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Posts posted by Tenhigh




    My god, don't you guys get sick of doing this stupid "in" thing. It's not clever, it's not funny, it offers exactly zero to the board, and it is the most annoying thing going around here. Please, for the love of god, just stop this crap already. The same few users doing it over and over and over. It was funny for a week or two, but now it's just stupid and unoriginal. Let the mods do their jobs and lock threads they deem repetitive.

    I'm IN agreement with you.

  2. Ive never worried about whether or not a player wants to play in buffalo


    if it was college it means something, but with the average nfl career being so short and the big money these guys make, they're lucky to play at all anywhere.


    Nobody is.forcing you to play, go ahead and quit if you don't like it. It always works out once they build rapport with the team and staff.

    Right, and he totally sures up the backfield.

  3. Please, no Bryce Petty! They tried this already with Mike Mularkey.

    I strongly disliked Petty's body language at the combine. He was either nervous, which isn't a good sign, or arrogant and egotistical. I believe he is the latter, and it's in a way that seems terrible for leadership in an NFL quarterback. Don't like it. Don't go there, Buffalo. Please

    Of COURSE you want your QB to be egotistical. You don't think guys like Brady, Manning, Marino and even Jumbo were egotistical players? It's part of what made them great.
  4. I have been reading some kool aid drinkers that are so happy we will most likely finish 8-8, how we have so much talent and how marrone has them on the road upward... pure bull ****.


    Here is the reality, Pagula needs to fire everyone from Russ Brandon down to the waterboy Minus our Defensive Coaching staff. Can we break this down logically and realistically for a change?


    Brandon is an idiot and a freaking clone of Ralph Wilson and he flat sucks. Maybe he is ok at Marketing but this "MoneyBall" bull **** being played at OBD has to stop. Fire him now.


    Doug Whaley? Mr. Moneyball himself? He thought EJ Manuel was a Franchise QB, that alone should get him fired. But no there's more!! For 19.95 you too can have a GM that trades away a WR thinking that ONE WR was going to be THE piece to get the team into the playoffs. When in fact a BETTER TALENT could have been had at our draft spot. One that coming out was more pro ready etc. We traded away a 4th rounder as well which we got back...then traded away again for a Backup RB from the Eagles that hasn't hardly seen the field. He also pays decent money to a crap Guard and traded away another pick for a WR who had bad history with our HC and hasn't hardly seen the field AND still eats up 5+ mill of our cap next year.


    Whaley is NOT a good GM period. His moves have cost us now and in the long run much moreso than not. Fire him now.


    Doug Marrone? Saint Doug? Fire that smug !@#$ today. HE doesn't have this team playing tough, Jim Schartz and the Defense plays tough. The Special teams plays tough. Dougie and his buddy Hackett both need to go back to college and stay there.


    There has just been 15+ years of ineptness at OBD and yeah I'll say it from Ralph on down when it comes to building a football team. They keep "retooling" by bringing in people that somewhat fit the mold of what Ralph was doing. The only way to finally get this team over the top is to cut the cancer out completely. Get the mentality, way of doing things out of that building 100%. I mean fire Brandon, Whaley, Marrone, Hackett, anyone else on the offensive staff and each and every scout. Pagula needs to bring in his own people and start fresh including cutting or trading some of the alleged "talent" on this roster.


    Until this is finally done, this team will always be a 6-10 to maybe 10-6 team and nothing more and I am sorry folks that just isn't good enough period.


    For the koolaid drinkers and cool kids that will try to play cool and offer up some pure crap saying I am wrong and what they are doing is great blah blah blah, don't worry....nothing will change at OBD. The same worthless assclowns will be there next year and we might win 9 games. Then the homers will talk again how we are so close..we are "right there" and again, they will be wrong.

    I guess I’m confused. Should we clean house top to bottom entirely? Top to bottom EXCEPT for defense? Or is it top to bottom EXCEPT for defense and special teams? Please tell me what to think, as all of this koolaid has addled my brain.
  5. guy probably makes about $75 a game (give or take a 20) and little to nothing for his time studying the rules outside of that, and has to drive all over the district nights and weekends to do this, takes more than his fair of abuse from players/coaches/parents and hes going to have to show up in court because he re-played a down instead of enforcing it on the kickoff? its a bit lame.

