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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. No one is claiming that clearly false narrative you're putting out there. We're just teasing you for the manufactured outrage and mania for something that hasn't and probably won't come to pass, and even if it did is not the end of the world.
  2. Wait, WHAT?!?!?!?! You mean like Box Tops or just the barcode? Cause if its the Box Tops, my @#$% kid has been taking them into school for years, clearly holding the Bills back. Should I wake him up and punish him or just wait until the am and see if he has any saved up, maybe get us a few more comp picks? Also, what is your thought about building a team through recycled newspapers? And shot out to the Ghost of Jamie for bringing up this little discussed topic!
  3. This place is getting a little crazy. Why are we already complaining about something that very likely may not come to pass, and we wont know either way for quite some time? BBFS?
  4. said the guy named after beerwater
  5. So you are not ok with TT, but you are ok with a clearly worse Siemian for a little cap space? WTF?
  6. Waitress? Who you kidding with a waitress? I am thinking dishwasher, or maybe hunchback bus girl.
  7. I look at the guy and I see EJ all over again. Big, strong arm, doesn't know how to read a defense, and is an inaccurate passer.What gives you comfort that's he's got the potential to play at the NFL level?
  8. You mean Alex Smith? Or are you justifying Bobby's crusade because he was in the army? If so, what is your excuse?
  9. On the board would finally get to see Ryan and FireChan shut up on the subject, so there is at least one win. Plus a whole new set of poorly phrased and grammatically error ridden topics from major bobby, so there is 2...
  10. I don't think that Cardale even qualifies as middling, do you?
  11. If we started Cardale this year while waiting to draft a QB next, wouldn't that make Cardale the bridge QB?
  12. What do you think happens to our awesome run game without TT?
  13. That's a FRITO LAY'S FIRST DOWNNNN!!!!!!! Keep your PPP where it belongs.
  14. And what is the cap hit for the team that signed him?
  15. So your saying to tank for 3 or 4 years?
  16. can't use butter in the sauce cause of the Dairy, I think
  17. Imstead of Strangers on a Train, you two should just spouse swap, but for each other. Sure the sex will be horribly painful, but, well... PIZZA AND SPAGHETTI For real though, I cut all of that crap out of my diet (whole30), and am down 40 lbs. Feel a lot better, but boy do I miss beer and pizza on Friday night! For the superbowl, I am going to smoke up a bunch of collosal shrimp, maybe a pork butt and make pulled pork and vinegar slaw...
  18. It's another way of looking at things, nothing wrong with that.
  19. Who do you want? It's easy to say a guy sucks at predicting the future. But if you're your going to ride him for it, man up and predict who the Bills should take NOW!
  20. probably due to all of the dixpix you included in the envelop.
  21. You bet your Yog Sogoth it is. Are those king crab legs too?
  22. Any thoughts on how is this going to pan out for Darby?
  23. He really sured up his point there
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