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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Look at the context from this article: "On April 27, 2010, Manning sent an email to Giants head equipment manager Joe Skiba asking for "two helmets that can pass as game used." The email was initiated after Manning was sent a note by Alan Zucker, his marketing agent throughout his career, to come up with some equipment to satisfy his obligation to provide such materials to sports memorabilia company Steiner Sports." My guess is that Eli's camp is going to issue the following statement: "Eli wanted the equipment manager to find 2 (of his many) actual game used helmets that were scuffed up enough to look 'game used', so that the buyers would have a more authentic piece of memorabilia. Any lack of clarity in the message can be attributed to the below:
  2. Sorry, its taken. Stii available are:Chest LaRue Busty St. Claire Hercules Q Rockefeller
  3. I read it (a long time ago) and I remember them obsessing over Youkilis for half the book, God of Walks, or something like that. OPS was the super-stat, if I remember correctly, and the key was valuing players by sabremetrics over old fashioned stats. Good read.
  4. No worries, I've been saving cereal box tops. The formula goes: 15 free agents lost - 17 free agents gained - 2 net comp pick loss then: 7,743 box tops x 0.0004 box top to comp pick conversion ratio 3.0972 box top - 2 net comp pick loss SAM DARNOLD We're back in the black, baby!
  5. Maybe he was trying to say: "JauroniMO? More like JauroniNO!"
  6. What part of "Unless you are in the armed forces and deployed overseas" are you unable to understand?
  7. I am 100% comfortable with my post stating "Unless you are in the armed forces and deployed overseas, you sound like a terrible father and husband. Probably a good employee though." What is ignorant about saying that parents shouldn't miss their kid's birthday unless they need to? Clearly you had no choice but to miss their birthdays. I would think that you of all people would appreciate the value of being there for your family, and would side with the guy who skipped a voluntary stretching workout to be with his family over something as inconsequential as football. Thanks for your service, regardless. And for the record, if I disagree with Badol, Firechan and Billsvet, it tends to mean I am right.
  8. I can vouch for him. Aside from the Red Sox part, anyway.....
  9. Wasn't Tebow the next QB selected?
  10. It's pretty simple, if he was doing something altruistic with his time my assumption would be inaccurate. I also tend to think if he was that kind of guy he wouldn't brag about all of the birthdays and anniversaries he missed. Good to know that the feeling is mutual between us, though.
  11. I said its SOUNDS LIKE. Maybe he’s deployed in the middle east. Maybe he volunteers for Drs. Without Borders. But he’s bragging about missing his kid’s and wife’s bday on a message board, absent any of the bolded, and absence that detail, he sounds like a bad husband/father.
  12. What more context do you need? I'm as entitled you my opinion about his post are you are about your TT crusade.
  13. By bragging on TSW about how many of your kids' and wife's birthdays you blew off, you're making it fair game....no?
  14. Who the H. E. DOUBLEHOCKEYSTICKS are YOU to judge a millennial?!?!?!?! Me, I'm 43. But to answer your first question, I'm a person who is posting on a message board. Much like you, I share my opinions here.
  15. In their defense, would you voluntarily fund a website who's primary focus was to discuss how every decision you made was terrible and your organization stunk?
  16. Unless you are in the armed forces and deployed overseas, you sound like a terrible father and husband. Probably a good employee though.
  17. So, no kids for you either?
  18. Man up, junior. If you can't keep from crying, maybe football isn't a good sport for you to watch. Try soccer, they tie a lot.
  19. Get a grip fellas. I'd think Shady making the right life choices make would be something you'd be happy about.
  20. I would say that missing a VOLUNTARY meeting to attend your child's birthday shows good leadership. It tells me his priorities are in order. And besides, Shady isn't the problem here.
  21. So that's a big NO to the 'kids' question? I like you man, but you are crazy....
  22. No, and they aren't going 11-5 by putting all of their energy into beating the Pats and ignoring the other 14 games on their schedule. That is a Rex Ryan solution.
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