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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. The lock in with the loophole in an of itself was smart. What they should have done was to pro-rate the extension value based on production.
  2. I don't get how people struggle with this so much. It was a smart business decision at the time, and still is.
  3. Very classy post, but I am all good, and hoping for a big W this weekend. You? Disagree about the Jets, they closed up shop for the season last week. I think we beat the Fins too, Tanny is still terrible, deep down.
  4. That wasn't supposed to be funny. People with limited intellect use hyperbole to make shallow points.
  5. Lets take a deep breath here. I don't think you understood my original point, which was simply that it is more likely than you think that the Bills make the playoffs. Unlikely? Yes. As unlikely as you suggested in your post? No. Not sure what has you so worked up.
  6. Your hyperbolized zinger about Sophia Vergara really had the board on the edge of its seat, fella.
  7. He took up 1/155th of the Bills salary cap. They could have used that money one a new washing machine in the team room.
  8. Stop being a drama queen. More like Kathy Bates pulling up next to you.
  9. I heard his collarbone is made of a semi-dried toothpaste.
  10. That's just crazy enough to work.....
  11. Can you troll another team's message board please? Or try BuffaloBills.com Very true. And for the record, there is nothing wrong with being optimistic about the chances of the sporting team that you root for. Not sure why so many get their rock off showing how they are "realists" and constantly predicting doom and gloom.
  12. It's a matter of how you'd rather have your heart broken, late Q4 pick or 3 and out?
  13. Yes. I don't think he cares enough about us to bother.
  14. I don't agree with a lot of what you post, but how can you argue with this? Jauron's mom also might prefer Jauron's coaching to Harbaugh's. Might.
  15. Is that no thank you to me? or yeezy? or both? My apologies. Yes his day's are numbered, I just though you were referring to this year...
  16. How about instead of "No Thank You" we post: "#FARTNOISE" in response to Yeezy threads? For the millenials.
  17. Here are tyrod's:
  18. Not if we finish better than 500 they're not!
  19. It's ok Fergy, I think he's shouting "Booooouuuuuuurrrrrnnnnssss!!!!"
  20. Does he have an external one too? If no, how did he have all dem kids?
  21. I agree. I proposed that EACH ref on the field have a counterpart in the booth with real-time replay capabilities that can override erroneous flags or instruct the field ref to throw blatant missed flags. To me, that makes the whole thing work about 75% better. It's either that or this: https://www.wired.com/2015/07/baseball-game-no-umpire/
  22. LOL, I thought he was trying to make some kind of flying carpet analogy.
  23. They suck on every level, and mine affect my vision first. The first time I had on I lost about 75% of vision in both eyes. I was at work, but it was like I was going snowblind. I nearly shat myself.
  24. Maybe the Bills should bring in Dr. Nick.
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