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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. We should be building nuclear plants all over this country, just away from the fault lines.
  2. It really doesn't feel credible.
  3. That was me. Of course it was someone else, you quoted me in your reply. I must be very forgettable, lol.
  4. I agree Biden would have hade a different approach, and it likely would have been much less politicized that Trump's. Mostly because of Trump's tendency to over politicize everything, but partly because the bulk of the mainstream press tends to hate Trump (not without some good reason) I am not sure our numbers would be all that much different, though, regardless of who is in office, short of a really prolonged shutdown. It's pretty communicable. Hell, I caught the damn thing on a 15 minute trip to the grocery store while wearing a mask and rubber gloves. Frankly, I think his rosy predictions were stupid as well, those press conferences were often ridiculous. But at the end of the day I think a lot of folks needed to hear that everything is going to be alright. He certainly could have toned it back by about 75% though, but that's clearly not his style. But I'll never begrudge OWS, nor questionits motivations. Without it we would be @#$%ed right now.
  5. I do know W9. Ordering vaccines from several different makers was more of a sound strategy than any kind of hail Mary, IMO. As for the time line, how can you begrudge any attempts at expediency? The timeline of OWS was posted in May: "Among its other objectives, Operation Warp Speed aims to have substantial quantities of a safe and effective vaccine available for Americans by January 2021." Astrazeneca was actually targeting September for a rollout. I am sure Republicans wanted the vaccine approvals to beat the elections, much like the Democrats would have had the roles been reversed. The fact that they didn't certainly benefitted the Democrats, don't you think? Do you think there were any Dems in close races who were hoping they were just slightly delayed? Do you think the results of the November elections could have turned out differently had the vaccines been ready by November 3rd? At the end of the day, I think you have plenty of things to hate on the Trump administration about, including the distribution of said vaccines, this just feels disingenuous.
  6. To be fair, Trump actually ordered 200 million Pfizer doses with option to purchase up to 400 million more. That alone would cover the US. And another 200 million doses of Moderna. And ordered 500 Million Astrazeneca and 100 Million Johnson and Johnson.
  7. I would be curious to see the results of a poll of people that have already paid the loans back vs the ones still paying. May not be as much of a conservative/liberal difference as we think. I paid a LOT, lol.
  8. Big brother has nothing to do with this, imo. Quite the opposite I think. My guess is that most are against it on principle, as Republicans have always pitched themselves as the party for free markets, personal/fiscal responsibility (but certainly haven't always acted this way) and hand-ups over hand-outs. Mass loan forgiveness flies in the face of that. Forbes has an decent write up on it if you are interested. https://www.forbes.com/sites/prestoncooper2/2020/11/17/the-case-against-student-loan-forgiveness/
  9. -pursuing-a-story-on-his-relationship/amp I hate the press. Do they REALLY need to out this guy for dating a reporter? Was it THAT important to publish dirt? But it is also REALLY stupid of Biden not to make an example of this guy, especially when he said the below. “I am not joking when I say this: If you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. No ifs, ands, or buts,” Biden said during a virtual swearing-in of appointees on his first day in the White House.
  10. God, the bolded part is mother#×<#ing refreshing to read. Our country would be so much better of if all political discussions by regular folks were kicked of by acknowledging that politicians are pretty much all scum bags, working in their own best interest. After we agree start there, we can just talk about what is best for the country without the dehumanizing insults.
  11. Agreed it wasn't a huge deal. Probably the kind of remark on a big stage that would have precluded her from an appointment in the Obama administration though.
  12. This isn't how reasonable people act, Tibs. You are so f@#$ing blinded by hate that you accuse anyone that disagrees with you of being a fascist, and tell them to eat shi t. Ironically, I agree with you that Trump lost the election fair and square, so what does that make me? What does it tell you about yourself?
  13. Well, you can listen to the press conference here: CNN If it helps, you can chalk it up to Trump trying to deflect away from the bad job he was doing with the COVID/riots.
  14. I googled it, it wasn't that bad, seemed more of a stupid joke than anything.
  15. There was a pretty large international outcry, led by the US. Beyond sanctions, though, I'm not sure what else could have been done short of a military engagement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responses_to_the_2020_Chinese_involvement_with_Hong_Kong_national_security_law China seemed pretty angry about it: https://www.npr.org/2020/07/15/891291258/china-threatens-response-after-u-s-sanctions-over-crackdown-on-hong-kong We didn't hear a ton about it in the news, because all America cared about last summer was COVID, police brutality and riots/looting. And for the record, I agree with you on Trump as a person, he's a POS. But conversing with someone who refuses to discuss anything related to him or the Republican party in any semblance of a rational manner is just not enjoyable for me. Its the absolutes of I'm right and you're wrong that are tearing this country apart.
  16. Bumped for @Scraps BillStime made something up, no?
  17. I would love to know what was behind that decision for Beane. I remember a lot of posters here disliking Shaq, whether it was for his draft slot vs output, the rookie season shoulder injury fiasco, the fact that he was a Whaley pick, or maybe it was that he didn't seem to turn it on until a contract year, he wasn't well liked.
  18. No, and I don't think Tibs really knows what it involves either. What he's referring to is the security law that China passed for Hong King last year. Basically it give the Chinese government a greater ability to absorb Hong Kong into the mainland, as opposed to the 1 country 2 systems model that was being observed before. BBC has a pretty good coverage: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52765838 The US unanimously did pass the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, which Trump signed, but it was largely ignored by the American press for reasons you'll have to infer on your own.
  19. Just a side note about the concerns of HCQ side affects for any who are interested. Both HCQ and Chloroquine prolong the QT interval of the heartbeat. For most people this is absolutely fine, but there are some people who already have a prolonged QT interval, it's a rare condition known as Long QT (usually its inherited from a parent). Most people who have it live their whole lives undiagnosed, but at it's worst, Long QT can lead to fainting, and even heart attack/death in extreme cases (torsade de pointes). The danger with HCQ and CQ is that they can exacerbate this condition. If your undiagnosed, it could be a problem, especially if you were home. I do tend to think the news tended to blow the dangers out of proportion. Primarily because fear = ratings, plus Trump backed it strongly. But also, because there is a very long list of medicines that have the same effect on QT, one of which is azithromycin (Z-pak), which was heavily used early on in COVID as a "treatment", and sometimes TOGETHER with HCQ, ironically. Any Dr. who's not an idiot could get a quick EKG to rule out severe long QT prior to prescribing.
  20. Guess there isn't much more to talk about here. Thanks for explaining your position.
  21. Scott will be fine, as there's always going to be something to complain about.
  22. I believe that you realize it's not as black and white as "your side always lies and mine only tells the truth". What do you think would be a good bipartisan issue for the Republicans and Democrats to address, besides the obvious covid issues?
  23. You don't think the return Star will help our D? Or are you just being a DB tonight Scotty?
  24. What do you think they should work in a bipartisan way on with the democrats?
  25. You don't think they are driving a wedge between this country? Even Fox, OAN and Newsmax? Why do you think politicians like her get into the spotlight? If you honestly believe the hateful ball of spite comment isn't hyperbole then why are you here posting? Like what do you get out of it? It doesn't seem like it's to understand the positions of people you disagree with, because you think they are only hate and spite.
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