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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Are patsys really on the right side of anything? Your obsession with steering everything toward Trump seems to mean that you are either a paid bot for Trump to stir up the base, or you a cartoon of a person, at least on this message board. And I agree with you, the guy is a POS, but I'm not sure that ANY of what you do on this site is in the best interest of our democracy.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nato-summit-pipeline-idUSKBN1K10VI
  3. The Biden administration actually did a good job of ramping up vaccine production and distribution in its early days.
  4. If true, doesn't that social turmoil referenced ultimately say a lot about you Billsy? You guys turned into bat$#it crazy @$$#oles on day 1, played like a fiddle by Putin.
  5. Seriously, are you ok?
  6. I feel like there would be some kind of quandary, or stress event, or even, dare I say, a crisis, if Russia tried to put missiles in Cuba 😀
  7. Don't worry, no one is after your dinner.
  8. What changed your mind? Not trying to be a dB, I am truly interested.
  9. I think you are thinking of the Jan 6 comittee here.
  10. So the guns have become sentient? Holy @#$%!!!
  11. Hey, it's ok for your guys as long as Trump is doing it, right? Seems to say more about you than Trump.
  12. They are both theories, nothing more or less. Not sure what is sad about that @SoCal Deek.
  13. Back to the whole concept of teaching kids different theories, I am wholly in support of it, provided that it takes into account the maturity level of the kids and offers all sides to the story. I think the problem people have is when teachers indoctrinate the tenets of those theories into the students as fact. This applies to creationism or CRT. Can we agree that shouldn't happen? Why do you think the guy burned the school? And why only probation?
  14. Couple of things here. First, the CDC considers you fully vaxed with 2 Pfizer and Moderna or 1 J&J. They recommend the booster but it's not required to be considered fully vaccinated. Please stop spreading COVID misinformation. Second, bullying people at work? That will end your career pretty quickly too. This may be the most cowardly and un-American post I have read here in a long time. It's also got some COVID misinformation, anyone can spread COVID. I am fully vaccinated and caught if from someone who was BOOSTED. Everyone can spread it, don't be such a kitty.
  15. No, but it he also hasn't made the playoffs over that same stretch either.
  16. Maybe its less "we" and more "you" that deserves Irv.
  17. Hey man, who you calling a puppet? Better watch if or I will sick Corn Pop on you!
  18. So I searched 10 pages of your posts, where did you ever even remotely criticise Biden? Nice comeback BillSbot, the smileyface doesn't make you look ridiculous at all.
  19. Get out of the basement and join the world, Billsy.
  20. You are a hack or a bot. Thanks for finally admitting it. 👍 Doesn't this kinda put you squarely in the POS category?
  21. F it, Irv is who we deserve.
  22. Of course, but it's incumbent on us to keep trying to open his eyes, no? Or at the very least force him to admit he's a hyperpartisan hack or a paid bit
  23. Can you point to posts where you have criticized.Biden?
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