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Posts posted by Tenhigh

  1. Shane Conlan was recently named All Time Great Bill #27. A little low I think for a stud run stuffer from our glory years.

    I know Shane personally because we plyed high school ball against each other and his brother lives down the street from my parents in Jamestown, NY. We have bumbed into each other a bunch of times, he's a good guy and willing to tell stories and answer questions about the Bills. In a HS game he hit me so hard that I thought a piano had fallen on my head, he absolutely destroyed me. I got up and for a minute thought I was vacationing in Hawaii! Definately my first concussion. He hit another back so hard it made him cry and leave the game. The other players teased him for crying but I didn't, I didn't want to go back in either.

    Shane still has a large house on lake Chautauqua, speaks at banquets and other community events and will have a few cold ones w/wings around town. I have never heard a bad thing said about Shane Conlan and don't want to, he's an outstanding family man and proud former Buffalo Bill.

    One thing though, Shane has the Biggest Head I've ever seen, size of a large watermellon. He has shoulders that won't pass through a doorway and legs the size of a flamingo's. But the S.O.B could hit!

    With all the B.S. negative spew on most boards I wanted to say something nice about one of our finest Bills ever.

    Please add some similar stories about "Hammerhead", negative posters resist the urge to badmouth Shane.

    I'm from Bemus Point, so I know the Conlan Clan as well. He was a great football player, and we'll leave it at that. :w00t:

  2. ...Now, be reasonable Ralph. This isn't the answer. Now, I know you've done a lot of crazy things over the last ten seasons. You've made a lot of decisions that make us scratch our heads, but if you do this you need to be commited until your demise happens.


    Please, we the fan base of the Buffalo Bills have been through enough, DO NOT sign Jamarcus Russell!

    Maybe he's just looking for help at tackle?



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