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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. No, and they aren't going 11-5 by putting all of their energy into beating the Pats and ignoring the other 14 games on their schedule. That is a Rex Ryan solution.
  2. Winning 6 divisional games give you only 6 wins. I think you're missing their point instead of vice versa. You put together the defense you think that gets you as close to 16 wins as possible, not the defense that gets you as close as possible to 2 wins over the Cheats.
  3. For realizes or is this sarcasm? Like, your boss says "hey, want to come in for some off hours team bonding instead of celebrating your kid's birthday?"
  4. LOL, god no. But the JETS not knowing means that they maybe focus or invest a little less in the QB position while he's still on the team. Anything to perpetuate the terribleness that is their current QB situation.
  5. As evidenced by their deep playoff run.... Listen, anytime we can get Fitzy to be another teams QB, especially in the division, it's good for the Bills.
  6. Don't underestimate the value that IK's punch provided to the Bills. It literally set the Jets back at QB by a whole season.
  7. You'd think us lower bowlers would at least get something for the money we blow at that place.
  8. Papazoid: Your place got a pool? Russ Brandon: We have a pond in the back. We have a pool and a pond... Pond'd be good for you.
  9. Whoa, wait a minute. That's a train horn? I thought it was the signal Rex used to tell the D to give up a 3rd and long?!?!?!?
  10. Perception is reality right? Come on, Scotty, you're better than this.
  11. I read it as T Pegs wanting to preemptively reduce stress on the mouth-breathing portion of our fan base that goes bat$#^% crazy anytime that they read something that the BN decides to spin into pseudo drama.
  12. I don't think that ANYONE would accuse our bb.com bretheren of not posting any single thought or opinion that pops into their head. I keed, I keed. Kind of.
  13. Seems like a great opportunity to insert any "priest wrestling with an altar boy" joke of your choosing.
  14. Only "a idiot" argues with a crazy person. You win, sir.
  15. This is bananas, guy. The leaps you are taking is like something a crazy person would think when they heard that interview.
  16. I had a similar thought, imo each field official should be working with a booth counterpart. If they miss a huge call the booth can instruct to throw a flag, and if they throw an obviously wrong one the booth can review and overturn almost in real-time
  17. No, we pretty much let Jeff post whatever miserable garbage he wants...
  18. Care to make it interesting? I win if Bills lose less than 10, you win if they lose 10 or more? How about we wager avatars for 2018 offseason,
  19. It's the offseason. Can you save some of your doom and gloom for the regular season? It's St. Patrick's Day, go get yourself a beer if you're this miserable.
  20. I hope we don't overdraft ANY of this year's QBs.
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