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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Maybe she worked at McDowell's instead of McDonald's? Slinging Big Mics (sans sesame seeds on the buns) while navigating love between Eric Lasalle and a mysterious foreign exchange student...
  2. That's not funny. Now THIS is funny: It's ok to laugh at your candidate, dipshlts.
  3. Literally the only reason she is running is because they couldn't figure out what way to give JB's war cheat to someone else. She is in WAY over her head.
  4. Ok Dr. Mengele, you win.
  5. Who knows, were you there? Was that you driving the boat? I've often suspected you are a closet Nazi. Frankly it wouldn't surprise anyone one bit. Garbage people. I disavow them all, and laud the propwashers for their act!
  6. If I valued your opinion of me at all, this would make me upset. But since you are an idiot: Eat boatwash, you silly goose! Your Schick is old. But Im still prepared to disavow that neo-nazism, if you'll show me where its at.
  7. Where did he do it? I'll denounce him now! Let's get him!
  8. Oh no, not a BOAT!!!! Listen you silly goose, I personally disavow Nazis, be they Neo or OG. If you can point me to your hiking trail where they all seem to hang out I'll stop by and tell them to go #$^@ themselves.
  9. Come on, @The Frankish Reich, that's pretty funny... its ok to admit it.
  10. Actually I do not support them, but I also don't see them hiding around every bend in the trail, either. Is this your new thing, calling everyone you don't like a nazi sympathizer? Better watch out or your mother is going to take away your computer if she catches you... Are you ok?
  11. But we love Tibs anyway. Anyone that dim is just harmless.
  12. 100% agree. We should all be unburdened by what was..... written by someone else because Kamala shouldn't be held to any kind of standards. For pete's sake, she's just stealing to save democracy!
  13. Actually, gender wasn't a cultural construct until the feminists decided it was. Some disagree to this day.
  14. Some great ones here. I would add The Evil Dead 2, The Ring and The Descent. And all of the OG Universal and somw of the Hammer films.
  15. Well, with the costs of the guys unloading it going up by 62%, you may have bought the last roll of TP under $10.
  16. What do you mean "hopefully nothing "? What is the "something"?
  17. Who are you going to attack, Tibsy?
  18. Who the hell let's their wife leave them without taking the damn cats?
  19. I double dog dare you to say that at a BLM protest, skippy!
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