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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. I think he was just trolling Zero because he cant see any other QBs past his Mahomes stiffy.
  2. Try a shot of apple cider vinegar in there for some tang, unless yours is already tangy...
  3. I feel like that gets called on half of our punt returns.
  4. Please, read whatever you'd like, as long as it keeps you away from this message board I consider us all winners.
  5. So I Googled Jeff Bingham. You sure use the word 'intellectual' a lot for a guy who watches Rules of Engagement and reads Dilbert comic strips. This is all pointing towards you being a Pats fan trolling the Bills boards.
  6. That is an intellectual bull you are disagreeing with, sir, best be careful lest he 'horns' you....
  7. Hey, I am drunk and I consider the implication that booze is to blame for the OP very offensive, sir!
  8. Read the OP or contract Explosive Diarrhea?
  9. When he said "fire", I was hoping he meant "out of a cannon".
  10. His spice dealer still lives in Lackawana.
  11. Only once but in my defense I was well overserved. That bartender was WAY out of line.
  12. All great QBs are jerks. Just ask Reno Hightower.
  13. Ugh, Agile
  14. How willl hou even be able to EAT that Turkey leg with 2 belts on? And who wears belts with sweatpants?
  15. You spell realize like a Canadian.
  16. Aren't you arguing with the guy who posited that we won too many games vs the NFC?
  17. Do you honestly think that Matt Barkley is the answer at QB for the Bills to get to the super bowl? After 1 game vs the Jets who have quit already? I don't, personally. I'm ok with grinding it out this year with the rookie, win, lose or draw, in the hopes that he can develop into something that will give us long term success.
  18. Lol, why are they sitting so far apart?
  19. Well, you ARE considered a master of karate. And friendship for everyone, obviously.
  20. But the increase in mullets and missing teeth just aren't worth the trade off.
  21. Not at all. In fact, the end was cutoff due to SDS's draconian character limits. The original read: "If McDermott doesn't start Barkley against Jacksonville he should be Fired out of a plasma cannon directly into the sun"
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