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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Imagine we got invaded by China, and sleepy Joe, AOC and Pelosi said we should accept our new communist overlords. Wouldn't you want them banned?
  2. Isn't that the party that is collaborating with Russia? If so, I get why they would ban them. But I do think that Ukraine is pretty problematic from a corruption standpoint.
  3. Both of those racist douche nozzles should be run out of politics.
  4. What is the attraction to Trump for you? I am starting to think that you are a secret maga....
  5. "I'll take 'things a fascist says' for $200, Alex!
  6. You personally should TOTALLY pay more in federal income tax to help Ukraine, Tibs! That would FOR SURE show Putin that you mean business!
  7. So you are agreeing with this guy who says that Thomas should get his woman in line? And for the love of god, we now have a US Congressman calling people haters and talking about @$%#ing kryptonite?
  8. I think if Epps broke the law he should he held accountable, just like the other folks who were arrested there. He was there, inciting people to illegally enter the building, whether it was the night before or not. I have no interest in any Qanon nonsense, so you can take that and most sincerely stuff it up the end of your rainbow. But if the details of the Ray Epps don't at least make you do a double take, in light of all of the shady stuff our government has done over the last 70 years, I am not sure what to tell you.
  9. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-1999-title18-section2383&num=0&edition=1999 "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." He was at the event trying to incite people to illegally enter the building, which was, according to many folks around here, an attempt to overturn the election illegally. If that is what it was, than, it was an insurrection, and he sure seems guilty of inciting. Unless its not an insurrection, then he's likely just guilty of inciting a riot.
  10. I think I was being pretty specific. If you think 1/6 was an insurrection, and Epps is on video telling people to storm the capitol, how is he not inciting insurrection?
  11. I think 1/6 was a riot and mass trespassing. But if you consider 1/6 as an attempted insurrection/coup, and someone is in the crowd telling people to storm the capitol, do you think that qualifies as inciting insurrection? With that caveat, I certainly would.
  12. In your opinion, was January 6th an insurrection?
  13. How long has it been since you have called someone a fascist? It seemed like you were doing so well.
  14. Lol, I totally thought you Rickrolled me when I clicked that link. He looks like a guyI would ask for smoker advice, so I didn't bother to watch. Regardless, I am aware that not all coups are military. But the other types aren't led by paramilitary organizations.
  15. He is narcissistic enough to not want a red wave without him riding its crest, I could see him being ok if the Democrats stayed in power for 2 more years so that he could destroy any dem in the general election.
  16. If they were willing to commit treason punishable by death they probably were not afraid of a misdemeanor gun rap. Who brings pepper spray to the death of democracy? @Nineforty, what is eye roll-worthy of my post? Don't you agree that acting civil goes a long way in the world?
  17. Why weren't the paramilitary groups armed? If they really planned to overturn the election results, wouldn't it have made sense for them to bring guns?
  18. Maybe if you drop the cult talk you'll get a more reasonable response, Bob. Just a thought.
  19. I agree that Trump has been riling his people up for years, too. Since he really started his 1st presidential run, Trump started getting people whipped into a frenzy, and deserves the lion's share of moral responsibility for the Jan 6 event. Same with his supporters in Washington. But he's not the only one that has been sowing the seeds of divide. What do you think happens when Hillary calls Trump supporters deplorables? Then claims that the guy they voted for stole the election from her in 2016? And then 2 years of Russia-gate that ended up with Trump getting off? And CNN going full on attack mode for 4 years? Is a lot of it on Trump? Absolutely. Does everyone else own the fires they have stoked themselves? Of course we do. As for Jan 6, it was an event. It was a large protest that turned into a riot, with many police and civilians being assaulted. That mass riot turned into a mass trespassing when some of those idiots stormed the capitol. And by stormed, some scaled walls and knocked downs barricades, doors, and police to do it. As for the Jan 6 hearings? I can't see it as anything beyond political theater at this point.
  20. I believe that Trump expected the protesters to march to the capital building and protest there. I think most Americans do. Do I think he expected it to go any further than just a loud bunch of a-holes protesting? He probably hoped so, but I'd be shocked if he was stupid enough to actually do anything about it.
  21. Have you considered the fact that the committee, at least in part, could be over-dramatizing J6 event and be using the hearings largely as political theater? I sure hope he doesn't. Anyone that can make normal, decent people become lunatic garbage people really isn't good for this country. FWIW, Trump tends to bring the worst out in people on both sides of the aisle.
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