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Posts posted by Tenhigh

  1. oh gosh really? i had no idea of the record. Thanks for that fact. And that was not the point. I enjoy any games we win and even some we lose, I dont need playoffs nor superbowls to be a fan, but i do need a group of guys i like, which is why i dont watch a game of nba anymore since they are mostly primadonnas. But again, very insightful, I thought we were a top tier team until you mentioned we were terrible.

    You can't have a team full of Chris Kelsays and Coy Wires and compete at a professional level, which is why I pointed it out. If you're ok with 6-10 for the rest of your life so be it, many around here are not. And ironically, I don't want Ray Rice on the team either, but not for the same reasons you don't.

  2. EDIT: It's exactly like a situation in which the guy you think is a complete douchebag at the gym is bangin an average looking chick (but she is an actual chick) and you talk s**t about him and his girl to make you feel better about yourself, when meanwhile, you haven't gotten laid since 1999.

    So which guy are you in this story? The douchebag or the jealous loser?:o

  3. There was a fight.... I can confirm that it involved marquise goodwin as an aggressor. Robert woods was involved as well. Witnesses also said Sammy Watkins and Aaron Williams were part of the group but did not get involved.


    I know first hand of one female that was injured and another that was threatened with a punch in the face from Robert Woods. A bar employee lost 2 teeth. The individuals that reached out to me are deciding whether or not to pursue the incident. (I'm sure u can guess what I do for a living)


    The people I'm dealing with are more insulted and pissed off than anything...they were there for a 21st birthday party and were swarmed by this group

    I am assuming you did the right thing by these potential clients and told them to chalk it up to "supporting their team", and not to bother with any sort of silly charges or lawsuits, correct?


    I don't know if I agree with that on its face, but I do agree that he just needs to let it rip.

    I am not saying that the hard work doesn't have it's place, just that I think EJ's confidence is shot from being Marroned, and that he thinks he can fix the problem by trying harder. I disagree that his solution is viable.

  5. This thought just occurred to me while I was watching Whaley's PC. Nothing against the Pegulas, I believe that Brandon is ecstatic as having them as Mr Wilson's successors but Brandon has been fiercely loyal to RW, the franchise and the community. If the Bills were to win in the near future, would Brandon feel satisfied in completing the journey? I could see Whaley still wanting to flourish for a long time but Brandon may feel like he successfully relayed the franchise to the new era from the old one, brought the franchise back to respectability and finished what he started while being mentored by RW.


    If this were to ever happen I think it would be a fantastic storyline, even made into a movie. Could you imagine Brandon going to Mrs Wilson's house in the wee hours of a Super Bowl victory and as she answers the door to find a tear stained Brandon telling her, "We did it, this one is for Mr Wilson, our journey is complete", or a scene something like that. Then Brandon just takes off, knowing that there isn't anything else that he could do professionally that could top that, knowing that the franchise is complete and that he can totally handoff the franchise to the Pegulas and let them build their own legacy. Corny? Only if you're not a life long die hard Bills' fan. Heartwarming, downright freaking heartwarming.


    Go Bills!


  6. Agreed. Country music used to be about mama, trains, trucks, prison, and getting drunk. Now it's just pop music with a slide guitar and/or fiddle thrown in there as an after thought to make it sound country. The lyrics boil down to "Hey. I live in the south/small town/on a farm/in America, and you do too. Them northerners/city folk don't understand our simple life. Buy my record. Oh, and here's my obligatory ass kissing reference to Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson/Hank Williams."

    Well I was drunk, the day my mom, got out of prison,

    And I went, to pick her up, in the rain,

    But before, I could get to the station in my pickup, truck.....

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