception of mine. I find it weird that I've formed that opinion ....... maybe it's their running style ....... Jackson being more fluid, and Lynch being more of a "rock em sock em" type.
  11. Awwwww you young wipper snappers ........ Why I remember back in the day at the ol' Rockpile when yellow rivers would cascade down the isles ..... women in the mens room ....... men in any convienient corner, and that was when everything was working as they were supposed to. It was bad ....... reallllllllll bad Leaving the game just because your shoes are filled with a little recycled beer??????? What's up with that????? Take your shoes and socks off and watch the rest of the game like a man
  12. The bottom line is, we are still a game in front of them which means at this point we can afford to split our games with them ..... they can not afford a split ....... they HAVE to win both
  13. IMHO, KC started a youth movement this year, everyone knew they were going to stink, and they are not disapointing. Detriot has been a dysfunctional organization for a few years now, nobody expected them to do diddley, and they're not. That leaves Cincy, a team with a smattering of legit stars, granted Palmer is hurt, but they still have Chad and T.J. and they just stink. My vote goes to the Bungles.
  14. Going to the Camalot Motor Lodge to watch Cookie sitting on his helmet watching the rest of the team practice ..... when I asked my dad how he gets away with it he laughs and says "son ..... superstars don't need practice". pregame ritual of filling up those hand warmers with lighter fluid and lighting the wick so our hands would keep warm ..... I have never figured out how those darn things worked, and still don't know why the entire stadium didn't blow up because 40,000 fans had their pockets full of lighter fluid filled flasks with smoldering wicks on them. Stopping to buy fresh roasted peanuts from the vendor on Best street. Even today when I watch them on TV I can swear I smell fresh roasted peanuts. Getting the seat behind the pole because I was the youngest kid. One game (against the Pat*s I think) where it was snowing so bad no one could see the field, so the stands erupted into a giant snowball fight for the rest of the game. Sunday victory was either; A. A Bills win B. Finding an open stall in an operating restroom in the rockpile.
  15. Reality check for the newbie 1.) Every group of sports fans need their whipping boy ...... J.P. is ours ...... get over it. 2.) Agree that the call would not have been over turned ........ but that is after I've reviewed it numorous times from different angles in sloooooooooo - motion. In the heat of battle, when a snap judgement is called for, the correct action is to throw the challenge flag on a potential game turning play that was that close. 3.) Actually the hit was a cheap shot .... he drove the crown of his helmet into OUR starting QBs chin ..... now is it a cheap enough shot to cause a flag/fine/suspension? I don't think so. But it WAS a cheap enough shot for us fans who view the world through red/white/blue glasses to cry foul. 4.) Damn, I agree with this point ........ good job In conclusion, you've got some good things to add to this board, but your condescending attitude makes you an asswipe.
  16. I may agree to an * next to the Bills 4-0 record ........ but What goes next to the Titans 4-0 record??? The Bills have played Jags, Seahawks, Raiders, and Rams who have a combined record of 4 - 11 The only other AFC team at 4 - 0 is the Titans who have played the Jags, Bengles, Texans, and Vikes with a combined record of 3 - 12, do they get a **? While we're assigning *'s let's assign one to Cincy's 0-4 record because they are obviously better than their record .... they've played the Ravens, Titans, Giants, and Browns with a combined record of 10 - 3. Bottom line is ya gotta play who is on your schedule ..... win em all and you're a good team, lose em all and you stink. Plain and simple
  17. I don't think a "blow out" is what the Bills are currently game planning for, ... IMHO ... the team is looking for long sustained time killing drives rather than the explosive play. Of course thats not to say the Rams can't make it a blow out by not scoring, but like last week I think our plan is to peck away at them all game.
  18. While I do like Holt, I don't think I'd be willing to get into a bidding war with teams like the seahawks (who despiratly need a reciever) for his services. I think he could be a piece of the puzzle to make the Bills a better team, but not nearly as big a piece he would be to Seattle right now.
  19. IMHO The Bills are a far way from playing their best football; we have an inexperianced QB we have a rookie WR that when he "learns the game" will be an additional weapon especially in the red zone our two additions on the D side of the ball (Stroud and Mitchell) are still getting aclimated to "the scheme" and their teammates. Poz is still pretty inexperianced The way I see it with every game .... with every snap of the ball ... the Bills are getting better and better as a team. The fact we are getting all of this experiance and STILL able to chalk up wins is a even better yet because qalong with the experiance we are gaining confidance. By the end of the year this team can be scarey good.
  20. Their strongest point this year is that they have spiffy uniforms. They are pretty weak in every other aspect of the game of football.
  21. Hey ...... I'm not complaining, I've always liked Fletcher-Baker, glad he's back from the skins
  22. This may be herasy ... but IMHO Hardy does not look ready for primetime just yet. With the exception of his TD reception (which was very VERY good), he's shown very little in his limited playing time. It seems to me with a reciever corps full of munchkins like ours, the coahing staff would have found more "situations" to work our pass catching giant into the mix. Granted I don't take a roll call prior to every snap, but I don't recall Hardy being on the field much, which tells me the coaching staff feels he's not ready yet either. Hopefully it's a case that Rosco has been doing so well that the coaches were afraid to pull him out rather than Hardy isn't ready so they were afraid to put him in. I for one will keep my fingers crossed for the next 3 - 4 weeks.
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