Couple of things about this post Billsy, and this is what I mean when I say I am glad Trump is out of office because he makes people crazy. Let's fact check a little:
1. The jobs bullet is intellectually dishonest. Say what you want about Trump, but prior to COVID, which you miraculously ignore, the unemployment rate was its lowest in 50 years.
2. The trade deficit did increase under Trump, that is absolutely true. But 40.5%? No. I believe its 24% not adjusted for inflation, during COVID when our economy was shut down and people were getting free $ from uncle Sam. I believe 15% is the real number pre-COVID.
3. The national debt point is correct, but the stuff below is kinda stupid. Covid definitely spike the national debt, but it was already rising ahead due to tax cuts and trade wars. But you may be surprised to learn that the debt to gdp ratio breached 100% for the first time under Obama, and it's looking like Biden will set the record this year with his spending.
4. In his defense, Trump put the machinations in place to get the US out of Afghanistan. According to Biden, Trump's agreement with the Taliban forced his hand, right? Isn't THAT why the pullout was botched?
Bullzy I'd referring to how Biden made a onetime welfare payment to families with kids as part of the last big cash giveaway. If anyone really thinks that this handout is going to pull anyone out of real poverty they are as dumb as $#!t. Even Bullsy knows it, but he gets paid by the talking point. And per meme.