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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. da-sports-female-athletes-160560972802 Read the ÷@#$ing article, Gene. @redtail hawk, you should too.
  2. Kind of kidding, but since we have no pressure in a 4-3 anyway, maybe a 3-4 would help vs the pass?
  3. @BillStime and @Tiberius, are you going to stand for this? ChiGoose is talking specifically about you.
  4. Didn't Clinton commit perjury by saying under oath that he didn't engage in sexual relations with Lewinsky?
  5. Self flaggelation
  6. Do you think CNN and MSNBC have buried or not mentioned stories unfavorable to Democrats?
  7. Sick burn, bro. How can I counter such a valid and insightful argument? You totally win.
  8. Dang it, I just found nuclear secrets tucked into an old Hustler I'd hid in the shed.
  9. There was no murder, silly goose. This wasn't written by a serious person.
  10. After he just went on TV in December and bragged that he didn't have any. All of these politicians SUCK.
  11. OMG STATE LINES?!?!?! Did he have his passport? Dude, he lives 20 miles from Kenosha. crossed state lines, it's like driving from Ripley ny to Erie pa. Here is how he got the gun. https://heavy.com/news/2020/08/kyle-rittenhouse/ Charges dropped. Is he stupid? Sure, but so are a lot of people. Is he a hero? Not for any reason I can see. Is he a murderer? Only to people who won't bother to learn the truth.
  12. Let me cover this one Billsy:
  13. You mean when Rittenhouse shot the 3 people attacking him self defense? It was most certainly intentional.
  14. Neither one is murder you silly goose, no matter what your Twitter overlords tell you. But I believe Baldwin is getting hosed here, the armored should be taking the fall for this.
  15. If we are talking about reviving careers of moderates, let's bring in my boy John Huntsman!
  16. Trump should not be above the law, nor should Biden.
  17. Do you believe that Biden is a good person?
  18. Trump is a spiteful POS. You realize my quote was exactly what Biden said about Trump docs, right? Uncle Joe normalized plagiarism for me.
  19. How that could possibly happen? How one-- anyone could be that irresponsible. And I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods? By that I mean names of people who helped or th-- et cetera. And it just-- totally irresponsible.
  20. Trump is a POS human being. But remember, Biden is the guy who dropped out of his first presidential race in disgrace after being caught for plagiarism and lying about his academic record. He not only lied about his civil rights activism but is on record being racist af. He used his dead son for political gain, for Pete's sake. Degree of scumbag? Sure, Trump wins that, but not by as much as you think.
  21. Cannon fodder is cannon fodder, voluntary or not.
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