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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. You won't have to wait long. Read literally any of the threads you spam in. You cowardice lies In your refusal to engage in civil discourse. I can't imagine it's any less pathetic in real life. Sleep well, cupcake.
  2. I guess if I expected an actual response from a coward like you, I did not.
  3. Really well thought out and insightful response here, way to go!
  4. This is simply you proving MY point. Stop with the cowardly memes and engage in some honest conversation, Billsy. You are like a characiture of a partisan hack. Grow a pair and engage like a reasonable human instead of a twitterbot.
  5. Sorry Billsy, I have to call BS on this one. The only thing you seem to be passionate about is attacking anyone that disagrees with what Twitter tells you to screech about (or anyonethat posts on that other site you hate so much). If you really cared about our country you would take the time to listen to different points of view and engage in honest dialog.
  6. Didn't Portland just have another half a million dollar riot like just last week?
  7. As said by every kid ever, it takes one to know one.
  8. What do you think the vaccination rates would have been if Trump was reelected?
  9. Our defense is built to stop Mahomes, not Henry. I'm surprised we didn't see more Klein.
  10. I think Mckenzie would have still got by but it may have altered his route enough he got taken down.
  11. Why are you rolling your eyes, @BillStime?
  12. The hypocrisy of you calling anyone a coward is almost to much to bear, Blllsy.
  13. A quick search shows that it's mostly Tibs calling people Nazis for disagreeing with him. How embarrassing, you guys should end the hyperbole.
  14. Good for you, that's why they have the "agree" emoji. Now stop lamping and post all of your texts online so we can judge you.
  15. Its not about insulting people at the highest level of anything, its that any private remark could be used to take someone down. And yes I know that it was his work email, but it really doesn't matter. Regardless, bully for you if you haven't EVER sent or received and chuckled at an off color meme.
  16. Not at all. Those things are terrible and people should be punished for them.. My point is that if someone hacked YOUR phone, and posted your text history to the internet, you'd probably be fired.
  17. My guess is that if everyone's secrets were exposed, we'd have no one left to do ANYTHING.
  18. Imagine of the players phones got hacked, what their private texts look like. Many of them would make Gruden look like an angel.
  19. The bumper sticker said "Tax Everyone Who Makes More Than Me"
  20. A guy just cut me off on the drive home. Domestic terrorist!
  21. I actually work in NJ at a full time job. But I think you are confused about your dates. https://www.myunemployment.nj.gov/apply/extensions/ Federal benefits created during the pandemic including PUA, PEUC, and FPUC end Sept. 4. 1 month, not 6 months.
  22. You keep saying that, but when the money dries up people are going to have to go to work. And calling them slaves is gross, Governor.
  23. Actually, that smell is your breath blowing back in your own face.
  24. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/kamala-harris-says-she-wont-take-covid-vaccine-just-on-trumps-sayso-020511962.html
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