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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. You are right here, Tibs, COVID was not brought to us by the Democrats. Chinese Communist Party? Probably.
  2. Why is this a major accomplishment? It is just freaking appointees. But I do hope his other appointees weren't as racially and gender biased as his vp and Supreme Court picks.
  3. Enough with the jinxing, Pete. Delete this thread before the instant Karma gods smite us down!
  4. Maybe delete this thread and get back to work remembering how you achieved cold fusion that one time.
  5. I believe he tore that rotator cuff diving for a tackle after he was picked off, not while he was scrambling or on a designed run.
  6. Maybe it's play design?
  7. Gilliam was blocking his butt off out there.
  8. Even 'classicer' Tibs! Nonsensical topic and then an unrelated reply. You are the ginchiest, Tibsy.
  9. I bet it's like 75% trolling.
  10. Nice post. For C3, the word "Hoax" is like a Tourette's tic, you can't take it too seriously because he's not really serious. He's doing large scale trolling here, that's all.
  11. I am a big fan of the Shining.
  12. I'm not normally a praying man, but if you are really up there in the sky... Save us Thanos!!! But for realz, the OP is right that we are being purposefully divided, it's how politicians have always manipulated voters. it seems kinda weird that he sees it but thinks that it's only happening to one side. But at least its a start. Now who is coming to the opener? I have never been called a fascist in person, always wondered what it felt like...
  13. Biden is out? Sweet!
  14. Without adding that it's your son's wife, this is a very different read lol.
  15. This is a good old fashioned political bribe, plain and simple, nothing to do with socialism.
  16. SuperMAGA Alf already explained it to you, but your head is so deep in the sand that you didn't get it.
  17. It's really weird ho hard you are working to miss the point here, but Billsy gonna Billsy.
  18. You've been floating it for awhile, but I don't think your Xi Q DeSantis is going to stick. Perhaps change it to Putin Mao DeathSatanist? Or maybe just listen to the guy with an open mind? After all, he'll be your next president.
  19. I assume he is referring to the people with jobs who pay taxes and are willing to actually repay their debt.
  20. Of course I DO NOT want him to be guilty of selling state secrets, not because I am a Trumper but because as an American I don't like the idea of our secrets being sold. What kind of American is rooting for these allegations to be true? But you somehow seem to be correlating Trump having documents with the claim that he sold them. Is their any proof of this? If not, maybe rethink your position. The people who don't differentiate the two points are either bad faith actors, wilfully ignorant or just regular ignorant for refusing to think. Do you want to complain about an ex president taking docs he shouldn't have? By all means, it seems to be the case, but it's rarely that simple when it comes to Trump.
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