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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Like, whatever
  2. Miami and the Jefs are all around better teams, but the Pats pretty much had the Bengals beat this week until Stevensons fumble.
  3. You seem to have a pretty strong opinion here which is nice, but it doesn't mean that anyone who disagrees with you is a fool. People who think that their opinions are fact are generally the fools themselves. Personally, I think the Dolphins are a tougher match up for the Bills than the Chiefs are right now. But that's like, my opinion, man.
  4. I would love for the pats to get in and then sneak off a wildcard win, only to face us in Buffalo in the division round....
  5. While the phins may be imploding, that is still a skilled team. I hope the Pat's get that last spot, they generally suck.
  6. 50% off sushi makes me nervous. Very nervous...
  7. We could use either of those guys right now
  8. What ever happened to that Prince guy?
  9. Hamlins and Benfords and Dodsons, OH MY!
  10. That's why I brevet signed up. I am out of market and did some crazy stuff to avoid a satellite dish, including reddit, slingbacks and ebay scams.
  11. Totally triggered, terrible punctuation angers me almost as much as Bills fans throwing snowballs. Amirite Bart?
  12. Some people, use too many, commas. Reading your posts is like talking to a fat guy that just walked up a flight of stairs 😱
  13. Please don't knock me out with one punch.
  14. To be clear, I was calling you Francis.
  15. Sure are a lot of 'snowflakes' posting in this thread. You see what I did there? But for real, maybe the old farts can unclench their bungs about the snowballs and the young idiots can try to do better next time. And to the guy threatening to punch people in the face:
  16. Tua throws pick six Bills increase division lead Tyreek soils himself
  17. Christmas comes early Josh Allen scores 8 touchdowns Drunken fans rejoice
  18. Maybe we let them sell the vaccines like NY is doing with people arrested for weed charges.
  19. They should have gotten him drunk and allowed him to fly out of town without wearing a seatbelt. It's the little things in life....
  20. I think it's all of it. Knox's head, Josh's tunnell vision, Diggs desire for more targets and our banged up oline... Oh, and our new OC doesn't seem to want to involve TEs.
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