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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Your forgot to include stuff that doesn't support your position. First: The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will complete withdrawal of all remaining forces from Afghanistan within the remaining nine and a half (9.5) months (From February). That's the end of the year. PLENTY of time to secure our bases with more troups, withdraw our citizens and allies, collect our property, and evacuate our troops. Second. 1. (The Taliban) Guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that will prevent the use of the soil of Afghanistan by any group or individual against the security of the United States and its allies. This one stands on it's own. Jail tanks! I love it. I heard they are storing those Soviet era nuke back packs in the library at Sing Sing.
  2. Let me ask you. If YOU were going to pull out of a country like Afghanistan, would you consider putting some reinforcements in there until you could evacuate the civis, and THEN pull the troops and equipment?
  3. What am I missing, did DeSantis tell parents not to vaccinate their kids? What's the point here?
  4. Dude, what's wrong with you? Trump was a piece of garbage, but he didn't oversee this pullout of Afghanistan. This administration did. You trying to blame everything on Trump makes you look like a fool and a coward.
  5. I don't think you can win that kind of war, my friend. When you have no way of telling the good guys from the bad guys, the best you can hope for is a permanent stalemate.
  6. What policies should they have enacted? Sorry, must have missed this. So your plan is to kill anyone in Afghanistan who is or could be a Taliban?
  7. Own it, you think your harder than Beas...
  8. Um yes, you are . You can disagree without acting like a child yourself. Why would you ask someone to do this?
  9. Why are you trying to score political points on a message board about COVID death rates?
  10. Not everyone can be as HARD as 716er.
  11. You can put up concrete barriers, check points, have bomb sniffing dogs, there's plenty you can do. Now that we've drawn down so many of our soldiers and abandoned any strategic advantages we have there's no choice but to trust the Taliban.
  12. I think he's got to secure the airport with everything he's got, and then continue with the evacuation.
  13. I think Orange Bills covered it pretty well. We should have first beefed up our soldiers on the ground, pulled our civilians our (both American and Afghani) and then pulled out our military, taking every piece of equipment we could get our hands on. Frankly, the best thing we have going for us right now is that the Taliban is trying to gain some legitimacy on the world stage, and not killing as many civilians as normal isn't a bad way to start, considering where they came from.
  14. It's true, not sure what's going to change though, besides making the 8/31 evacuation deadline impossible to meet. There will be Americans and interpreters trapped in that @$#%hole, it's time for the president to stand up and do something here.
  15. Choice really has nothing to do with it here, unless you are talking about choosing not to spend. An pay increase for our lowest paid workers will generally spell a cost increase to our lowest income segments. It's essentially robbing Peter to pay Peter. Nice political theater, but in reality it's probably not going to help.
  16. By everything I am seeing from you in PPP, that label applies to you.
  17. You do understand that the cost of labor generally gets passed on to the consumer, right?
  18. Lol, says the guy who rushed here to call someone a piece of **** to look like an internet tough guy. Try dialing it back and being a little more civil, kid, you'll see it'll get you farther in life. Do they have these quaint plastic cubes the kids have to look through?
  19. We need to have a better approach than a #$%&ing soundbite. Vaccines are strategic, monoclonal antibodies are tactical for those who already have covid. You, sir, are quite the internet tough guy. Your family must be super proud.
  20. I am fully vaccinated as well.
  21. My kids are teenagers. If little Johnny has full blown COVID, and my kid sits next to him all day in class, you think one of those crappy cloth masks is going to prevent him from catching it in a poorly ventilated school room?
  22. AHEM..... Here you go, brother: https://www.charityboats.org/pwc-watercraft.html Make sure to show us the receipt.
  23. My kids both got vaccinated as soon as they were available to them. Because my wife and I wanted them to and because the kids also wanted to do it. I wouldn't be really comfortable sending them back full time without it. The makes they can wipe their asses with, IMO. Edit: I wouldn't be comfortable sending them back unvaccinated because one of them has a really rare but thankfully mild heart issue that could be exacerbated by COVID.
  24. IDs aren't necessary, but make sure that the student isn't in the Bills coverage area, or you will get knocked out. Look up Sunday ticket in ebay, it's a great option.
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