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Posts posted by Tenhigh

  1. Oh come on. Manuel was freaking horrible (so was Cassel). He should have had another pick in the end zone on a horrible throw and had another inexcusable fumble that the bills luckily recovered. As for cassel, the first word of my thread title is "if."

    Admit it, you were kinda hoping he played lights out so you could have your "I told you so" moment. It's ok, we won't judge.

  2. I predicted 4 wins at the beginning of the season. I am shocked we won 3 so far. I haven't watched a full game all fall. Except for today, the weather has been nice every Sunday, and I refused to watch today's game due to globalism. NFL games are all WWF, so don't let yourself get too bent out of shape when the same five or six teams make the playoffs every year: Pats*, Cowboys, Steelers, Giants, Packers. It's all a joke anyway. Rex knows it and the veteran players know it. I do feel bad for fans with their blinders on and the Pegula's, though.

    why post?


    Buffalo still is a middle of the road team. In 2+ seasons they've managed to win about 46% of their games which translates to a 7 win season.


    Owners don't employ GM's who fail to win and as architect of the roster, Doug Whaley hasn't won games.


    Fitz looked decent yesterday. Better than EJ will ever be. There are also some young guys who show more upside out there, including the guys you specified.

    You can't possibly think Fitz is the answer to ANY question for this team. As for the other guys I specified, which one did you want? There were serious questions about every single one of those guys. I don't know that they aren't all at their ceiling, and neither do you. Honestly man, it can't all be hindsight in your argument. There is talent on this team, the GMs job is to bring in talent. The coaches' job is to take that talent and win games.


    Agreed that McCown>Cassel/Manuel, but he still sucks.


    Such a predictable non-response. Buddy Nix retired in May 2013. How are you blaming 2011-2013 on Whaley? He was handed the reigns with a 1st rd QB in May 2013 with the plan to let him learn behind a seasoned vet. Anything from then to now, sure, he owns it, but again, who SHOULD he have picked up? Hoyer? McCown? Fitz? Who?




    Do you think that Buddy one day just ambled up to Russ Smithers-Brandon and said he was going to retire? I don't, and suspect that Whaley took on more of a personnel management (i.e. decision making) role in early 2013 leading to his promotion to GM. And that includes (as Dave McB noted) scouting and picking a QB he could feature. Why would the Bills permit Nix to take a QB his successor would have to live and die on?


    If you do, then we're done here.


    For what it's worth the Bills probably would have been better off with Fitz, and that guy defines what it means to be a journeyman.

    So no answer then, check. I'll even play by your nonsensical idea that EJ was ALL Whaley's pick. Who were you taking in the 2013-2015 drafts for QBs? Which one of these QBs selected since 2013 seemed like the guy coming out of college:


    EJ, Geno, Bortles, Bridgewater, Carr, Garappolo, Johnny Football, Winston and Mariota.


    Bridgewater and Carr are the ONLY ones in the top 15 in QBR and/or completion percentage. Did you really think either of those 2 were the real deal? I didn't. Hell, who even watched a Fresno State game. The rest of these guys stink out loud. Ironically, in hindsight I agree about Fitz, albeit only marginally but if we kept him, we'd still be middle of the pack at best. You can't get blood from a stone.

  5. It's pretty well established that the Manuel pick was Whaley's pick. He is the one who scouted him and the other QBs intensively (not Nix), and he's the one who set the board (which is on record). Nix was nominally in charge, but Manuel was most definitely a Whaley pick.

    Do you have any evidence for the bolded? Seems like it's primarily only pretty well established for the Anti EJ/Whaley crowd...

  6. I can't root for the Cowboys, so I didn't care one way or the other. I was happy to see Coughlin--who I like--win.

    McCown was the guy, but the Browns outspent us and (from what I read) promised him more of a chance. He's a better player than Cassel at this point, and that's been made clear this season. He's playing pretty well for the Browns even though the record doesn't show it.


    Agreed that McCown>Cassel/Manuel, but he still sucks.


