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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. I read they found at least one smoke canister.
  2. Bob, where is anyone here saying that people who broke the law shouldn't be prosecuted?
  3. Keep out Nato partners fat and happy so THEY don't rise up and take over the world? I mean, I can see if you used the excuse that we want to keep them as a buffer between us and China/Russia, but your theory doesn't hold any water for me.
  4. Sometimes you do, but too often you are calling people idiots and fascists because they have a different opinion than you, Tibs.
  5. Why don't you want it too big, Tibs?
  6. So he didn't make a joke, which you realized but then accused him of wishing the election was overturned anyway? My bad.
  7. It was pretty clearly a joke that you seem to have intentionally assumed was not. Nice of you to give him credit though.
  8. Some did break in, some even assaulted cops. Some also were ushered in and took selfies. Seems like both exist in the same world. When did he say that?
  9. We can certainly chew gum and walk at the same time
  10. No bombshell in that article, the government is going to only tell people what they want them to hear, especially in a (proxy) war. What is eye opening to me is how the press is treating it all as fact, especially in the early days. but what's weird to me is that the press is publishing that propaganda as fact, especially in the early days of the invasion.
  11. It's kind of everyone's crisis at this point. These are people, Bill.
  12. Maybe I am just cynical, but to me this is about 95% political theater.
  13. You really think that the timing of these hearing has nothing to do with the midterms? Why has it taken so long for the truth to get out?
  14. its a valid question, your insults aside. What do you think about the timing of the upcoming hearings, Alf? Do you think Nancy scheduled it too early where people will have already have moved on by election day? I think dragging this stuff out is going to bite her in the butt come November.
  15. You are right, she is a boogeyman to many on the right, and is far less evil than she is given credit for. Fortunately, our friends on the left don't have irrational responses to anyone on the right.
  16. Just like 08 was all Wall Street's fault too, right?
  17. Ewww, a PAID account?!?!?!?
  18. He is a keyboard tough guy. I think we could all benefit here from meeting at a Bills game this year and having a beer. It's tough to insult someone online after you have met them face to face. So what say you, PPP trolls, who is coming to the opener? We can call it the TBDFAPPPHOT
  19. Isn't calling someone a Karen hateful and bullying? Billsy, why do you refuse to act like a decent human being?
  20. You are pretty clearly mocking the disabled, much like your toxic masculinity when referring to other male posters as females. - go find it
  21. What is the Trump gif here meant to represent? Doesn't the fact that you feel Trump is mocking a disabled person in this gif mean that YOU are mocking disabled people by calling others freaks and posting this gif?
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