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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Is this how you act in the real world? Insulting people and Thumbs Downing things that don't fit into your world view? Why not try to engage in civil discourse and understand why you are of a different opinion? I'll start, I like some of your football takes, but I'm not sure what you stand for politically other than to let everyone know that you hate Trump and his supporters. Can you enlighten me?
  2. You need to find some new porn. 😝
  3. I agree that they tend to make their own trouble, but I'm not sure that "Wacko Trumpism" is really the cause, but more of a symptom. A large portion of the party thinks that establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle act in only their own best interest, not in that of the American public. That's why the idea of Trump is/was so attractive to many, he represents/represented an outsider who wasn't beholden to special interest, and promised to put America and Americans first. Huntsman, on the other hand, is about an established a politician as they come, and if the base wants to win back the white house it needs to find a way to get comfortable with guys like this again. But I don't think that moderates are an endangered species, and I think you really don't either. There are plenty out there, I think that a lot of them are keeping their heads down and trying to just get past the fallout associated with January 6th. It's a no win situation, and politicians (on either side of the aisle) are nothing if not obsessed with self preservation. I believe that once the impeachment process is passed I think you'll see them out in a little more force. But I think that right now, the media is stoking the flames of the Trump fire, because it keeps people tuning in, and it makes the liberal agenda look more mainstream when you highlight the far right crazies.
  4. My point is that a guy like Huntsman would be dead in the water because he was associated with Trump. If you don't think that the left wing of your party has any effect on the republican party at all, I don't know what to tell you. Hell, even look at the news. You really think CNN would be reasonable with that guy? I don't.
  5. So 25 in 3 weeks is an average of 8/week, x 52 weeks in a year, x 4 years, is 1664, He's going to have Trump beat by July at this rate. I'm just @#$ing with you. We all know that a prez signs many EOs in his first days in the office, especially if assuming the office from a candidate from the other party. @TB Bills, you keep using that thing so much you are going to go blind, or get furry palms. I'm referring to your signature 👎 response to any response that isn't equal to or left of your opinion.
  6. The @$$holes always sat back there too. I may even spent some time there myself, but I was auditing the @$$holes, of course.
  7. Totally a republican tilt, they were the drivers, but weren't the only ones pushing for it. Remember when Biden, stumping for Bush to get war power, said: "“These weapons must be dislodged from Saddam Hussein, or Saddam Hussein must be dislodged from power? and “President Bush has stated his determination to remove Saddam from power, a view many in Congress share”? There was bipartisan support for the war. Not all republicans are always wrong, and not all democrats are always right. And the same goes for the inverse. This could be a cool place to talk about politics if more people could admit that to themselves.
  8. Now we're getting somewhere. Why do you think that is?
  9. Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.
  10. Definitely not Dem only, that's nonsense. It was bipartisan, though, with a heavy tilt toward republicans. But there were plenty of Dems fully on board, including our current president and former first lady. No reason to deny that, right?
  11. Just to get this straight, are you saying that the republicans who voted for war are evil and the democrats were duped and/or peer pressured into voting for war? You see how that reads, right?
  12. Billy Baldwin? Come on, man. He had ONE decent movie, Backdraft. Regardless of that, those companies employ people, finance all of the work done in our country (which also creates jobs), and generally are what keep the world economy spinning. And anyway, all those TARP bailouts have actually made money for the government: https://projects.propublica.org/bailout/
  13. Sorry, I could have been clearer. I'm mean the @$$holes on the far left of the democratic party would never allow the centrists to work with Trump's 2017-2019 ambassador to Russia. Sorry, not what I meant, see above.
  14. The US needs to worry about threats from Russia, China, insurrectionists, white supremacists, Antifa, rioters, looters and all sorts of stuff. None of that means that the goals of the WEF are all in America's best interest, or that they don't warrant any concern. I'm not sure why you are arguing that several wealthy individuals and world leaders don't have actual power when acting in concert, when we see individuals manipulate governments, board rooms and markets all of the time. And while I applaud some of their environmental goals, there is a hell of a lot more to WEF that that.
  15. It was 40 degrees out with 30 miles/hr winds, and he's an 80 year old. Not everything is about race and gender, folks. Call it "old privilege", if it makes you feel better.
  16. The one from Georgia is pretty clearly nuts, the other sounds like it as well if she incited violence, but I'm not sure I'd call either the face of the party. Right now, it's generally faceless, with the exception of mushy mouth Mitch. I think the party could use an intelligent moderate as it's new face. I think Jon Huntsman would be a good candidate, he seems like a pretty good guy, smart, willing to work across the aisle, and is well versed in international an domestic policy. Unfortunately, I don't think the @$$holes on the far right would accept a Mormon who gave illegal immigrants driver's licenses, and the @$$holes on the far left wouldn't accept a guy who served as Trump's Russian ambassador due to TDS.
  17. I don't think that an organization of world political, business and economic leaders is inherently a threat to the US. But if you don't think that an organization of world political, business and economic leaders could be a threat to the US, then you may want to reconsider who the dumbass is here. These entities have their own priorities and needs that don't necessarily align with ours. Their view of the future may not match yours.
  18. Hey folks. How about this, BOTH the Russian AND Chinese governments are terrible, and represent grave dangers to the US and our democracy. Don't let these @$$holes trick you into bickering with each other. They are both out to get us.
  19. When we are all vaccinated I hope we can have a few beers in Hammer's lot before a game next year. Life's to short to get this worked up.
  20. Take a deep breath. You seem to agree in practice about politicians being scumbags but you keep stepping on your Trump b0ner.
  21. Are you so sure he is wrong? Politicians on both sides have been playing the public off of each other for years. On BOTH sides.
  22. 200 million Pfizer doses with option to purchase up to 400 million more. HHS That alone will cover the US. Here is another 200 million doses of Moderna. Also HHS 500 Million Astrazeneca and 100 Million Johnson and Johnson. CNBC cc: @Doc
  23. I'd like to see @BillStime 's honest reply.
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