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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. I think you'd be surprised, Tibs.
  2. Tibs, I fully support a dramatic increase of legal immigration in this country, but it's silly not to think that most immigrants are doing anything other than trying to find a better life in the US. Politicians on both sides of the aisle use illegal immigration to rile up their base, they have little to gain from solving this problem, and since most are selfish scum bags, they likely won't fix it.
  3. We get it, Trump sucks, but you should probably consider getting professional help Billsy. This obsession is dangerous. At least for put for a walk, it's a beautiful day.
  4. You should actually read his post, it makes a pretty good points about how the dem reaction to 2016 actually opened the door for Stop the Steal. And why are YOU calling him a bigot?
  5. Are you considering a vasectomy just to spite him?
  6. Do you see that you are LITERALLY doing what you accused Republicans of? In this very thread over and over? I worry for you, man, you should take up walking or origami or something. Glad you and yours are safe Tim!
  7. I knew holding onto that jersey was a wise investment! Could you tell my wife "I told you so"?
  8. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1516085334437679109/pu/vid/250x156/zT6Uaj4VynzIyoK7.mp4?tag=12
  9. Are you trying to be coy or ignorant here? "We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states; .. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
  10. Don't be stupid, Tibs. He was speaking about the core values of Judeo/Christianity upon which our country was founded, and about that he's correct. But I agree with you as well that I don't want to live in a theocracy either, the concept of praying to another's god is not something I want to be involved in.
  11. Do you understand that Trump's mere existence riles up the Dem base? Why do you think the J6 hearings are happening right now and not a at the end of 2021? He is their favorite boogeyman, like AOC and Hillary is to the right.
  12. One of these 2, I can't tell then apart.
  13. No, like 10% for the big guy, or Nancy's chip adventures.
  14. No, but it gives you a great opportunity to show that winning personality I referenced above. Keep up the good work, you're an invaluable resource around here!
  15. I just wanted to make sure that was your stance when the same stuff starts happening to folks on your side of the fence after the midterms.
  16. Weird a dude fantasizing about a bunch of dudes' fantasies. No worries though, we don't hold that against you. It's your terrible personality that we hold against you. 😱
  17. Are you comfortable with the ethics of that? Suing someone in civil court so they can't afford a legal defense? Is it OK for everyone or just Trump?
  18. The ones in kindergarten - 3rd grade?
  19. I always think of Tibs as a guy who sells real estate.
  20. Tell us why they are following that strategy, Tibs.
  21. Hey everyone, it's the pivot man!
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