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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. 100% agree with the OP. Now where is that straw and gallon of bleach....
  2. I heard that the orphanage burned down that was his pipeline for babies to sacrifice to Lord Satan. Once Sully from Quincy finally comes through with his hospital nursery keycard TB12 will be back in business!
  3. Sweet Jesus man, Barclay has won like 3 games in his whole career and has a 10 TDs and 18 Ints. I am not so sure he is a "backup for years", let alone a "more than adequate starter".
  4. And for the record, Eball was doing the exact opposite of what the OP claims.
  5. No it's not. It's a joke between friends on the bye week. Take a deep breath and relax.
  6. Lol, you shaming your fellow Jamestownians with this witty retort.
  7. Maybe he misses the action and likes a challenge. You don't know until you ask, you know?
  8. You don't know that. It IS where good coaches go to die.
  9. I'd seriously try to lure Romo out of the booth to be our QB coach/OC next year. That guy knows what he is talking about.
  10. Outside of the collarbone made of dried toothpaste, Romo would be perfect.
  11. Maybe the put him in it preemptively.
  12. I personally don't think you judge that trade based on how he did after the trade, you take it for what it was at the time. 1st, 4th, and a 6th wasn't a terrible deal for the Bills, and he was a holdout if I remember correctly. Plus we got Eric Wood with the 1st, right?
  13. looks like he used his shoulder, not helmet, when he hit him in the back.
  14. You think Peters was trades for chump change?
  15. If the alternative is spending prescious hours of my life doing nothing but complaining about my favorite football team whilst never once breathing through my nose, then color me a millennial! Go Beeber!
  16. Better than the hole where most of YOUR air is coming out of! But I digress.
  17. Its like a mouth-breathing competition up in here!
  18. What is weird to me is that it was printed in landscape on only the left side. I mean, why not use all 81/2 by 11 for such a powerful message?
  19. I heard it renders those that it's used against powerless to resist.
  20. Interesting hypothesis, but I don't really agree. By kicking him inside you have a potential to have 2 subpar starters if you draft a LT vs an LG, because none of us know how he'd perform at guard, and you never know if the rook is going to pan out. Plus, you can draft a good LG in a lower round than you can a good LT.
  21. Interestingly enough Amazon's pricing is exactly tracking at Peterman's QBR.
  22. A good guard could have the same effect (boosting LG and LT play) and it won't completely ruin any chance we have or resigning DD.
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