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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Lest we forget his Cam Newton race baiting, lol. To me he is just a professional rabble rouser.
  2. You do need a hug. Bring it in big guy, come to poppa, I still love ya.
  3. If you are going to be your usual boorish self, at least try to be funny, maybe something about Rex getting caught in the Steelers team room getting and electric footjob.
  4. My hope is that after this thread we'll stop seeing so much bile in this place. We get it, some posters don't like the coach or the GM, but it doesn't need to be the overriding theme of every single thread. A few posters are dragging this board down from what used to be a pretty high level of intelligent football conversation to the CNN.COM political comments section.
  5. I don't need a safe zone at all. But I'll confirm that like some here I am kinda sick of reading the same posts from you, Baldol and Scotty over and over and over and over and over.
  6. I like it, but I believe Mr. Leo would likely be a Colts fan.
  7. Link it or its not true!
  8. From the Jags board: ScottLew: This injury is going to set us back 40 years, Baldor: 40 years? More like 80. Keep drinking the koolaid, see if it helps with your self of steam issues. JagsVet: We’ll be lucky to field a team this year, the Kahn’s must be SOOOOO mad right now. Caldwell lied to him about the extent of the existing issue for evil purposes!
  9. Darn, beat me to it! I heard the coach had a big hand in this selection, so fire him too.
  10. But at least he'll be able to say that he was right if everything doesn't go 100% perfectly.
  11. Who is your gripe with specifically, Rico? Brandon, Overdorf, Whaley or Nix? What makes these guys trash in your estimation?
  12. Not, it annoys the pants off of me. But some of you guys seem to LOVE it, it gives you a chance to be miserable, no?
  13. Low self of steam?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? We're FULL of steam, as in FULL STEAM AHEAD!!! As opposed to simple hot air, which is what you miserable turkeys are full of
  14. We get you and Scott Law, that's what happens.
  15. What if ALL you do is bash the Bills?
  16. It looks pretty fun when the monkeys do it.
  17. Really? I don't know that the OP was going there at all. I think his point was that this place falls to PIECES when anything less than ideal happens to the Bills. I see it as based on 3 different groups. Group one are really just a bunch of chicken littles, assuming every scratch is going to turn gangrenous and that a backup tackle going down means the season is over. Group two absolutely RELISHES in it when bad things happen to the Bills, like dogs rolling in dead fish, basically masochists. Group three are posters that are more vested in being right about perceived shortcomings of the organization than actually seeing the Bills win. These are the guys that like to call themselves realists, assuming their beliefs as fact. They are almost worse because they usually know a lot about football, but get so hung up in the "CUZ WRECKS SUX" type posts that people tend to just tune them out, when they often offer a lot of valuable content to the board. Like clockwork, when something bad happens, you can see group one screaming to the moon and back. Group 1 starts to panic and begins their 2019 mock drafts. Group 2 will hit the ground running, spreading their misery from thread to thread, only there to sulk and mewl. Group 3 will use it as an excuse to grind their axe, usually about hating on Whaley or Rex or the ghost of Ralph Wilson. And yes, there are a few that think that EVERYTHING that happens to the Bills is good. That's a dangerous way to go through life, but maybe not as toxic as our friends in groups 1-3. But I don't think you'll find one poster on this board that believes everything that comes out of the mouth of ANY spokesperson. I mean, we're mostly adults, and understand that their job is to spin. But ask yourself, do you REALLY want a GM that always tells the truth? It's would be monumentally bad for business. But it's pretty clear that the Bills rolled the dice here and lost, at least in the short term, and who really cares what comes out of Whaley's mouth. It's not what was discussed behind closed doors, and frankly, that stuff isn't usually what the public needs to hear. Lets just hope that the surgery is over quickly and Lawson can get back on the field. But separate from that, yes, some posters try to look at situations in as positive a light as possible, and try to make opportunities out of their difficulties. If that means that I have self esteem issues, lol, I guess I do. Bravo.
  18. Yeah, but Billsvet and Scottlaw are NEVER pessimistic!!!! Translation: DOOMED
  19. May not have been much of a football player, but that sumbich was one heck of a college wrestler.
  20. wow, just take a look at the 1987 draft: Conlan Odomes Mueller Seals McKeller Ballard
  21. BUI!?!?!?!? What an animal!
  22. They didn't force him into his hit and run in Buffalo, that's for sure, nor did they cause him to get a DWI in Seattle. I guess you could say that they are to blame for his suggesting his team move to Toronto, but that's debatable.
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