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Everything posted by macaroni

  1. Slightly over 50% predicting the Bills make the playoffs ...... not bad
  2. I say as long as the season hasn't started to open it back up .... and let us procrastinators get back on board.
  3. What I don't understand (and this could be a function of me not actually seeing the game but listening on the WGR feed) ... how can th D dominate Pit for the first 28.5 minutes of the game not allowing them to put together a decent drive .... and totally suck the last 1,5 minutes? It's not like Pit got one or two "luckey plays", they sounded like they methodically chunked down the field at will. It was almost like the call came down from the booth ... "OK guys we've seen what we wanted to see, bring it back to the barn, just don't get yourself hurt this last series. Also on Offense it almost seemed that they were "feeding" the ball to Steevie, like he and Fitz were trying to work something out (and failing). It just didn't seem they were making an attempt to spread the ball around. If I were the king of the Bills (which I'm not) I would have been targeting everybody except Stevie trying to figure out which WR I'm keeping on the roster. I know it's only preseason so I don't get too high or too low after each game ... but more than one thing this preseason has me scratching my head. So for you guys and gals who actually watched the game; Was the D as dominating as they sounded the first 28 minutes ... or was Pit just inept ... did it look like the D "let up" the last 1.5 minutes, or is that who we really are? Did Stevie get an inordinate number of "targets" the first half?
  4. Nothing to be sorry about John .... I agree 100% .... I was just being silly about the accumulation of idiots and my fear of missing the roll call ... lol
  5. I wasn't going to post in this inane thread ... but now that I see it's a rally point for the idiots of TBD, I am strangely compelled to add a post.
  6. Yeah ........... and your point is???
  7. I'd rather he said "it's hard to win in the NFL ..... and impossible to win against the Patriots". THAT would have made me feel a whole lot better.
  8. Could be the same reason half the TV announcers think that a guy by the name of Ryan Fitzgerald is the QB of the Bills
  9. My only question is why now? I thought picking him up when we did was a no brainer we HAD to take that gamble ... His injury on his first practice worried me some (but stuff happens) ... his injury last year worried me a lot (but injuries happen) ... I was happy when he finally got the surgery to set things straight with his nagging injury instead of trying to rest it back to health. All that being said my glee when we picked him up was somewhat dimmed, and I had finally come to the realization that he would never come even close to what he once was, but with the way things went this off season he didn't have to be near what he was ... he just needed to contribute as a part time / situational player (and I do still believe he can do that). I get all the talk of younger players getting more reps if he's gone ... I get young players growth may be stunted if he stays ..... and I KIND OF get giving him a chance to "hook up" with another team (but that last item should be reserved for somebody that produced for the team for a number of years and was getting "pushed out by a young stud or salary cap issues). Bottom line is we still have two preseason games before the final cut down and those "young guys" we want to give more reps to just may get injured. The Bills lose nothing to keep him on the team for two more weeks. As far as taking the "moral high road" and cutting him now to enable him to get on another team I say B.S. ... the moral high road was paying him for the time he was here rehabbing with no complaints, and the strategic high road would be to keep him around for at least two weeks for insurance.
  10. How about awarding all TBD posters over 60 who have 2661 posts or more a free T-shirt? just sayin'
  11. Last years team was actually one of my favorites as a bunch of guys playing football ..... but as E-ball so aptly corrected me ... was also one of my most dissapointing ... and as for the 2008 team I thought we had finally replaced Kelly .... we finally had our franchise QB .... then the team .... and he went into the crapper I've been a fan from the first days of the Buffalo Bills ... and those two teams just tore my heart out. Give me a stumbling rumbling bunch of losers and I can enjoy a season of comic relief ... show me a glimpse of greatness then snatch it away .... I don't even want to think about it ... it makes me tear up a little bit.
  12. I get that everybody is basing this on a pure win/loss record ....... but .... My vote goes to either the 2011 or 2008 teams. Starting the year 5 & 2 last year, and starting 5&1 in 2008 and finishing 6&10 and 7&9 was really a swift kick below the stomach region. I would much MUCH rather know we stink from the get go than be interrupted in the middle of making reservations to the playoffs/super bowl to be notified we suck. just sayin'
  13. Sideburned studs stomp Seattle
  14. Mustachioed Manly men make mincemeat of Miami Hirsute Hulks Hammer Houston
  15. I think the bigger question is why did he start weeks 9 - 11 ... just saying ... was the coaching staff so down on our backups that they didn't trust them? If so what the heck are those backups still doing on the team?
