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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. By repeatedly posting this, aren't you essentially mocking people with disabilities?
  2. Not sure if this means what your peeps think it does, but regardless, Trump sucks as a person. But so does Biden, Tibs. Just admit it and you will feel so much better.
  3. Someone has to start acting like better Americans, or the political climate is only going to get worse.
  4. Was it YOU that got peed on? Or you and BillSy TOGETHER?!?!?!? I'm sorry, lets go get that mean old orange son of a gun!
  5. Is that why you are so obsessed with Trump, we you the one being peed on in that tape? Shame on Trump!
  6. Sadly, I wasn't joking. I worry about Billsy, he needs to get off this board/Twitter and spend time in the real world with real people. Maybe you can take him out for a beer?
  7. And you shouldn't quit trying, there is someone out there for you somewhere, I just know it.
  8. What does this mean exactly Billsy?
  9. Do you REALLY think BillSy is celibate by choice?
  10. That's not a very nice thing to say about BillSy. I take offense with the underlined. Politics is to people who lack moral character as a lighthouse is to a moth, on both sides of the aisle.
  11. Are you saying Trump should have declared war on Russia? Like, WTF goes on in that head of yours, Tibs?
  12. You know they were white.
  13. I'm not full of hate Tibs, I don't hate anyone. And I agree that possession of marijuana shouldn't be a federal crime. But I'm also not naïve enough to think that this was done altruistically, if it was, it could have been one of his gajillion EOs he made on day 1. It was not so it isn't. But gross motives don't always have bad outcomes. Oddly, no one is even in jail for it federally: "Officials said there are currently no Americans serving prison time solely on federal simple marijuana possession charges. But they said the number who had been charged with that crime was north of 6,500." https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/06/politics/marijuana-decriminalization-white-house-joe-biden#:~:text=Marijuana is illegal under federal,a high potential for abuse.”
  14. Lol, no big deal, just playing politics with people's lives.
  15. So you are saying it's good that Biden sat on this for 20 months as some kind of pothead Hail Mary(jane) to save the mid-terms?
  16. Not at all. It's pretty clearly timed to affect the mid-terms. Do you disagree with that?
  17. Yes, its called the petrodollar. If it goes away, it will change America's place in the world.
  18. It may lower the cost of panels, provided that the materials needed are cheap and abundant, but it won't improve the efficiency.
  19. What will it fix?
  20. People who work at charities have to eat a well.
  21. Is there ever a bad reason to give to charity?
  22. Aren't you the guy that knowingly misgenders men as women? What's that saying about glass houses? And I don't think he is a homophobe at all. I think you may be though.
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