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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. No, Tibs doesn't have that kind of attraction to Trump. That other guy though...
  2. I have been an a-hole my whole life, it's about time I started getting paid for it.
  3. This is probably your best post ever.
  4. Pretty crappy, and I'm betting it's going to get pushed through in short order. Its gross when politicians play politics with people's lives, I remember something similar with an early covid relief bill.
  5. The problem with many 3rd parties today is that they tend to represent the fringes more than the center. The poster earlier had it right when they said we need 2 more parties. We'd benefit from something like this kind of party structure: Socially Liberal/Fiscally Liberal Socially Liberal/Fiscally Conservative Socially Conservative/Fiscally Liberal Socially Conservative/Fiscally Conservative.
  6. The problem is in the primaries. These people have to pander to the fringe to get the nod, then they are beholden to that pandering in the general election.
  7. Agreed. But you need Jar Jar Binks if you want the complete action figure set.
  8. If he's the perfect mark, who is the con man in your scenario? If he's the perfect mark, who is the con man in your scenario?
  9. Football star, lifeguard, draft dodger. He sure spends a lot of time in Rehoboth Beach for a skin cancer survivor.
  10. You gotta check the cereal aisle as well...
  11. I don't care what side of the aisle you are on, that's kinda funny.
  12. Unfortunately, it's zealots like you who are ruining this country with your purity tests. It's ok to have a difference of opinion, kid, it doesn't make people evil or irredeemable. You should consider different perspectives from time to time, it'll broaden your horizons.
  13. Sick burn, Billsy. You are really scoring today, dunking all over those repugniklans! Best poster eva! Best select committee EVA!!! GREAT POST!!!
  14. Wow, great take buddy! It's this kind if insight that makes you so well respected around here. Keep it up!
  15. It is context, and its not as bad as it could have been. But its pretty clear that their intent is to harass Kavanagh wherever he goes. These are the same people that are sending people to the private residences of the justice.
  16. Great add as usual, Billsy. You are really doing the lord's work, you should be proud.
  17. Just because something is legal doesn't make it civil. You rightly cite a poster saying all Ds are terrible, but refuse to just say that harassing people in restaurants is not civil. Why is that?
  18. Its weird that you keep going back to the legality of it. I never said it was illegal, I said it was that lack of civility that is generally a problem in our country. For somw reason you seem to be willing to dip a toe in the water, but refuse to jump in.
  19. How magnanimous of you. Where do you like to eat? I want to come shout obscenities in your face while you enjoy your pesto. Or maybe consider that people who do that kind of things are generally acting like DBs and are generally a problem with our country.
  20. What is debatable about stalking and harassing Supreme Court justices? It's disgusting and indefensible and is an example of what is wrong with this country. And you are right, calling Ds the worst humans on earth is stupid and disgusting, and it's also inaccurate. Some Ds certainly are terrible, but most are not. Just like some Rs are, but most are not. If you are unwilling to realize that the fringes of both parties are what is driving this country apart, maybe you are too.
  21. They are both shltty ways to compose yourself, stop defending these delta bravos. So is defending people who stalk and harass the Supreme Court. Why don't well tell ALL of these people to go @#$% themselves, not just the ones on the other side.
  22. He claimed to have asthma but also claimed to have been a football star and a lifeguard.
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