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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. You realize the irony and hypocrisy of following him around posting "Lather, Rinse, Repeat" right?
  2. Did you take the time to read the article I linked above?
  3. Then why not just say that in the first place? Personally, I think solving the education gap will fix most of the employment gap. It's huge and no one wants to talk about it, and it starts at very early ages and gets wider. From the article: For instance, black students at the end of their high school career are almost four years behind white students in reading; the gap is comparable in other subjects. A study of 26- to 33-year-old men who held full-time jobs in 1991 thus found that when education was measured by years of school completed, blacks earned 19 percent less than comparably educated whites. But when word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, arithmetical reasoning, and mathematical knowledge became the yardstick, the results were reversed. Black men earned 9 percent more than white men with the same education—that is, the same performance on basic tests. How would you feel if you were passed over for a job based on your skin color?
  4. In some cases, yes. Here is a good read on the progress and remaining gap if you want to discuss the topic like an adult. It's left of my stance but it is a fair place to start an intelligent discussion. But if you are interested in disparaging others that disagree with you then we have nothing to say to each other. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.brookings.edu/articles/black-progress-how-far-weve-come-and-how-far-we-have-to-go/amp/
  5. I think you shouldn't talk in hyperbole, that would make everyone feel better, with the exception of maybe you.
  6. Maybe he meant that he wouldn't use his position as PRESIDENT for nepotism, but as VP it didn't count?
  7. The child tax credit is the one that really concerns me, as it's basically reverting to the pre-Clinton welfare policy. We need to find a better way than incenting people not to work.
  8. Why do you act like this?
  9. Enough of the internet tough guy stuff already.
  10. PPP saved my next door neighbor's landscaping business, and helped a lot of my other friends as well. Listen, I know you have a hard time seeing anything Trump's administration did as helpful, but the work done for businesses during the pandemic shouldn't be one of those times.
  11. A true lane clogger does wonders for this defense, and is the difference maker for Edmunds. Star is good at what he does, but my guess is we get another big boy in the draft....
  12. You also have to add in the fact that that we'll have that 3rd rounder for 4 years at a super cheap rate, while Ertz will be a 1 year rental at a much higher price. And that 8-12 TDs is a bit of a stretch. LIkely, most of the TDs Ertz would score on this offense would have been rushing TDs last year by Josh. I'm not saying I'm against getting him, but a 3rd is pretty high, when you include everything else.
  13. I think the guy that admitted to the murders said that is why he did it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/atlanta-shootings-fbi-investigating-killing-of-eight-at-massage-parlors-11615989454
  14. This year is only a boon for teams with lots of cap space. Fortunately, most of them are terrible. For the good teams, like the Bills, not losing your good starters and building through the draft should lead to success. I do expect more parity this year though, as bad teams get talent infused and good teams lose key starters to cap casualties.
  15. This is a great line: "Half the country is having a never-ending woke competition deciding whether Mr. Potato Head has a d--- and the other half believes we have to stop the lizard people because they're eating babies."
  16. It's a reversal of Clinton's "end of welfare as we know it" bill. Make no mistake, this isn't temporary.
  17. I'm worried about that "child tax credit".
  18. This feels like a "day before payday" kinda meal.
  19. At some point this is going to be our model, especially after we have to pay Josh. We need to find vets who have a little left in the tank that will give us a deal so they can win a ring. Belichick figured that out almost 20 years ago.
  20. So you are saying he should have finished the wall? Surprising take from you.
  21. About 15 yards per game
  22. What is that, the hot pepper stuff?
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