  16. Dwight ... you take the stand that Ralph has held us fans "hostage" and diliberatly fielded a sub standard team for his profit, and didn't move the team for greener pastures because of us butt kissing fans supporting the team. But you are also angry that when the team gets sold to the highest bidder those new owners will somehow decide to up and move the team to greener pastures. You gotta pick one side of the arguement bud ... either Ralph kept the team in Buffalo eventhough he could have made more money elswhere .... OR .... it doesn't matter who buys the team, those "greener pastures" just don't exist. Personally I think (notice I didn't say know) Ralph has kept the team in western New York out of some sort of loyalty to the community .... just as he has voted against any team relocating from their "home city", and I fear the day when "our team" gets sold ... I am holding my breath until that all shakes out. You may be upset with some of his decisions as to who he has handed the reigns of the team over to with the exception of maybe Bill Polien, John Butler, and maybe Buddy Nix (time will tell on Buddy) as am I ... but to paint him as the evil empire is a bit harsh.
  17. You are still a jerk
  18. The only thing I would change is that I wouldn't procrastinate and get my picks submitted before you close the contest
  19. You sir are a jerk
  20. I hear where you’re coming from, I too despise people who whine about sensitive soles … darn it if your feet are too tender walk around for a few days without shoes … develop a few calluses … put your big boy panties on and … Ohhhhhhh you mean sensitive souls …… nevermind
  21. You mean to say that the deal the Rams got to move to St Louis, or the Raiders got to move to L.A. (and then back to Oakland), or the Browns to move to Baltimore, or the Colts to move to Indy, or the Oilers got to move to Tenn, or the expansion team got in Houston, or the expansion team got in Cleveland couldn't have been "parlyed" into a better financial situation Ralph has in western New York??? Maybe you are right, maybe Buffalo is the land of honey and untold wealth and easy pickins for an NFL owner... but I choose to believe that Ralph is holding down ticket prices because that's what the local economy can bear ... but that problem could have been solved a number of times in the past and he chose not to. After all is said and done our team is here for no matter what reason ... doesn't matter how one views the situation, it's going to be a fun year, one we will both enjoy ... GO BILLS!!!
  22. I didn't mean to insinuate the Bills should or shouldn't have PSLs ... the PSL thingy was just part of my response to a poster who says the Bills should return some of their City/County/State subsidies back to the fans/community ... my point being that Ralph holding down ticket prices, lack of PSLs, and willingness to play in a stadium that has less "earning potential" than could be found elsewhere is in fact "giving" to the fans. He has been steadfast that the Bills will not move during his lifetime ... and they haven't. I agree the fans of western NY would not ... could not support funding a stadium (or upgrades) through PSLs ... the businesses in the area can not support bunches of luxury boxes ... the local economy can not support ticket/parking prices like the more expensive teams ... the local gov't can not afford to just hand him a zillion dollars for a new stadium, or even a quarter zillion for upgrades. But the fact is there were a number of cities that would have/could have over the years and he elected to not go for the fast pile of cash and didn't move. The sad fact is there are still cities out there than will/can offer these perks .... and don't give me that the Bills will never move stuff ... as much as I love my Bills, I'm not sure I could expect a "businessman" to keep them "home" with more potentially lucrative offers on the table.
  23. While I somewhat agree with your point of view, I also think you may be missing something ... How does the Bills ticket prices compare to the ticket prices around the league??? How many teams around the league charge "personal seat licences" for the honor of being able to buy your ticket ... ever hear of the Bills even entertaining the thought??? How much more revenue could the Bills generate by picking up stakes and moving to a city that can support luxury suites??? Agree or disagree, these are valid questions. IMHO they are already paying it back.
  24. Old quote but ohhh so true; If we score 100 points we SHOULD win ... but if they don't score any points they CAN'T win
  25. Granted, Thigpen didn't have training camp last year ... but he DID have 4 preseason games and 7 regular season games to "get comfortable" with the system before we really needed him ... and when we REALLY needed him the coaching staff didn't see fit to send him in. I am neither "anti Thigpen" nor "pro Young", shoot as a matter of fact they're both Bills so I'm rooting for both to do well. It really doesn't matter to me who the backup QB is as long as he is able to back up the starter. All my point is that the coaches didn't use Thigpen when Fitz clearly shouldn't have been on the field for those few games after the Redskins game ... IMHO ... they gave up on him at that point.
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