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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. I always felt like Ernie Adams was more of a blackmail than a bribe kind of guy.
  2. How exactly is that going to work?
  3. Yes, Because I quoted the wrong post lol
  4. God @BillStime, you are full on TERRIFIED of DeSantis, aren't you?
  5. I was going to reply but I think @JaCrispy 's last post has it all covered.
  6. Remember Trumps history in the Senate of opposing busing, opposing school integration and strong friendships with racist southern senators? The ole racial jungle? Or when he confused the Tuskegee Airmen with the victims of the Tuskeegee Experiment? Or when he called Cedric Richmond "boy"? Or when he referred to President Obama as “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”?
  7. Let me be the first to say it, Thank God there are all of these white guys here to teach @JaCrispy about racism, inequality, and generally about being black.
  8. Remember Trumps history in the Senate of opposing busing, opposing school integration and strong friendships with racist southern senators? The ole racial jungle? Or when he confused the Tuskegee Airmen with the victims of the Tuskeegee Experiment? Or when he called Cedric Richmond "boy"? Or when he referred to President Obama as “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”? Trump is super racist.
  9. You have been whining about being excluded for years.
  10. Sorry, is this the board that wouldn't allow you to enter because you are such an douche? How would you know if he was banned or not?
  11. I missed you too. Do you want me to call in a few favors and ask the guys at the other place if you can join? Will that make you a slightly less insufferable mountain of mother's- basement-dwelling feces? You can reply hell no here and pm that you really want it.
  12. Jesus dude, maybe they didn't want you at the other site because you communicate like a human outhouse. Get over it already.
  13. Clearly Pepe Le Pew was showing some solidarity for Deshaun Watson.
  14. @SDS, threads like this make me think its time to to bring back the poop emoji.
  15. When is the fetus viable? 50% at 24 weeks? That seems reasonable to me.
  16. What about calling them cultists or fascists?
  17. Should we help defend Ukraine by giving them nukes? You better not say no or you are a pro Putin appeaser!
  18. I have read that he is a mentally ill nudist. Are you a far left balloon head dufus?
  19. What a great costume idea:
  20. I hope you are at least good looking Tibs.
  21. Ok, here goes. Where am I again?, I like ice cream, I beat up Corn Pop, I was a football star and a lifeguard, I couldnt' fight in Vietnam because I have asthma, I am sorry that I have to drop out of the race because I plagiarized and exaggerated my record, you ain't black, 2 words, made in America, I did not sniff inappropriately! I keed, I keed, but you DID say to use Biden's words, fortunately my brain isn't Mushy enough yet to use them in kind. But for realsies, and In a nutshell at the end of the Cold War, about 1/3 of the USSR nuclear stockpile was in Ukraine. In exchange for them getting rid of the nukes, the US, UK and a western-friendly Russia (under Yeltsin) agreed to provide Ukraine with "security assurances". While they fall short of security guarantees as provided by a NATO member (of which Ukraine has been far too corrupt to gain access), we did tell Ukraine that we would respond should they be attacked. Just google it if you want to learn more, but here is a start from the hyper-conservative Brookings Institute: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/12/04/the-budapest-memorandum-and-u-s-obligations/ If anything this should bolster your argument that we should be helping Ukraine more, but if it makes you feel better to call me a fascist Putin supporter, by all means, have at it.
  22. One of us does. Point #2 is not blaming the west for the disaster in Ukraine, it's explaining why we (the US and UK) are doing so much to help. Do you want me to explain it to you?
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