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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. What does this mean?
  2. Red light therapy is all the rage in the fitness community right now. I haven’t tried it, but some swear by it. He is right that when you hit your 40s your testosterone levels tank, which leads to weight gain and loss of muscle mass.
  3. Methinks the bigot doth protest too much.
  4. I am not one calling people closer cases, bud. There is nothing wrong with being gay, whether you are out or not. Stop the hate.
  5. It's a shame that you are a homophobe. Hating like this is no way to go through life, bud.
  6. You didn't answer the question. Are you implying that another poster is secretly homosexual, ant that something is wrong with that?
  7. What is a closet case, Billsy?
  8. Do you still feel this way, Tibs?
  9. Can you guys all let Charlie Murphy rest in peace. He doesn't deserve this constant douchbaggery from both sides associated with this gif.
  10. Maybe he didn't care for your "it takes a pedo to know a pedo" insinuation. Not quite ballsy enough to say it, but close.
  11. Thanks for offering so many insightful posts here, Sherpa. I have learned a lot from you in this thread, and I appreciate it.
  12. Are you the guy who insinuated another poster was a pedo in the same thread?
  13. I have tried too. I sometimes feel like it's all a put on, maybe he is some uber right wing delta bravo who wants to keep his side riled up. If so, gross. But the alternative is so much worse. Such an angry existence, basing your life after the social media cess pool that is Twitter. Living in a completely black and white existence where anyone who disagrees or wrong and an idiot. I worry about him when I can get over what an azz he is being.
  14. Do you see yourself here? Dude, you need to chill.
  15. Let them drive Teslas!
  16. Lambs to the cosmic slaughter
  17. That is what I was just thinking. But if they did, you could achieve perfect ball placement. Kind of like True Level.
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