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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Where are you getting the diagnosis of mental illness from, Motorin'?
  2. I was hoping it was going to be: Vet Minimum, with a couple of fracking wells on the side.
  3. I have tried many times.
  4. Come on, man, you can't call a guy Chef Jim Crow 13 times in one thread and then call foul when he says you're acting foolish and not very lawerly. At least not if you don't want people to think you're a hypocritical delta bravo. I don't love everything about this law, but to claim that it's Jim Crow on Steroids is offensive to the folks who endured Jim Crow. I think we should make it so everyone can easily get a state of government issued ID for free, and use that free ID to vote. I don't think anyone should be able to drive a van around and pay homeless people in food and liquor to vote for their party, but I do think that polling stations can have water on hand for people that forget to bring it themselves. We can have a both a secure election where Americans can easily cast their vote, as long as we all stop acting like a$$holes to each other.
  5. You want to talk about emission caps? Sure, it's a good topic, but it doesn't belong in an infrastructure spending bill.
  6. What laws do you think could/should be added? Its a spending bill. And a 3 trillion opposition free bill is holding pretty much all of the cards here.
  7. Anti-democratic, you say? That's weird. What famous politician once said that the Senate is where “you can always slow things down and make sure that a minority gets a voice”?
  8. Their choice is to accept everything the Dems put into the already massive "infrastructure" bill and maybe get a few scraps thrown in for their own states, or get absolutely nothing at all and be called obstructionist Nazis by the media. The only thing they'd be compromising on here is their integrity, but I feel like you should know that. There is no such think as compromise when one side holds all of the cards. WTF does this mean, Tibs?
  9. Seriously? Didn't you think it was a scumbag move when the Republicans did it at the time? I did. This is not how our government is supposed to work. And it's not a compromise when one side doesn't give anything up.
  10. Hooray for loopholes, I guess. In a 2 party system, do you think that end-arounding one party entirely is a good thing?
  11. Dude, It's 2021, you shouldn't use that term anymore. The proper term is Tweediots.
  12. Do you think the difference has anything at all to do with the fact that Florida's elderly population is disproportionately white? Combined with the distrust of the black community towards vaccines?
  13. Was he at all accurate? You didn't believe any predictions that proved inaccurate? I don't know where you started, but i hope this isnt you showing growth. Thanks, I don't know anything about this guy. There are a lot of lying a$$#oles on social media, and an exponential number of idiots that believe them.
  14. What is the point of the thread? Aren't you the one who quoted him? He seems like some dip$#it conspiracy theorist, right? There are lots of these guys out there, why trash one in particular? What value do you personally get out of this account beyond degrading conversation? If you want to be a di@k, why not just own it with your own username? This is cowardly, in my opinion.
  15. I agree. Both sides are manipulative to voters. Trump is a perfect example, so was LBJ.
  16. Is cronyism worse than buying off Manchin? Come on man, they are BOTH scumbag moves bro. It's ok to admit it.
  17. A lot of what Trump did was gross, he is a shady person who has done some shady $#it. This ALSO sucks because of what it represents. Do you agree?
  18. Whoever they want? He's taking advantage of your here, @BillStime https://www.onlineathens.com/story/news/state/2021/03/28/new-georgia-voting-law-what-does-sb-202-change-elections/7038406002/ The secretary of state will no longer chair the State Election Board, becoming instead a non-voting ex-officio member. The new chair would be nonpartisan but appointed by a majority of the state House and Senate. The chair would not be allowed to have been a candidate, participate in a political party organization or campaign or made campaign contributions for two years prior to being appointed. Do you want to argue that they'll bribe some independent to do their bidding? Perhaps, but read up on it so you're not tricked by partisan BS.
  19. I tend to agree, with the exception that maybe trading for 2022 upgraded picks. If we can trade our 2nd rd pick for another team's 2022 1st? I'd definitely consider it.
  20. No thank you, sir. I still haven't figured out Mullholland Drive.
  21. It lowered the US corporate tax rate to dis-incent tax inversion, which is when you move your headquarters or ops offshore to effectively arbitrage the tax rates. If it costs $100 to be domiciled in the US, and $50 to be domiciled in Ireland, business will move to Ireland.
  22. I suppose it is. I'll try to be better about calling out both sides.
  23. It's all a giant race to the bottom, in PPP. Everyone here, including me and you, are guilty of it. If more of us had the balls to admit it, we'd have an actual discussion.
  24. That's what you think you're doing here? Because that's not even remotely what it seems like to me. You post BS partisan tweets all the time, just like BMan and many others. Sometimes it's like a race to the $)$^ing bottom rung of humanity around this place. We should act like we would treat each other in public, because it certainly isn't like this. Why not try to engage folks and find out why they feel differently than you do instead of insulting them and chasing them away?
  25. Yes, it does. You seem to be only interested in being a #$%* on this part of the board, and I don't get it. What part of you makes you act this way towards others? Why do you hope to accomplish?
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