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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Some interesting takes, and I agree that it's not black and white. While part of me leans toward the "If you are unwilling to do your job correctly, why is that your bosses fault" argument, I can see the other side of the coin as well. I also think the point about it being Rex's fault for not benching MW is fair, but even that is nuanced. Like it or not, that defense works as a unit. I can understand why a new coach who is trying to install his system handles his star defender with kid gloves, even though he's being a malcontent. You're trying to get these guys to buy in to the system willingly, not scare them into it. It's part of the whole "players coach" mentality, that has seen some success. What happens if the ship gets turned around on defense next year, and we're in the top 10 on defense? Does Wrex become Rex again?
  2. I have a new idea, lets talk about the disappointing 2015 defense. It seems like every other post is "Cause...Wrex...Sux" and "Wrecks ruined this defense". Someone actually said he "LITERALLY castrated the defense" (probably my favorite hyperbole to date). I fully understand that he came in and said he'd make the D better. He also claimed he wouldn't change things (did anyone really believe that at the time?), which clearly turned out to be BS. There were also a ton of defensive calls that went in late. But it seems like we are we giving the players a pass here. Why aren't any former football players who post here giving the defensive hell for not learning their assignments? Or clearly phoning it in much of the time? Could you imagine someone on your football team just giving up like MW did? I get that it's easier to hate "Wrex", and he deserves a lot of blame. But why aren't the players getting any heat (outside of the occasional dig at MW)?
  3. 1st and a 4th for a 33 year old guard? Sign me up....
  4. I can Bills fans wearing "Cro's Your Daddy?" tee shirts all over town.
  5. Kap was pretty terrible last year, if you didn't notice.
  6. I know Rex is into wacky stuff, but I've never once heard that he is into this.....
  7. This claim is kind of crazy, you know that, right? Rex's GM gutted the roster that Orton played against. Good point. but you can't refute Mr. Defense. I mean his name is Mr. Defense, for Chrissakes.
  8. 2016 Bills, We Gotta Be Due, I Mean, Right?
  9. Some of those comments are painful.
  10. Honestly, he's shown some good, and some bad. This gives me hope that he can learn a few lessons: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/01/03/ryan-and-his-defense-find-a-comfort-zone-as-bills-oust-jets/ Hyperbole is worthless, but all that seems to get posted around here lately.
  11. Not sure what you mean by this. Its hard to believe that when you post gems like "Cuz. Rex. Sux", ya know?
  12. The bolded part there, I don't think that is exactly accurate.
  13. PPG is a great stat, but 3 and out is a much better stat than 3rd down conversion to measure efficacy of an offense. 3 and out means you did NOTHING.
  14. This I don't get, seems like hate for hate's sake. What if they have a deep playoff run next year?
  15. A lot of BBFS in this thread, let's all take a deep breath...
  16. You gotta wonder if the recent rule requiring teams to spend so close to the cap was referred to as the "Ralph Rule" around the league owners. Kinda like Megan's Law, or the Brady Bill.
  17. 2016 Buffalo Bills, now with fewer Willamses!!!
  18. "What else are you going to do on Sundays? or "Providing your excuse to drink when you have to work in the am for 16 years and counting"
  19. Sully probably feels like a proud vulture father, watching his vulture son circling his first dying woodland creature.
  20. Lol, or maybe he is a magician.
  21. "Local Reporter's Constructive Criticism Directly Responsible for Super Bowl Victory".
  22. You are a quintessential Sullivan reader. You enjoy pretending he's not miserable. You are criticizing Bills fans for having fun making up fake headlines to pass the February doldrums because you hate the fact that that you're as miserable as Sully, who has been wrong nearly as often as yourself.
  23. But is it URGENT?
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