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Posts posted by Tenhigh


    The only people upset about this trade are ones who stuggle with logic! :lol:


    Summarized: There is a perhaps a 20% chance we are picking in the top 10 next year. You need to be picking in the top 5 to get elite QB. Therefore, the notion that we gave away our #1 next year, which represents the QB we would need to select because EJ is bad....is a tenuous conclusion at best.


    It's a calculation to be sure. But, you don't make decisions based on 20% chances(which means 80% against). The chance that we gave away an opportunity to select a stud QB next year is simply too small when weighed against the probability of the other outcomes =

    1. EJ good/>21st overall

    2. EJ mediocre/>15th overall

    3. EJ bad/>10th overall


    Thus, the team would have to completely implode for the pick we gave away to be capable of picking us a stud QB.

    Great post and right on the money....


    this is the part that always irks me. before all this bills buying stuff came up, jovi would roll into b-lo with that whole thank you for loving me sentimentality, but we all know that if he buys the team he'll be like, have a nice day! for him, it's a business deal -- it ain't a love song. and most business deals involve someone having to take bad medicine. i'm sure if you ask him if he's moving the bills, he'll just say, keep the faith or he's misunderstood, and the team would never say goodbye. and some fans will probably believe him because they'll think, why would he move the team? -- we got it going on! but we all know that they'll hit up the lost highway like a runaway for toronto or l.a. or santa fe or wherever else one wild night after he buys them. it will be a shot to the heart. and if you ask why, he'll probably just say, because we can. ultimately, it will be about the money -- that's how things are these days.


    being a fan of this team has been no bed of roses the last few years, but we really should appreciate the time they're still here. every game should be an opportunity to make a memory. one thing's for certain -- if jovi does take them to toronto i'll probably end up in an local emergency room, begging a doctor to hook me up with some morphine to dull the pain.

    I threw up in my mouth a little on that post. Well played.
  3. The top 3 OT's seem to be your best bet for "sure-fire" contribution to team success year 1. Skill position players, especially WR's, usually have a period of getting used to the NFL & that level on competition. They need to learn an entirely new playbook/system & can't get by on just their dominating physical attributes which helped them dominate the NCAA. QB's are in the same boat as well; they take a lot of time to get acclimated to the NFL as evidenced by Manuel last season.


    Offensive linemen face the lowest learning curve. At the most basic level, they go out and block the player in front of them. They don't need to learn complicated routes or plays (for the most part) of a NFL playbook.


    Greg Robinson, Jake Matthews, or Taylor Lewan could come in & start from day 1. All 3 of them have a bunch of college starts under their belt & should be ready to help improve their new offensive lines immediately. Look at how Glenn was able to contribute his rookie season and really not skip a beat.


    This immediate impact is one of the reasons I am leaning towards going OT @ 9. On top of that, RT is now this team's most dire need with the addition of Mike Williams to our WR corp. The offensive line needs a lot of help & we should come out of this draft with a bare minimum of 2 new players. What happens if Cordy Glenn goes down? I do not want to see Eric Pears playing any major part of this team.


    Manuel needs to be protected so he can develop properly & have time to throw the ball. I don't want to say he is injury prone yet but he suffered 3 separate injuries last season. The running game is also going to be their bread and butter apparently so improving the run blocking is key.

    What if all 3 are gone by ##9?



    No they aren't, but for the most important position on the field -- QB. Otherwise, the Bills are just as talented top to bottom. We were playing with a 3rd string QB for crying out loud, and without our most explosive weapon.


    I watched this game with two well-versed Saints fans -- they were worried during the 2nd quarter, and even after the Bills scored to make it 28-17. They both told me this is all about Brees, and that the Saints just find ways to win at home. Both were impressed with how the Bills played and commented about how a couple of key plays made the difference.


    The rest of the world doesn't view the Bills as negatively as most on this board. I know your post wasn't negative, but I'm tired of reading how the Bills aren't talented. They are, and it's showing itself each week.

    I would say the only definitive positions where we "out talent" the Saints are at RB and DL, and maybe safety if Byrd is up to form.

    This is just the suits at Disney feeling like they need another fat bonus. It's happening every day.


    Management figures out that people will work harder to hang on to their jobs. So you blow out 4% of your workforce, wait and see if stuff still gets done, then give yourself a bonus for being such an awesome manager.



    Hate to see anyone get laid off, but why would you pay people to do job that are clearly redundant? You have to look at both sides of the coin here. Hopefully this reorg leads to a better business model and a better product.

    Lol, looks like I missed all the fun.

  6. Plenty of people get disciplined by their university and are referred to Health Services, internal psychological counseling, etc; most aren't arrested twice for breaking-and-entering and dangerous driving. He obviously can't control his behavior while drinking.

    Relax, alcohol isn't the devil. Bruce and Jimbo used to black out at will, not to mention other assorted bad habits. He'll be fine, and we need more players with this kind of intensity.
  7. Change the team name to the Buffalo Reach.


    It may work out this time, but the history of this strategy is weak.

    Wow, Buffalo Reach, that's amazingly astute. Immediately quit your day job at McDonalds, and become either an copyrighter on Madison Ave, a football analyst, or a professional comedian.
  8. Just got a chance to watch the game from the NFL Network replay, and something seems very strange to me. The announcers are constantly saying "our" and "we" when they are talking about the Vikings, like a homer fan talking about "our team". Aren't these guys supposed to be somewhat objective? Do the Bills announcers do the same thing, or do they refer to the team like they aren't part of the organization? Maybe I just miss it because it's my team, but I don't think so.

  9. Another option that wasn’t mentioned is to find a buddy who already has the football package on Direct TV. If he has the Max package (or you were to compensate him to get it, I think it’s $60 for the entire season), I’m sure you could use his login credentials to stream directly to your PC, or other Wifi enabled device. I’ve been plugging my laptop into my TV, and other than the occasional crappy signal, it works well. Only one catch, your friend has to live outside of the Buffalo market.

  10. Shane Conlan was recently named All Time Great Bill #27. A little low I think for a stud run stuffer from our glory years.

    I know Shane personally because we plyed high school ball against each other and his brother lives down the street from my parents in Jamestown, NY. We have bumbed into each other a bunch of times, he's a good guy and willing to tell stories and answer questions about the Bills. In a HS game he hit me so hard that I thought a piano had fallen on my head, he absolutely destroyed me. I got up and for a minute thought I was vacationing in Hawaii! Definately my first concussion. He hit another back so hard it made him cry and leave the game. The other players teased him for crying but I didn't, I didn't want to go back in either.

    Shane still has a large house on lake Chautauqua, speaks at banquets and other community events and will have a few cold ones w/wings around town. I have never heard a bad thing said about Shane Conlan and don't want to, he's an outstanding family man and proud former Buffalo Bill.

    One thing though, Shane has the Biggest Head I've ever seen, size of a large watermellon. He has shoulders that won't pass through a doorway and legs the size of a flamingo's. But the S.O.B could hit!

    With all the B.S. negative spew on most boards I wanted to say something nice about one of our finest Bills ever.

    Please add some similar stories about "Hammerhead", negative posters resist the urge to badmouth Shane.

    I'm from Bemus Point, so I know the Conlan Clan as well. He was a great football player, and we'll leave it at that. :w00t:

  11. ...Now, be reasonable Ralph. This isn't the answer. Now, I know you've done a lot of crazy things over the last ten seasons. You've made a lot of decisions that make us scratch our heads, but if you do this you need to be commited until your demise happens.


    Please, we the fan base of the Buffalo Bills have been through enough, DO NOT sign Jamarcus Russell!

    Maybe he's just looking for help at tackle?



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