    I think he skipped that part. Dont these guys usually take a pocket rulebook with them? But I agree, there is no place for the courts in this kind of nonsense. I bet that they implement some kind of appeals process at the state athletic association level, though.

  6. I have not closed the book on EJ. He does have talent. He is a great kid and teammate.


    I understand he is working hard. With any luck, he gets the time he needs to max out on his talent. I have no idea what his ceiling might be, but I honestly believe that he will improve and may end up being what we all had hoped he will be.

    He plays like Kurt Russell in the first half of the game in The Best of Times. He needs to be more like Kurt Russell in the SECOND half of the game in The Best of Times. Is not enough to study the game, you need prose ams a little hate for the other team. Imho. Hope he can find that nastiness in himself.
  7. We absolutely have superior talent. The problem is we completely screwed the pooch by blowing our games vs KC and Miami. Now they have tie-breakers over us making it incredibly difficult for us to get into the playoffs at 9-7. We have the hardest last quarter of the schedule by far to boot. That means we need to get to 10-6 to make the playoffs (yes 9-7 COULD happen, but that's given a very specific set of circumstances). To get to 10-6 we need to beat 2 out of three 9-3 teams who are all division leaders led by the likes of Manning/Rogers/Brady. KC is the only other team to have to face a 9-3 team and they only play one. Also, don't discount the fact that we are the ONLY one of those teams that play three of our next 4 opponents on the road.


    Last Quarter Schedules for the 7-5 teams:


    Buffalo: @ Broncos (9-3), vs. Packers (9-3), @ Raiders (1-11), @ Patriots (9-3) - THREE away games

    KC: Cardinals (9-3), vs. Raiders (1-11), @ Steelers (7-5), vs. Chargers (8-4) - ONE away game

    Miami: Dolphins (7-5), vs. Jaguars (2-10), @ Texans (6-6), vs. Browns (7-5) - ONE away game

    Baltimore: @ Dolphins (7-5), vs. Jaguars (2-10), @ Texans (6-6), vs. Browns (7-5) - TWO away games

    Pittsburgh: @ Bengals (8-3-1), @ Falcons (5-7), vs. Chiefs (7-5), vs. Bengals (8-3-1) - TWO away games

    Cleveland: vs. Colts (8-4), vs. Bengals (8-3-1), @ Panthers (3-8-1), @ Ravens (7-5) - TWO away games

    Miami gets to play the Dolphins!?!? Conspiracy!!!!!

  8. To me the 10.5 point underdog is a joke, this is a MUCH closer game then most people believe.



    A few facts


    The Broncos managed a 3 point victory over the Dolphins on November 23rd.


    The Broncos lost to the Rams 22-7 on November 16th. Yep, the freaking Rams


    The Patriots are a great team but spanked the Broncos 43-21 on Nov 2nd ???



    It's only my opinion but Buffalo has the best defense the Broncos will face ALL season.

    I believe this is a very close game...... :flirt:


    My upset special for this week


    Buffalo 28

    Broncos 24













    9.3333333 field goals in one game is almost to much to ask of any kicker. Our D better score a few TDs......

  9. I'm not going to argue with you. But the question is, should a company that knowingly sells coffee so hot it burns people (they know because there had been hundreds of previous complaints and incidents including burnt infants and children. Several individuals were even spilt coffee on them by employees) be liable when someone gets burned by their product. I think so, most people do as well, but that is your opinion. However, if you think that notion is so frivolous and crazy it shouldnt make it to trial, then you should think about it a little more

    What is there to think about? She bought hot coffee and got burned when she spilled it on herself, and then sued McDonalds for her error.

    Anyone who thinks the McDs case was frivolous either can't read, is an idiot, doesn't have any common sense or all three. McDougals knew the coffee was too hot to serve safely but continued to do so because they didn't think anyone would see them. The plaintiff only wanted her medical bills covered, Maccas laughed and went to court where they got their asses handed to them.

    Couldn't disagree more, Coffee is hot, bro! Are you going to Genesee because all of those cream ales gave you a hangover? But maybe this discussion belongs in another part of the board.
  10. actually some of the plaintiffs were split coffee on by their employees :)


    I'd suggest reading about it, its pretty interesting. For whatever reason what the media reported wasn't the full story/truth, it was a case where a lawsuit was needed

    I did read about it. She was in her car with the coffee in her lap adding cream and sugar, and spilled the coffee on herself. My original point still stands.
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