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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. I thought hunters laptop was fake, not stolen?
  2. ID prevented voter fraud? Sec, this kinda backfired. Can't you close the thread before it gets any worse?
  3. The kid should be held accountable for his actions. If it is determined he broke a law, he should face the appropriate punishment. I am glad they were able to prevent him from voting. This doesn't seem to be turning out how you guys hoped it would. How embarrassing.
  4. Is it? The nws says they are still harves...I mean counting write in votes.
  5. They seem to rev your jets a little too, no?
  6. This is your thread. Do you think that the LP ultimately helped or hurt McAuliffe?
  7. Even if Murphy wins, why do you think it was as close as it was? And why do you think that Bergen went the way it did?
  8. I wonder what was worse for Dems in the VA race, the tiki stunt or Biden campaigning for TM.
  9. Is it official yet?
  10. I picture @Governor watching Murphy fall behind:
  11. No way, he goes straight to corporate America, where he will have many high level business meetings.
  12. Think of it this way, what percent of your posts contain something more than a post of a tweet or a Trump meme?
  13. Yeah, I hate to be that guy but 98% of your posts are just copying and pasting tweets or Trump memes. You should consider a little self reflection.
  14. Lol. He has 49k posts over 10 years. You are on pace to beat that in 7 years here.
  15. I personally think it's time for Trump to just get out of politics. He stirs up too many @$$holes on the fringes of BOTH parties and gives them a voice they otherwise wouldn't have. He also has this really weird affect on otherwise normal center left people, where they go bat$#it crazy whenever the guy does or says anything. Personally, I'd like to see an guy like John Huntsman come back on the scene, and run with a moderate dem on the independent ticket.
  16. Beat me to it, well played sir.
  17. You'd rather pay more for 2 yards per carry?
  18. I don't get why this is so hard to understand.
  19. Unlikely, yes, but not out of the realm of possibility.
  20. You don't think teams have to play a completely different style of defense when Henry on the field?
  21. I agree they probably win that division, but that's not saying much, and the Colts aren't as bad as their record shows, and wouldn't be surprised if they made a run. But to the folks who think losing Henry isn't as impactful as losing a franchise QB, I think you're going to remember just how average a Tannehill led offense is without him. We've seen it, he was essentially considered mediocre until he got paired with DH. Usually a RB complements a franchise QB's skillset, but it's the opposite in Tennessee.
  22. Depends on what the bad guys did. Trespassing? Not appropriate, but I think he was just being hyperbolic.
  23. If all you are looking for is evil, that's all you are gonna see, no? And "re-education camps"? Lol really? Are you referring to Mao's or Stalin's?
  24. Seriously, step away for a while. It's Saturday night. I an going to get drunk with friends, you should do the same.
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