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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. What kind of a delta bravo posts tax returns on a football fan site?
  2. Biden calling a press conference?
  3. Your reaction to the below post, scroll up
  4. Same with fascist and Nazi, right? And I am not sure why you find it funny that I don't like to see fellow Bills fans imply each other are kid touchers.
  5. I didn't see it. BOTH of you two need to knock it off. You act like thus in the real world and someone will rightfully beat your dumasses.
  6. No problem with tagging, but you are calling individuals on this board groomers, and that's most definitely not ok on any level.
  7. Are you really doing this? WTF is wrong with you? This isnt ok.
  8. Who cares if our president is a scumbag, as long as he isn't on the other team, amirite?
  9. Biden ticks every single box on that list too, we are @#$%ed as a nation. But queue @ChiGooseto tell me how the dems are just incompetent, not malicious.
  10. Is anything there in accurate? You just don't like it because it's your guy.
  11. Tibs, you may want to reread that list and reconsider your👍.
  12. Here is what I don't like about Trump: *Questionable cognitive ability. *Habitual liar. *Accused racist. *Accused sexual predator. *Questionable associates. *Known mishandler of classified documents. *Disturbing family ties to foreign nationals. *Has or has threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine for potentially less than savory reasons. *Can't negotiate stairs on AF1. *Gives away free money to people who don't need it. *Unwanted to run in 2024 by more that half the country I forgot to add "*questions around sexual conduct with his own daughter."
  13. Hopefully you idiot simps (am I doing that right @BillStime?) have actually got him this time, but we have played this game before. If you somehow can take him out of the race, you will be handing the Republican Party a gift the size that the Dems got when Roe was overturned. The J6 infomercial has made Trump unelectable, and I don't think Biden could even beat Christie in the general at this point.
  14. Willful negligence?
  15. I'll take "the party of Chappaquiddick" for $1000, Alex! Listen, Jordan may or may not have had a role in a cover up when he was an assistant wrestling coach. If dems believe he did wrong, why not run a house ethics inquiry? If it's proven that he did wrong, he should be appropriately punished. You understand that Al Franken was not pushed out due to Democrat integrity, right?
  16. Al Franken was me too'd.
  17. I frankly hope you are right, and I hope you apply these same standards to your own house.
  18. Now do you have him?
  19. Queue the "republicans are evil but Dems are only incompetent" in 3....2...1...
  20. Well, there is Strawman Steve, Fake Francine and even Made-up Mike...
  21. We really need that online to pan out though, especially at the tackles. We can't have TE and RB staying in to block as often as we did last year.
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