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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Just to clarify your stance here, you are saying it's traitorous to require oversight of the billions of dollars in aid that the US is funneling into a country that was too corrupt to get into NATO? And that guy is a bot, you shouldn't want to be compared to him. I have SEEN you exercise independent thought in this very thread.
  2. I love you, Tibs, but this is just stupid, like Billstime Trump stupid.
  3. Me too. Nit sure what will happen to my pod in the new world...
  4. Outside of the opener, I usually have a seat available in my pod of 6. If anyone is looking for a single, keep me in mind. Sec 130, row 9.
  5. Well, at least you tried not to be a garbage person. When? After you call people idiots, racists etc. You generate the hate, man. See above. You call me a Karen, I call you a garbage person. Cause and effect.
  6. At least you admit your hypocrisy. Good gor you Billsy.
  7. I am right of center on many issues, but I think the Republicans need to run a better human being than Trump. He is too overtly narcissistic and petty for the job, and the children on the left will destroy the country if he gets elected again. I think DeSantis is a much better option, and may be savvy enough to shake some of the TDS out of half of the country.
  8. I have been seeing this a lot out of you lately. It seems like you are trying to insult men by calling them women, which is incredibly sexist. And super ironic for someone who claims to care about women's rights. How do you reconcile that kind of douchbaggery?
  9. If you can't accept that Covid impact is implied, I think that you are just being intentionally obtuse so you can argue against hyperbole instead if facts.
  10. I don't think anyone is saying inflation is solely this administration's fault, Covid really hosed the global economy. But for the things that were in their control, there have been a lot of swings and misses. The "American Rescue Plan" was like throwing gasoline on a fire. The poor handling of the issues at the ports made it worse. Butigeg is unqualified, there is no other way to put it. For the record, the reason the deficit is decreasing so fast is because it increased at an unprecedented rated due to Covid spending. Look at the Covid spike in 2020 and 2021, it bumped up to about 3T due to things like PPP and Stimi checks. Until Joe gets it back down to at least $1T there is nothing to brag about.
  11. Come on Tibs. Bragging about the shrinking deficit is Billsy-level intellectual dishonesty. I have seen you be better than that.
  12. It would be cool if they at least tried verified stories before they printed them, no? Or are you saying the news outlets should play along because Putin is evil? There is a lot of BS even still, but not as much as in the first few weeks of the invasion. And it was weird how it happened, imo.
  13. I hope so, but don't you think its a little weird that the press is unilaterally taking them at their word, seemingly without doing any actual investigating?
  14. Why do you act this way Tibs? You seem to be racing Billsy to the be the most insulting poster on the board.
  15. Didn't Biden: Break his promise to wipe out student debt, Ban travelers from China, Suspend Trumps insulin discounts, Check his watch at a service member's funeral, Lie about getting arrested protesting for civil rights, Get accused of sexually assaulting Tara Reade, And Get caught plagiarizing multiple times?
  16. Brave sir BillStime bravely ran away, and bravely hid in his mother's basement, bravely calling people cowards who didn't bravely follow the same brave Twitter feeds that he bravely did.
  17. Who farted in here?
  18. By all means, just a weird way to phrase it.
  19. What did you mean by "claim" then?
  20. Why would they lie about it?
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