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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Even the great Schwartz defenses had them. Remember that Raider game that they laid an egg on? A new TBDism?
  2. I take my 9-7 back, I say 11-5 now. Anyone care to recalculate?
  3. Bobby where did you go? If you really are a Bills fan, its ok to stick around, we have all kinds of BBFS sufferers on the board.
  4. ...skipped the game to watch my son's team win a huge baseball tournament! Proud papa, and I got to watch a DVR of a great game...
  5. What in the world are you implying here?
  6. Aren't some of you late for that appointment on the bridge you're jumping off of? This place is turning into a wasteland.
  7. You "suspect" an agenda? LOL, this guy is making 2 out of every 5 posts on TSW., and they all say the same thing. S Dear sweet baby Jesus, if you are indeed up there, please let that old proverb that says "the star that burns brightest burns fastest" hold true....
  8. Maybe both? Come on, you gotta admit you LOVE that you're right.
  9. What's that for, cleaning up the result of your failure boner?
  10. Can you try it on another Bills site? You've made up 45% of all posts on TSW over the last week. We get it, you're pissed.
  11. Nice to see Steinbeck reference on TBD. Or like most of us, are you getting your cultural references from Looney Tunes?
  12. Warxh out for that sky landing on top of yoyr head, chicken little
  13. Id think its less on hope and more that adults have more patience, imo.
  14. Congrats, your apocalyptic fantasies are coming true through the 1st 2 games of the season, you must have one hell of a failure boner!!! How unfortunate we have 14 more to play... Me, I think we turn this thing around. I'm saying 9-7, sneaking into the playoffs!!! If I'm wrong, we'll get back on the ship again next year. If I'm right, you turkeys can bask in the Bill's respective glory, and secretly be ashamed of your cowardice for taking the easy way out.
  15. Today my buddy who is a Pats fan told me that the Patriots have 3 of the 4 best qbs in the afc east. I couldn't argue.
  16. What he said on Twitter was fine. Some DB trashes him, he responds. He wasnt talking to you guys, so what is the big deal? Are your jobs little?
  17. He is the loser, but you are the guy still butt hurt a year later about him calling some dbag fans out on Twitter? Or were you the guy talking trash to him on Twitter?
  18. Maybe we line EJ up at halfback, when TT takes his 3 step drop EJ can grab him around the waist and hoist him up so that TT can see the middle of the field.
  19. My offensive line is going to be UGE!!! UGE!!!
  20. The snarky accuracy of this comment had me chuckling.
  21. SMH, I love when people make my point for me. Nobody said the Bills don't deserve criticism. Tyrod looked awful today, and Roman called a miserable game. The point of my first post in this thread called you out for being hypocritical. The seconded called you out for trying to cover your butt in case the Bills did well today, well, congrats, they didn't, so you didn't need the hedge after all . But jesus man, every one of your posts reads like you are the drunk frat boy that wandered into the nerd house, and you are looking to hand out wedgies to any nerd that dare defy you. Baseball bat to the face? You can't possibly live like this in real life. Maybe try civil discourse, consider occasionally agreeing to disagree? This is a place where Bills fans congregate to discuss football in a reasonable setting, isn't it?
  22. Nice hedge, lol. You sanctimoniously talk all offseason about how they suck and won't amount to crap and that the team has no shot at anything, and then you sneak that little 10-11 game comment into the mix just so if they do well, you can say that you always knew they could do it. You are clearly more vested in being right than seeing the bills win, and that is insufferable, at least to me. If you really are a Bills fan, I hope that all of your heavy handed negativity is wrong for BOTH of our sakes, and that today the Bills kick off what is going to be a great season.
  23. Damn, I forget that one every off season.
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