    Such a predictable response. Whenever Buffalo shows their QB situation is poor, we always see this post. Well, as I've noted, OBD has been horrible identifying QB's and when they do, the player has been a bust.


    There are muliple QB's taken from 2011-2014 in the 2nd and 3rd who are better than Manuel. And they're improving where EJ isn't. Take your pick.

    Such a predictable non-response. Buddy Nix retired in May 2013. How are you blaming 2011-2013 on Whaley? He was handed the reigns with a 1st rd QB in May 2013 with the plan to let him learn behind a seasoned vet. Anything from then to now, sure, he owns it, but again, who SHOULD he have picked up? Hoyer? McCown? Fitz? Who?


    Again, TPegs did not spend 1.4B and then hand out all those big contracts to have this bad a team. He may not know football but I'd wager that he's going to get eyes on his team in the wake of today's debacle. Who knows, perhaps it's already happened.


    The book on Whaley is he hasn't found a good QB or really drafted well offensively. At QB, he's signed guys off the street, drafted a guy, traded for guys and nothing worked. And before the predictable excuse makers show up en masse to ask who he should have picked, I would ask this question: Would a billionaire owner trust Doug Whaley who's tried and failed so often to find a good QB? I wouldn't.

    What QB should Whaley have signed that he didn't? Think carefully, this is a very important answer....

  8. Sling box is great if your network can handle the upload but it is a little out dated with most streaming services now (great for people who set it up at a different address and need tv service though)

    I hardwired the slingbox at my mom's house, so the upload is fine. My download is over wifi, but Fios almost NEVER buffers at my house, so its all good, and it was only $120 all in.... The only downside is she only has one cable box in the house, so for weeks where the Bills aren't on in my coverage area, she has to suck it up and watch too. Or she can watch old lady mysteries on Netflix.....

  9. Jimbo seems like a lot on this board.




    Without the insane need to be "right" about everything.


    Is this true? He's paid to be with the team? Does this exist on any of the other 31 teams?


    Also, I think I've made my "beef" pretty clear. His time was 25 years ago. There were Buffalo Bills before him, there have been plenty since. At some point he and the organization should move on.

    So to be clear, we should stop listening to the greatest quarterback in our organization's history and do what, read more of your posts?

  10. for some reason the sarcasm meter is not properly calibrated again. how does this keep happening!!

    Some one here at TBD needs to get a proper beheading. what better location than The infamous Towers of London!

    Beerball do you have your Visa up to date?


    sarcasm is fun. when its perceived correctly.

    It's Leroi, I just naturally assume he is wrong when it comes to all things quarterback.



    I guess I can see why you may have thought that--my apologies for being defensive.


    I merely meant that Taylor is a guy that can make plays, and with this offense as banged up as it is, we need as many guys that can make plays as possible.


    Heck, find a way to get Josh Johnson out there as a WR if you have to

    Sort of a max protect shotgun wildcat set? With All 3 QBs and shady in the slot?

  12. I cant speak knowledgbly to Greg Romans intelligence level and as always its a team decision to release or keep a player. I think everyone on the board understands that concept. I also get that he can run and open other things up. My point is the guy is extremely fragile so how much longerdoes the staff allow this to continue? Its now week four lets see if he plays. And if he does how long until he is hurt again which I hope he is not.

    Whya ate you this interested in getting rid of him? Is there someone on the PS or a free agent who you feel offers more value on the 53?
  13. I have been incredibly surprised by how well Tyrod has played to this point, and even more so considering these were his first three starts in the NFL. It seems that the four years sitting behind Joe Flacco as a backup did wonders to his development and understanding of the game.


    The strategy of drafting a QB and waiting a few years before starting him seems to have gone out the window with the increasingly impatience of owners/coaches/GMs. I would say the last true QB to be drafted and playing backup for his first few years was Aaron Rodgers, and that has seemed to turn out well.


    Makes me wonder if other people around the league are seeing the early success of Tyrod and rethinking how they develop drafted QBs.

    Seriously, a guy with the handle "JPLoserman" posts this topic and NOBODY points out the irony?
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