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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Come on Alf. Be better. Musk gave Ukraine free internet to help prevent a humanitarian crisis, not to kill Russians.
  2. Wasn't Starlink a gift to the Ukrainians to help their people get information and communicate internally with the rest of the world after the war started? That the company doesn't want it to be ised for drone strikes seems reasonable to me.
  3. You don't have to catch it with your mouth.
  4. The model isn't working, payroll taxes aren't covering the entitlement benefits being paid. I believe I read that it will be insolvent in less that 15 years, at the current rate. Ignoring this or demonizing folks who want to address it doesn’t fix the problem.
  5. Do monkeys throw feces at you whenever you go to the zoo?
  6. Wee Virginia doves?
  7. It shouldn't matter but it does. Social media has a stranglehold on the American people, it's like digital heroin, especiallyto people under 40. So scumbag politicians are drawn there like moths to a bonfire. And for the record I don't watch OAN. From what little I've seen it's heavy on partisan nonsense. But I also see a lot of partisan nonsense on CNN, just with more subtlety and higher production values.
  8. You almost have it, but I think you are confusing who is doing the actual censoring here. Politicians can beg for preferential treatment but Twitter ultimately decides what stays on their platform and what doesn't. It can be true that Twitter picked its favorites AND that all politicians are scum bags.
  9. I guess it depends on how many of the requests in that database were actually acted on, doesn't it? If one side's requests were acted on at a rate higher than the others, that could imply bias. But I have no idea if the article tells us either way, as I won't pay for Rolling Stone.
  10. Isn't this the Tweet that Trump demanded be taken down still on Twitter? Doesn't the fact that its STILL ON TWITTER kind of strengthen Musk's/Taibbi's point? Separately, I do love how you read dipshlt partisan Tweets and then come screaming onto this board about "not a peep" from a poster (especially one you have clearly confused for someone else who won't allow you to act like an asset on their message board). You know you are the only one following most of those people on Twitter, right?
  11. Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, Red.
  12. Lol, I think even YOU know this isn't true.
  13. So let me get this straight, its " Biden constructs, Republicans obstruct, and the Lincoln Project molests"?.
  14. Or fear porn like "Republicans are coming for your social security "... Do you understand that the nation needs to address problems with the entitlement? Please read this and educate yourself. https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v70n3/v70n3p111.html
  15. I have worked in an incredibly regulated field for 25 years. I have yet to see the federal government make anything more efficient, but I trust you Len, and hope that you are right about it being able to be fixed.
  16. Apparently you dont understand the rules either. That or he was in the weirdest looking elementary school I have ever seen, seemingly late at night too.
  17. Hood job? Is this some kind of dog whistle to racist Biden supporters?
  18. We can talk about it, but do you think turning private business over to the government is going to make it more efficient?
  19. Well, Scott suggested we touch it, got scolded by McConnell and immediately backed off of his own suggestion. But by all means, let's just cross our fingers and hope it fixes itself.
  20. No, but it sure is fear mongering.
  21. I assumed you were a reasonable poster, carry on, my mistake.
  22. Come on man. This is kinda stupid.
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